33 / 41
Dec 2015

I didn't graduate but I plan on going back to college for either Animation, but I work in retail grimacing Retail is nasty.

I have two jobs:
I work in a sort of fulfillment center, were get orders from all over the place. Amazon, Ebay, and a few other selling sites. I then confirm, send and ship those orders.

The other is selling my own inventory off of Amazon.

Although I wish the time I spent on art every night was a job too. Maybe at point. I'll give it another year or so.

Right? The hours at night we spend on comicing are my favorite hours of the day. It'd be amazing to live that life 24/7.

Lets see here:

I run 3 1/2 startups, and do art and jewelry on the side. One of the startups is NO-Earth comics, one is a consulting business, and one is a service company. The half is still underwraps but ties into one of the existing businesses. In other words, I roll out of bed in the morning, start working, and stop only to go to bed in the evening.

(Busy Bird!)

It's that thing I used to do when I was tired. Now I just drop into a coma.

(And dream of work)

I'ma (recently promoted!) assistant manager at a local game store! We specialize in retro stuff like all the way back to Atari and such,. It's a pretty fun job, I love my co-workers and the discount is pretty darn sweet too ; P
but gosh dang as everyone has said, retail SUCKS. :T

I'm in the animation industry. Currently doing development stuff. smile

I work at a big-name retail store, making minimum wage with a (business-related) college degree. Comics don't pay bills, but they bring back my soul whenever retail tries to steal it from me.

a motion graphics designers. i scream at pixels and move them at my whim in after effects, and sometimes screaming about 3d in cinema4d. then i go home and scream at pixels in photoshop for fun. take care of your eyeballs, everyone.

I'm basically a part time supervisor in retail. it sucks and once the new year comes I'm gonna start looking for something else (probably in retail with my luck but I honestly just want to get out) I wish I could make a living off my comics but I'm not holding my breath on that one.

I currently work in graveyard shift as a dorm staff at a therapy program for deaf kids with mental illness and/or traumas. This is my last week and I'll be transferring to day shift as teacher assistant at a deaf school. Whooo no more staying up all night like a vampire! And occasionally, I do commissions on side.

And a big hats off to all of you who work in retails. <3

I work for an animation studio, as a cg assistant. Aka, I do random crap in Maya, hahaha

I work at a school for disabled children at the moment. It's a lot of fun

I work in hospitality, and I'm actually going back to a local community college to take some art classes. Spent awhile messing around with degrees, like programming and film, but you know.

I'm a freelance illustrator and a web designer & SEO director for a living. In short, I work from home. :]

I used to work in a TV Station making promotional material for the website......it was awful when my bit was mostly running gossip columns and clickbait and....mmmmmgh. I quit. Then I worked in Kaplan (orientating students in taking the GRE, MCAT, LSAT, all that jazz) for a bit, until I quit too due to depression and anxiety, oops. :I

Now I'm kind of freelance (sometimes I make illustrations for a Japanese language website) but I also sell baked goods in the university and I'm surprised how much it helps on the side, but I'm looking for a part time as well. --,--