373 / 373
May 2022

Awesome.. I hv been praying for somthing like this
Pls i would be extremely greatful if u could review this...

Read combula crystelice.

In a world where magic and enchanted beings are common place, legend tells of the victory of The Night's Champion over the Dragon god, Fafnir thus bringing the tyrannical reign of the dragons....

Click the link below to read more


17 days later

Hey everyone!

I've got some exciting news: I'm going to be creating another Tips and Tricks! YAAAAAAAY!

What does this mean exactly? Well, first, take a look at my previous one here: https://wintrekittyreviews.wordpress.com/more-please/top-tips-and-tricks/7

Second, I'm going to be essentially "interviewing" various webcomic creators around Tapastic and other communities. The idea is that we can collaborate to create a post dedicated to how you can continue to thrive and improve in your work.

This is where, you, the comic community, come in. I want you lovelies to help me find the creators you would most want to hear advice from. Who do you admire? Who is your senpai? Who is that one creator that you look up to, and is a huge inspiration to you as a reader or an artist?

Leave a comment below saying who you would like me to interview (you can list as many as you want!), and I'll do my best to reach out to them!

Please share this around so we can collect as many responses as possible! If you decide to post this on your twitter, tumblr, or even tapastic profile, please let me know so that I can track the responses!


21 days later

@Mythos and @antimekii I'll add you both to the waiting list! smile

Just a reminder that reviews are currently not being updated very frequently at all, as I am busy with other life events at the moment. I'll get back into the routine with them mid-December.

Oops forgot to recap for October! Unfortunately, there was only one review again for that month... sigh

However, I did just post a new one3 for November! YAY!

AND, I have officially started taking questions for the Tips and Tricks 2.0! This tips and tricks will focus on storytelling. If you have any questions that you want addressed in regards to how to improve your storytelling abilities, please fill out the form found on my blog, here.*

Your questions will be answered by your senpais in the webcomic community. I'll be contacting as many creators as possible to get a variety of answers and helpful responses for everyone! Who knows? Maybe you will be oen of the people giving advice to your fellow creators!

Stay tuned, I'll be updating this slowly in the next few months! smile

*your answer can be anonymous if you'd like, and I will be the only one to see them as they go directly to my email.

If you prefer, you can also post your questions about storytelling here (or DM me)!

4 months later

I know I haven't been very active here, but I just want to make a quick update:

I am no longer accepting review requests. The waiting list is now closed. I will, however, still be working on the reviews that are currently listed.

If you are looking for a review, please consider requesting a review from one of these talented critics:

5 years later

closed May 27, '22