17 / 31
Jul 2021

That's so awesome, but I can understand why you are nervous about it. Netflix has seem very interested in webcomics and comics funded on Kickstarter here lately.

I would recommend doing more than just sending your link of your comic here on tapas. I would suggest creating a presentation using PowerPoint, Apple's Keynote, or hiring a professional on Fiverr to create on for you. That way you can really pitch your comic to the producer and show them how great your comic is for Netflix. If you are working on storyboards for a new chapter/story arc, make sure to include that as well. It will show them what your future plan is for the comics.

But anyway, good luck with it. Please let us know how it went.

I agree with @LouisMihael, if you are sending material to a Netflix producer, you should put together a pitch packet so you have something professional to present to them.

I suggest checking out this post on putting together a pitch packet: https://forums.tapas.io/t/a-guide-to-assembling-a-pitch-packet/60092?u=ninjashira It's mostly geared towards putting together a pitch for comics, but a lot of the information will be applicable for a novel pitch as well.

Best of luck! This is very exciting!

Woah congrats! And the best of luck! I'm rooting for you! Even if nothing ends up happening, it's gonna be an exciting new experience


23 days later

So my meeting with the PRODUCER of (said media company I'm not really allowed to disclose but are in VANCOUVER), is booked for Monday August 23rd.

I am nervous, having second thoughts and am scared shitless.

I thought they were looking at my book but in actual fact, their focus is my ART. They are looking at its style and need it for some future project. BUT I am allowed to PITCH my book. I have been given a freakin 2 hour slot with the owner of the production company to talk about what I do. What I am aiming for and my ideas.

This job offer could change my life. It is totally what I wanted. But at the same time, is it what I wanted?

I otherwise would not have gotten this offer had it not been for a friend who works with this company and is on a TV show currently on Netflix and Amazon.

I honestly don't feel I deserve this chance at all.

Oh come on! They chose you, they chose to listen to you and they choose the stuff you do! So of course you deserve it :smile_01: it's not like you gave them a huge bribe for this or anything, even if your friend recommended it, it doesn't mean they are on board with doing everything other people recommend. It's an amazing opportunity and you can do it! :blep:
Maybe one day you'll become a person who just like that would recommend someone else to them :grinning:

Please let us know how far this goes! Congrats on such an amazing opportunity

I forgot I wanted to reply to this thread when I first saw it but was really frazzled with work at the time!

First, congrats! It's always really really exciting when folks who aren't already in the entertainment business circle get something across! And that's really all it takes sometimes is a friend who passes something along!

Second, I'm actually in a similar situation as you right now with one of my comics and have been in this weird limbo for the past, like, 2 years? So I just wanna say don't feel discouraged by how long anything takes. It takes even very well known and established actual entertainment biz people YEARS to get approval on projects. The important thing here is that YOU are now someone THEY know. Your name and your work is in their heads now and that might not mean anything immediately but it can pop up somewhere down the line when you least expect it and that's HUGE!!! HUGE!!!!!!!! Even if you end up in the same limbo as me or nothing ends up coming out of it that's better than what most people can hope for and its still a potential opportunity in the future.

Third, as a person who used always feels like they don't deserve any chances; that is NOT up for you to decide. You are worth taking a chance on because you have people willing to take a chance on it and that is the only parameter that matters. In situations like this, you don't get to decide whether you deserve it or not because people have decided that you do deserve it. Clearly, you have something that you may not see but they do!

You were already going in that direction, seeing that the producer liked it enough to give you the chance to pitch your work. The recommendation from your friend was just a catalyst. So it's not that you don't deserve it, more that you were given an opportunity and your actual talent did the rest of the work. (sorry, I'm bad at saying smart things)

Maybe soon we'll see your name in lights :cyclone:

You worked hard on your writings and your art, so you totally deserve it.
Good luck! :smile: