2 / 12
Oct 2024

I’ll try it out. Subbed! @aiden-connor thank you for posting. My advice would be to post your novel on some other threads as well, you’ll be surprised at how many people would be interested in your work. :wink: The only thing is that they don’t know it exists until you advertise it. Hope this helps, don’t give up!

i think you should add some tags to the novel for more audience.

Lol it's been up only a month. Don't worry, building a fanbase takes time. Wishing you the best

Bro take some time in uploading new episodes and give eaxh episode time to grow...and promote it as views are not increased naturally in the starting till you have a base of fixed audience

150 episodes in less than a month is quite unsustainable on Tapas - growth is slow and occurs often alongside your novel!

Echoing others to say slow down your posting schedule a bit. It's been only a month. Try promoting each episode as you release it; maybe only posting a new one a couple of times a week. It's great that you have a huge backlog of content; that will make it easier to stick to a schedule.

Also, as someone who has a huge novel with 100+ chapters on Tapas, I've found that people can be intimidated by huge chapter/word counts like that. I thought at first that having a big backlog of content for people to read would be a good thing, and for some readers, it might be. But other people want to be able to start reading and catch up quickly. Immediately having hundreds of chapters available might feel overwhelming to new readers who just want to see what the story is about. Starting a big, long novel feels like an onerous commitment to a lot of people.

You'll also have to find ways to promote it. Very few people are going to find it organically browsing Tapas (sadly).

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Yeah, I think it's called The Wandering Inn, this webnovel that has millions of words and counting, and a hugely devoted fanbase? I wish I knew what worked for them! How you find those readers that just want a story to keep going forever. Maybe it's something about the story being more episodic? But soap operas are also never-ending stories with devoted fans, and though they have literal episodes, they're really not episodic in that storylines go on forever with no resolution.

But anyway, I think most people are probably more like you and honestly like me a lot of the time when I'm considering adopting a new series. Ironically, we're the ones saying "here for a good time, not for a long time," to the 200-chapter series :pensive:

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