81 / 331
Dec 2019

Your art style is polished, and I think your text is fun and fits well with your art.

For me, the biggest issue is the English. It feels like you might have learned it as a second language, and there are often clunky wording and dropped articles. Even your description is kind of difficult to read.

All the regular things that happen in (should be "to" instead of "in") an unually (should be "unusually") optimistic, sarcastic, yet cynical girl (would be better as "sarcastic and optimistic, yet cynical girl"). Told you she was irregular!

Not much you can do about that except read more English content, though.

Your first two comics are also not the the most unique- I feel like I have read those comics before many times by other people. I liked your third comic, though! I don't think I've heard anyone make that analogy before. It was really interesting.

Thanks for the criticism. I totally see how the world building is confusing, so I'll go back and make things a lot clearer. Also, the line width advice is really helpful!

Thank you, too! I've been working on making the presentation of my text better, and I'll try to be more thoughtful in how I use thatching.

donno how to put it without making i sound like an argument, ok so addressing your review. not your taste? very understandable, this is a really good reason

the pallette, ok this.... I am actually emulating that the main character and his Brother don't entirely have a lot of money. the mishmash of everything shows that either they have gotten the stuff used for a very cheap price, free or just given to them.

the other comment about being unsure that i am still doing it in colour has shown me you didnt make it halfway into chapter 1. originally, chapter 1 was fully black and white, after deciding to switch to colour part way in chapter 2, i started to go back and colour in the older pages, this process is not as important as the continuation of the story so pages get uploaded at random.


Yeah this is something I've always regretted, I really should have made his character design more gruff I can't go back and fix it so I'm just trying to work with it moving forward. Thank you so much for the feedback!

As for your comic I really don't have a lot to say mainly because I think it's a pretty interesting comic, I do think that the start can be a bit confusing but also because of that you manage to hook readers, I read quite a bit. One thing to keep in mind though is the inconsistency in art style, sometimes it works in intense scenes to have more loose lines but other times the inconsistency can be a bit distracting, like one panel has lineart, the next is kinda lineless, in "Strange intentions" the borders are this brown texture for no reason? I think it's fine to be flexible with your style, like drawing certain important scenes with more effort, fast scenes with looser lines and emotional scenes with softer liners/lineless but try to be consistent in the scene itself.
Otherwise I think your story is pretty good so far and while it's not really the type of genre i like I might go back to read it when I can.

I guess that makes sense when it comes to the mismatched patterns.
My opinion/critique still stands on the colour palette though, I just gave their room as an example (I even said the blonde brothers room works fine). Either way it's just my opinion on why I won't read your comic, you don't have to agree with it really that's fine.

I'm just gonna go up the thread by several posts and do a handful! I hope it helps.

@denaliah The art and concept are really cool, but the dialogue and characterization are... odd. I think you got a little too repetitive with the whole hero complex of the protag, he just comes off like an entitled whelp to me now XD; There was a point where I was like, "Wait, is he supposed to be a villain?" with how he was talking about making his new wings. I don't know if that was your intention. I also feel like I was missing a lot of basic world information to properly contextualize what I was reading, but your mileage may vary.

@Lucius I found myself really confused in the opening pages. I got to about page 15? There's not enough detail to establish much of anything about the setting, so I defaulted to it being a modern day thing with humans, but then suddenly there are fairies? And the scene change was really abrupt. It involved the same character (I assume the protag), but we had no reason to think they had moved locations. Or maybe it was a flashback? I don't really know ^^; I think if you're going to do a fantasy setting, you're going to need to flesh things out better visually to sell the location or even what's happening. I think working on cutting down the amount of panels with just the character's face would be good, too. You don't need a new panel for every reaction, you can combine it with dialogue or another action.

@PaulDevers This is pretty cool! Usually not my speed for styling, but your linework is really solid and keeps everything clear. My only real complaint is that I felt like it was a reeeeaaaally long walk to get to what was up with Jade. I was starting to run low on patience by the end! Good reveal though. :ok_hand: I would maybe just work on pacing a bit, because by page 22 I feel like I should know what's up, where they're trying to get to, and and what will happen if they don't. You may be losing some readers along the way with making them wait.

