52 / 115
Feb 2021

EXPLOSIONS!!!, MORE EXPLOOOASIIANS!!!! and and, we can't forget about mindless VIOLENCE!!!!!!!

My graphics design professor would literally deduct points if we used comic sans.

So you know I love to see it in web manga.

I love it how all the professional manga-kas use blunt pencils on lined paper so it's f​:heart:cking impossible to read.

Your characters keep on cussing non-stop because... well... BECAUSE!!!!!

Don't be fucking Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion (Boy! Do I hate that character? "My Feewings!!!)

Oh, I got some Great advice for you guys.

  • Make sure your page format is very confusing, so you readers have to stop reading so they can decipher what's going on.

  • Proper bubble formatting is for nerds.

  • Make all of the art character's busts with no hands, interesting angles, or backgrounds.

  • All of your characters have to look the same, the readers totally won't be confused.

  • Tell don't show your readers are stupid so make everything directly told to us.

  • Sexual harassment is funny and romantic especially if it's gay.

  • Never prep your comic, the more unprepared you are the better.

It's simple, really, just make sure to only ever talk about how cool your protag is. How is the audience supposed to figure it out themselves? Your job is to hold their hand through your entire story.

If you're writing BL, make sure it is borderline porn as well. Why else is anyone reading BL?

Oh, especially when they're cliffhangers on the protagonist's possible death, for maximum pointlessness!

Cliffhanger at the beginning of the episode.

"Oh HI!!!!" To Be Continued...

skip the comic and just post worldbuilding and exposition because thats what the people truly want

Just writing "In the beginning " and drawing one stick figure while not explaining anything else XD

We joke, but I'd actually probably read that comic...

  1. Introducing a character in the first issue, and then killing them off in the second issue.
  2. Spending 20 issues on one battle or catastrophe (similar to how the original Dragon Ball Z run portrayed the Cell Games Saga).

  3. When characters act as the Deus Ex Machina for every situation thus giving them limitless power and few, if any vulnerabilities.

Those are what make for some fantastic comics :+1:.

Actually, that could be good if you have a solid supporting cast. A story about the chosen one getting killed and people realizing that they have to make their own fate could be interesting.....

(whistling suspiciously because i did that......as a parody)

Only post one or two pages.

If you do not get a lot of followers based on this, complain on the forums that you are a failure.

If you do get a lot of followers, randomly delete your comic.

Eyyo I love when it's been going on for years and years and just when it got really good the author takes a hiatus that lasts twenty bajillion years because they got bored with the comic

(honestly I can't fault them, alot of people start making comics sometime during their teens and as time passes they start to like different things and will get less invested in working on the comic they started 5 years ago, hope that doesn't happen with me someday :confused: )

14 days later