Literally the one real dream I have is to be filthy rich so I can spend the rest of my days drawing, exploring, buying art, and doing volunteer work.
I would not regret one bit of it, and I doubt it would go away soon as long as I'm not blowing it (I'd keep it in a savings account, and only take out what I need), or get caught up in a scam.
Same as @CMYKat, I'd have a nice job I enjoy (as a product designer, I guess, since that's kind of what I'm studying), have a nice paycheck and I'd be just be able to relax at home with my gf and our dogs, that's the life dudes (also I'd also be happy with myself etc etc but I'll leave the angsty stuff aside lmao)
Also CMYKat I just realised the pun in your name aslfjksagdsgdsfhdfh I feel so dumb but I love it it made me laugh
@Cavechan Oh god, this. Not to get existential but my comic is my driving purpose in life right now, haha. If it became successful, I'm not sure what the next step would be. But this dream alleviates my fear of not at least trying to achieve something in my life
The one where I get to be a moderately sucessful artist and can comfortably pursue hobbies without many job worries, or the one where some external benevolent force comes in with a big hand-shaped stop sign before humanity irreparably destroys the planet for profit?... Probably the former.
Find new goals, really. I don't want to be a billionaire or literally have no challenge in life anymore, I just want to not have as many things to feed my paranoia. There'd be plenty of time left in life to, dunno, finish the comic and try animating, finish an animation and try 3D, try to make a game, try to make a movie, try to write books, then use those skills to help others do that too. It's not impossible right now but I'd much rather do a few things really good than half-ass a lot of skills because I'm afraid of not having a plan b or losing house/job.
If all your dreams came true what would you do afterwards?
Probably make new goals. I don't think that's something that ever stops. The only limit is what a person can think/dream up
What if you didn't like it as much as you thought?
I've always kind of lived by a "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst" mindset when it came to anticipating things and in most cases that and having low/neutral expectations has allowed me to not get too overwhelmed by stuff. Even if something wasn't what I'd hoped for I'd still be happy to have gotten to that point and just keep aiming for the next thing.
What if it came and went faster than you expected?
I've always been told that nothing is promised so even if it's short lived I'd cherish it while I have it, it's the most I can do. Trying to make something last longer or me overstaying my welcome wouldn't seem right.
As for my dreams I think I just want to live comfortably. My family and myself able to live without debt, having jobs that we enjoy and find fulfilling whether it's self employed and running a business or working with another company. Having happy and healthy relationships. The ability to do things we've wanted to for years like travel, go to fancy shops, attend concerts or plays, explore nature parks. Just living a good life.
I don't think I've ever had really lofty dreams and I guess when I look as the world I feel like sometimes I can only aim so high but I don't let some things stop me cause the only real limit is me and my thoughts.
I don't think I'm limited to just one dream haha. If one comes true, sure I'd be completely ecstatic, on cloud 9 and everything. But sooner or later it'll pass, and I'd find myself going towards another new goal. If it fails, I'd still find myself going for a new one all the same.
It's a cycle, I guess
It'd be pretty sweet to become a successful screenwriter and director. I'd have my own animation/production studio that embraces pushing the boundaries over profit and really bring my stories to life, as well as give other people a platform to bring their stories to life too. I'd be able to provide for my family.
Ultimately what would happen to me is what most of us that commented on this topic would want: To be able to make stories freely, without limits or worry.
If all my current dreams came, I bet I'd just get some new dreams, sitting in my giant tower, trying to get comfortable on my throne, with my new wings constantly getting in the way... =)
If ALL my dreams came true - well then it is a trick question. Of course there it is apathetic to not want anything, because there is nothing more to want. How can you want anything if you have everything you want?
Mine and my partner's college debts would be paid off, first and foremost. I'd move out of my dinky rental place and into a nice place with like, 5 dogs and 50 million bunny rabbits. My comic would be at the very least, a mild success, paving the way for me to get my name out there in the art world and allowing me to do freelance work fulltime. Staying home all day would be a dream <3
Oh, and I would be healthy again. I'm tired of this weak and dysfunctional body of mine
i think this is why you cant think destination-first. its about process; the goal isnt to win an eisner, its to keep making new comics and explore new territory, to push the medium. you dont push the medium once and then think 'well, im done' - you keep pushing and pushing and pushing! you win 1000 eisners! (or, actually, ignore all prizes because none of them matter)
this is especially important because if you spend all your time working towards a fixed destination, youll A: turn down incredible opportunities that dont fit with that goal and B: get to your destination and realise that you do not want the same things that your younger self wanted
and im saying all this because i just dropped out of a degree course i had wanted to study since i was uhhhhhhh seventeen so i know how that shit feeeeeeeeeels