@OttoGruenwald Really cool effect work for a grayscale comic--I love how you were able to visualize some of the more abstract stuff. I really like high concept stuff like this, but honestly the biggest turn off for me is the lack of variety in characters. I got through issue 0 not seeing one woman or person of color, which is a huge missed opportunity in a cosmic landscape like this imo. Like for all the cool concepts you've got going, having everything humanoid designed in the image of a white dude is just super bland to me. It would be enough to make me stop reading unfortunately.

@sneha Really cute art, but I personally don't feel like your strips have enough substance to hook me. I think you're picking the "low hanging fruit" of what's relatable without working on making it more engaging. Definitely work on digging a little deeper into your concepts and make it either more personal or go for humor.

@sc101 I don't think there's enough here for me to properly comment, but I don't know that I'm comfortable with the flippant nature that the opening scene treats the subject matter. :sweat_smile: I guess it depends how it gets handled later. I think the biggest reason I wouldn't read right now is that nothing's hooked me in the 7 pages you've posted.

Here's my comic :v: I've been doing it a long time so I'm pretty critical of the beginning already, but I'm always more than happy to hear new perspectives!

here's my two cents on some of these recent comics inn this thread. I hope they help! And good luck everyone on continuing your comics!

@Lucius I think your faces and expressions are cool, and some of your panels have cool effects! I especially like page 12 with the no/yes bit. However, I got quite confused reading it. I struggled telling apart some of your characters (especially Aveline and her brother at the end of the chapter), and also generally situating the story. Perhaps it might help to have some establishing shots, or world build visually? The comic DID make more sense on my second read through, although some of the things we should know (eg Vance has minions) aren't established and come a bit out of nowhere? I actually don't mind the hatching style, but I think it works best as on the last panel of pg 28, because its giving depth. Maybe try playing more with block black and white? Good luck going forward!

@PaulDevers Maybe I shouldn't be commenting since I did end up subscribing lol! Really liked your characters' personality and voices, and your art was clear and fun! The main problem was that the pace to the reveal is too slow, I think you could even start it with Jamie pulling into the gas station -- how you write your characters is strong enough to establish their relationship/character in just a few pages! Also, I find that long openings sort of give a sense of epic 'grandiose', like they're setting up the calm before the storm, which (from what I've read so far) I don't think your comic is going for. But, as I said I'm now a reader and I'm looking forward to seeing where the story goes!

@OttoGruenwald Your art is absolutely gorgeous! However, this is probably because the types of stories I like to read aren't sci-fi or the other genres you're playing with, but I'm afraid your start didn't really grab my attention. The exposition goes on for far too long, and I don't have any characters to really care about or apply this all to. Also, when it starts with multi-universe levels of threat, it feels all a bit much, and I'm unsure how the threats/scale will get larger as the story goes on to maintain narrative tension? However, I have a feeling that people who like your genres will have a much better reaction than I did because there's definitely a lot of creativity and skill in the comic (the design for Spectro is awesome!)!!

@sneha Your comics are very cute, and your art is lovely! But I'd maybe consider revisiting the comedic pace of your comics? With the 2nd and 4th episode, the punchline comes with 'step 3' but I think comedic comics often put the punchline in a step 4, since it gives more time to subvert expectations? Also maybe exaggerating some of your experiences can add to the humour? I do adore your art style though!

@revisionstudios What a cool comic! I have nothing bad to say about your art, characters or dialogue, they all work really well! My main criticisms stem from my own preferences. I found some of the opening quite... trope-y? Not to say tropes are inherently bad, but your main character fit into the sort of 'smug arrogant mercenary', and the miracle drug, the monster and the quite generic dialogue from the soldiers didn't have anything that stood out to me as something new. I also am not really a fan of starting a story with a fight scene, I find it quite over done and it makes things too dramatic too fast in my opinion? Like I said though, this is probably a personal preference, and I think does work for the story you seem to be telling! I actually did really like chapter 2, the characters personalities were fleshed out and their interaction was really fun! I don't have the time to read it all, but I'm saving it away hopefully to binge it all when I have more time free!

If anyone wants to rip my comic apart here you go.

Openings are always my weakest parts so I'd be curious to get feedback!

@Pyomatic @revisionstudios
I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN :confounded: :tired_face:
I've got a backup log of at least 10-15 pages, and as I've been posting my chapter 1 to Tapas I've been going "oh my god this is soooooooooo slow oh no" but I didn't want to go back and redo it because then I'd lose content? In retrospect, I probably should have because it is too slow! Oh well, I can't change the past. Gonna have to kind of deal with the slow beggining, or maybe one day redo it? Or at least, edit and tweak it? I don't know.
Thank you both so much for the reviews and kind words! It means a lot to get legitimate feedback!

Hey thank you! I absolutely agree about the tropey-ness of the first chapter. Ironically, I am also really not a fan of starting out with a fight scene! But we were new writers and saw the advice everywhere so we were like, "welp, I guess this is how you get people interested right??" :joy: I'm glad chapter 2 was a little better for you, that seems to be the consensus of when people start liking it more. I'd like to think we got better at showing depth, especially in our more recent work 8 chapters in.

Took a look at your comic too, and honestly I'm charmed. I love your visuals and your pacing, I can't wait to see where it's going! You have a lot of nice intrigue going while giving us enough information to satiate us for now, and I know that can be a really hard balance to strike, so I appreciate how you've executed it here. Honestly the only nitpick I have is that some of your bubble tails make my eyes linger on them for too long, and there was a page or two where your bubbles conflicted with the flow of the art on the page. But that's few and far between.

I wish I could give you better feedback on this, but I guess because it hit my tastes pretty well, it's hard for me to say why I would pass on it! I hope you'll get some other feedback too!

Honestly, now that it's all actually UP on Tapas, I think it'll be fine if you don't revisit it or at least wait awhile until you really feel the need to. I think I would've lost interest had you asked us to read it before the reveal happened, but I was able to stick it out because I was interested enough in the story and concept that it kept be going.

I think in the future, if you do decide to shorten it (no need to redo everything of course, keep all the pages you can) maybe try to combine scenes and important dialogue while trimming some of the fat. I know that's kinda vague and still really hard to do, but I think all it needed was to be more efficient. :thumbsup:

Hmm yes, this is a very good idea.
Honestly, I always struggle with this and end up asking for feedback too much.
@Eightfish Here are some of the negative things I noticed in your comic:
1. While I do like the simplistic style of coloring, I feel like your color palette is a little bland, it feels kinda dead
2. It’s kinda hard to read the text. I’m not sure if it’s because of the background or the text itself, but it is definitely not pleasing to the eye to read.
3. While I haven’t gotten past page 10 yet, I feel like the characters sometimes go out of character. I know I haven’t read enough to actually get to know them, but I just feel like the shift in the exchanges was too steep
So that’s about everything I didn’t like in your comic for now.
Though, sorry to say, but I can’t promise that I would continue reading your comics, as it’s not exactly my cup of tea.
@revisionstudios gotta say, your art looks really professional! It looks wonderful! Though, I feel like some of the decisions made by your characters are pretty irrational. Like, the whole fight scene could have been avoided had the mercenary dude been a little sneakier. Though, maybe it is a character trait, because I don’t know him much about him yet since I’ve only read through the first chapter. Aside from that, while I could not have executed it better, your fight scenes don’t seem very energetic, I feel like they could have been a lot more dynamic. Anyways, I love your art and your premise is already very intriguing, so keep up the good work!
Anyways, here’s my comic, if it’s not too much trouble I hope you can give me feedback as well! (And rip it to shreds, too, ‘cause I already know it’s not very good)

P.S.: I’m sorry, but I’m really bad at criticism, let alone constructive criticism, so pardon me if my critique wasn’t good enough

A novel with a picture in each chapter (comic paced story line).

