People seem to really into my characters and their dynamics, which is excellent since I'm writing a character-driven novel. I've gotten compliments on how my dialogue seems natural and that each of the characters has a distinct and recognizable voice. People also seem to like my fight/action scenes, descriptions, and random dramatic lines I scatter in the work.
My favorite thing to write has become the scenes where the entire cast, or at least a chunk of them, is interacting. The back and forth banter is wild, but unfortunately I tend to make a witty joke in there and I have to stop and laugh at myself for a little bit every time. I also really like writing the scenes where I can slow down and dive deep into detailed (and dramatic) moments with my romance characters.
Most of my readership have been silent readers, so I'm not really sure what they've liked. A few people have told me that while my series isn't perfect (nothing ever is) it reads like a published novel. They can just sit down and enjoy the story without being weighed down with tons of problems like spelling/grammar errors, dull characters, etc.
Interesting thread!
I'm only on page 10 of my comic called Open Flame so far. But people who have read it have told me the best part is when the protagonist's room mate tells him to grow up and that he can't wake him up for class all the time. That and the most comments I got I think are from when the protagonist walks into the class room and the professor embarrasses him in front of all his colleagues shaming him for not having his paper. People just tell me they can relate.
My favorite part to write so far is the very first page of the story, when the protagonist is enjoying his shower and is blissfully humming with no care in the world.
Thanks for this thread it was fun to write my comment
Basically everyone here for the giant robots or to see where my constantly spinning wheel of style that is chapter 5 will land next.
Louis is weirdly (in a good way) popular too. Like, I knew he was gonna be one of the main characters and so should be up there by way of getting more screen time and development, but I was really pleasantly surprised by how well received he is given his early job description is basically know stuff he shouldn't, say that stuff when he definitely shouldn't, and look pretty. It's makes me so happy that he's so well liked given how little of him we've actually seen so far and I just hope this holds as we get into his actual character arc. And I love writing him because he's an awful shameless brat who knows far too much confidential stuff but only deems to give it out when most dramatic and unhelpful.
(Oh and the obligatory shower scene every few chapters)
@CrystallikeICE You're welcome. I like seeing people talk positively about their stories, hoping remembering why they wrote it in the first place and remembering the things that are great about it.
@HGohwell shameless melodrama is always a mood
I've really liked writing "Cirque de Halliwell". Since I'm using an episodic format for my series, I can stick with the "highlights" of their adventures. Like three of characters are what I call "insta-siblings", they have inside jokes, they fight, they tease, they're fiercely protective of each other. Instead of describing in detail how their friendship developed over the course of the novel and develop their relationship, I can just establish that "boom" these three are friends. I can use their dialogue and behavior to "show" their established friendship.
Part 3 has also been fun because I can really start to flesh out the characters. I'm starting to explore more of Jamie and Cole's shared history and give the other characters' subplots of their very own.
I can't wait to get to it! More into your series @cherrystark and to start yours @MorganaMevil
I'm a character development person. Nearly all the feedback that matters to me is about my character arcs and particular characters and interactions that people enjoy. That's really what makes me happy re: feedback, because that's pretty much the main thing that I'm trying to achieve. Plot is great and super important; setting can enrich things in all kinds of amazing ways; but character is what really matters to me and what I feel I'm best at.
Colors and characters. Many people tell me they like colors of my comic, as they are very bright and vibrant and nice to look at. I guess they also like my characters, the brothers and my bat design, lol. I'm also sure I trolled many people when it comes to bat, but they seem to like it, lol.
We are only starting so I'm sure there will more feedback on plot and character arcs, but for now I'm happy with the feedback.
I think what people like about my comic are the artwork and the stories. The artwork is really cartoon-y with pastels so it looks innocent and fun (at least that's what some of my readers tell me). Each episode/chapter is somewhat about a relatable slice of life scenario based on my experiences and I think readers resonated with them. It's also kinda a gag comic with dry humor so I think the readers enjoy the comic's sense of humor.
you won't!! don't worry about that! (also me quietly enjoying someone else saying something's gucci)
thank you so much though
@uselessgoddess it's definitely preferable for me if someone has to tone it back a little than having no grounding at all. Webnovel readers may like fast-paced, minimalistic stories but I write for myself and my writing style is a) always going to be angled toward the style of traditional novels, and b) exactly what I want to read and nothing more. It's working okay so far!
Thinking about it, I'm not sure...
The chapters with the love interests interacting with each other are the most popular, but... they butt heads every time they meet at the moment. I also have a habit of writing conflicts. And by conflicts, I meant when the characters throw chairs at each other across the room. They also like it when I break the fourth wall. It's fun XD
The two nice comments I receive the most is that my protagonist’s voice in the Trapped by the Mafia is cool and she’s funny & that the plot seems interesting.
What I like writing about is the adventure. This is my second take on contemporary romance, and going with mafia really helped to keep it lively. It lets me use my beloved Rule of Cool, because I think that the best stories in action/adventure/thriller category need the Rule of Cool to rock.
I also enjoy the openly sensual nature of the romance.
lol, don’t judge.
I didn't finished to write my (biggest) webcomic yet, but I've received a lot of lovely DM's from my short story telling me that they loved my characters because they're pure and cute, and they liked my fantasy themes and my vintage style. That makes me so happy! But I still see so many defects in my work that to me it's hard to know if all that it's true, I mean, I'm not a conformist I always want to give more to my readers and I ended feeling void, hahaha.
Okay too much self-talking
They like the lore, mostly. I wish characters were a praise point as well, but I'm not developed enough as a writer for that. Oh, there is a character that was praised, so much that they wished that character was the main character instead. It's a child character. Guess I'm good at writing children?
I come here just to say that: no matter how many subs you get or like you earn per day, just keep do your best, try hard and keep up motivation. I read many novels in tapas i could say, some novels just get few subs and likes, but I love it like crazy that i am desperate for its update every day. But one day, the author dropped their novel because of lack pf motivation, they get too little likes or views. But I mean, there are still some passionate readers outthere, i am as example, and I am really sad when the author confirmed that on their twitter.
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