@writercynknapp won't lie, the realistic 3D models are very jarring to me in comic/novel form, and look a bit uncanny. I'm not sure if you're using this approach to be different or if it's just because you personally are a writer rather than an artist, but for my taste they just don't blend well with the format you're going for. also I can tell that your story is primarily a novel with included pictures, but as someone with a very short attention span I'll usually skim through long walls of text, so it just isn't a format that I'd enjoy reading online in general. I mostly prefer webcomics with lots of visuals and not too much text covering the screen. hope I wasn't too harsh by the way.

here, go ahead and rip it to shreds because I already know my comic sucks.

Thanks! I'm curious as to how far you read? I did go into the magic system building more in ep2, I was trying really hard to avoid the typical info dump prologue. For the world building and magic, I was aiming to give the bare bones, leave a mystery, I want to focus on being character driven. But if you have any comments as to what you wished to see more with the magic/world context, let me know. As for the character, he's morally grey, like most of my characters. He's supposed to be someone whose trying to be the perfect hero but has issues of his own that he's not addressing, however he does genuinely feel the need to help people who've been wronged. It's a fiiinne line, viewers are supposed to find him questionable at times, but he also does good things and have moments of lucidity and genuine compassion. If you have any tips on making him more sympathetic without losing his questionable side, don't be afraid to let me know!

As for yours, I find the art style execution to be really polished, I like how you pay equal attention to backgrounds. I might not read it because I don't feel an emotional attachment to any of the characters, none of them speak to me, though the MC's kinda interesting. I feel the character expressions and their emotional believability can be pushed, but this isn't a glaring issue.

@Pandastrophic Thanks! I'm glad to hear people who normally don't read this genre like my story, I did try to write it with cross over appeal. I'm curious as to how far you read? Which scenes has the most glaring style inconsistency? Lol you should've seen my old version, it straight up went from full painted scenes to soft lines to hard lines :laughing: I tried to fix a lot of those mistakes, but I missed a few panels clearly.

@Pyomatic You got a unique style or charm and strong start, however this art style simply isn't what I'm used to looking at (but this isn't a deal breaker necessarilly). Also there's a lot of panels crammed into a page in some areas. And I find the equal line weight for everything tiring on the eyes. I like your backgrounds, gives a sense of the world. I stopped reading at the read pages, cause I find it too hard on the eyes. I know red lighting can be used to convey certain strong moods, and in certain movie scenes it can work super well. But what's happening isn't hooking me enough to brace through it. Overall I think it's a good story, but I didn't read it very far cause it's not my cup of tea, I see it can appeal to a niche.

Thanks for the feedback! Can you clarify which fight scene you mean when you say it could've been avoided? I'm assuming you mean when he fought with Garrett (the unicorn boy), but I wanted to be sure.

And yeah, the fight scene energy is a known issue! Definitely working on improving that. I think I did better in the more recent ones, but I still have a long way to go.

For your comic, I think it's really cute and charming. You need to work a little on making the dialogue flow and not be so repetitive, maybe dial back on telling the audience how to feel about a character like Lily. We should be able to see her act naturally and come to our own conclusions rather than being told how she should be perceived all the time, you know?

I would definitely focus on your art more where you can--there are some spots where the expressions don't match the dialogue or the context of the scene, and there was a case where I had to read ahead a couple panels to understand what was happening (like when she used the vines to restrain that guard, I didn't know what I was looking at when the panel zoomed into the ground to show them sprouting. I had to look ahead and then go back like, "Oh, those are vines", so maybe showing them just breaking out of the ground instead of already out would've helped). I think learning some fundamentals of realism would help ground your stylistic work, too. When you learn just from anime or styles that are already very simplified, you end up mimicking them without understanding what makes them work in the first place.

Oh yes, it’s the fight scene with garrett.

Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah, the realism bit has always been my issue, I’ve been looking into proportions and real life references for some time now but I’ve always struggled with stuff like that, hehe.
Oh, yeah, I should probably look into facial expressions more. Thanks for telling me!
Hmm, about the dialogue bit, I can see that it does get repetitive but can you clarify so that I can get a better grasp on how to fix it? If it’s not too much trouble, that is.

I admittedly only read Ch0, but as I've done more of these I've given them more of a chance so I'll go back to yours and read more later today. :thumbsup:

I try to write morally grey characters a lot too, and I think it can definitely be tricky. From the little bit I've read, it felt more like his morality was all over the place, rather than sprouting from his own worldview, if that makes sense? There were a couple points where I got the impression you picked dialogue to make an otherwise okay-guy seem more questionable, like when he was referring to his experiment as a secret weapon, rather than a way to become an angel (it's all in the phrasing I think). And I think because of that, his hero complex ended up coming off more disingenuous than you were intending? I really felt as if he was doing it for all the wrong reasons (most of which using it as a self gratification and validation) with almost zero of the genuine selflessness that a hero is usually attributed with. In all his inner monologue, he was talking about how he deserved to be an angel for doing things for people and focused completely on himself rather than the people he was actually helping... so it was hard for me to have sympathy for his situation. Kinda gave me "nice guy" vibes.

I think I would have been more sympathetic if they had told him he had the chops, groomed him to be one, and then never delivered on their promise and just used him until they didn't need him anymore. That way he doesn't feel like he deserved something grandiose out of just doing the right thing while he was living and the onus is on SEE for breaking their word and emotionally abusing him.

Based on your opening scene to the series, that may have even been close to what you were going for. But because SEE and the specifics of his circumstances weren't established, I had to make my own conclusions based on what information was given to me. We're told that he trained with them for 8 years and did their bidding, but not of why or what they promised him. Was he justified in expecting to become an angel? Or did they never tell him he could and he just thought they would let him be one with enough effort? Why does he want to be an angel so bad anyway? Maybe a short flashback of his time with some of the SEE characters might've helped instead. It could've established the basics of what this organization is like, how they treated him, the expectations they put on him, and the ones he put on himself.

A lot of world building is figuring out what the audience needs to know to understand the world/characters versus what is interesting enough to be left a mystery and discovered over time. This is a really hard lesson I've had to go through myself, because I screwed that up in my story. I made my main character's motivations and past a mystery because I thought it would make him cool and interesting, but instead it just meant nobody was invested in him unless they liked his archetype. They didn't have context for his actions so it didn't matter. My creative partner and I have to do a LOT to try and make up for that lost time, and we're still paying for it 300 pages later.

Okay I'm gonna stop rambling now and read more of it. :sweat_smile:

Here's something that might help with expressions! It was my go-to for a long time. I think your problem right now is that you have a lot of the generi-expressions she talks about.

As for the dialogue, I think it felt repetitive especially with the guard because he kept going "This vixen!" or "This bastard!" or whatever expletive. The more I think on it, I wonder if you're just including too much in dialogue? There's a lot of words that can be trimmed without losing what you're trying to convey.

Let's try this page:

I would rewrite it to be something like...

panel 1
Aku, thinking: ((What a handful...))

Aku: Please allow me to apologize on her behalf!
Guard: Huh?! Why are you apologizing?

Guard: You're not responsible for her actions!

((remove the thought bubble from this panel))
Aku: No, but she's a friend and we're... working on it. (change expression to a nervous smile or something?)
Guard: Why even be friends with someone like that, though...

Aku: ((Who knows. Maybe it's because when I first saw you...))

Aku: ((You seemed so lonely.))
Aku: Shouldn't you return to your post?
Guard: Shoot, you're right!

Everything is shorter and you haven't lost anything! Plus, there's no need to explain how a character is feeling, just what they might say or think in that moment. Try saying the lines out loud when you write them and think to yourself, "Is that something I would say in conversation?"

A little nervous but here is my comic that I made.

Warning this it is slightly over-the-top bloody. Although because it's not too realistic, I don't think it will gross people out.

I will say that I personally don't like scrolling down on a comic like mine. It was meant for page turns. So in my opinion it can be kinda hard to read due to it being one square after another. Also there is a 40 page limit on uploads so I had to cut my chapter into two parts.

Anyway, sorry, I don't want to try to correct everything before anyone seen anything. So here is the link