
Emmy Pax

Vancouver Island, BC, Canada tapas.io/series/Neptune-Bay/info

MFA in Creative Writing, now illustrating comics too!

Read NEPTUNE BAY, the story of Meg, a girl who tries to get over a bad break-up by escaping the big city and renting a farm, just like the characters in her favorite farming sim games! A traditional media/watercolor webcomic for fans of Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley.

@EmmyPax Hmm, I'm gonna say it's inspired by farming/dating simulators like Stardew Valley or Harvest Moon? I love the artstyle btw it's beautiful. Here is mine. I'm curious to see what everyone else thinks the inspiration is!

Hello everyone! My webcomic roulette (a site that sends visitors to random webcomics) is doing rather well, so I decided to create a similar randomizer for webfiction. Feel free to add links to your comics there -> Random webcomic and links to your novels there -> Random webfiction May the g…

I change the clothes because it makes sense, but try to keep the overall silhouette, color palette and general items that characters won't change frequently like shoes or bags :slight_smile: [image]

Sometimes I regret writing things that I now realise are so insanely difficult to draw.

I feel this so much it hurts. I'm considering taking up prose in the hope that bereft of illustration I can make more headway as a writer.

Check out this list of resorces for webcomic promotion, folks: http://randomwebcomic.com/webcomic_promotion.html It covers social media and other useful stuff.

It's okay to not be fully serious on your first comic. If you are testing the waters with it to see how it goes and choose whether to continue it or drop it is fine; plus you can be serious about it later if you do continue it. Art quality does not fully dictate your comic's success. ONE, the crea…

Okay. My hot take is It's okay to not have a plan. It's okay to jump in with no experience. It's okay to start a big project first without any prior comics under your belt. I don't like hearing "Make a small comic first or else you'll never make it and you'll burn out." Dagnabbit, all I want to …

Do you have a laser printer or inkjet? That might do the difference. Mine manages to do really nice and dark blacks, so I guess I got lucjy with mine :'D

I got around that problem, by scanning my pages in and printing them out again. My laserjet-ink seems to be very marker-proof. But I haven't found markerproofe ink neighter so far. exept for the pens, copic and some others sell. But personally I don't really like to work with them.

I just reviewed @Lucca_Vendramel Series on YouTube check it out here! STEVEN UNIVERSE Inspired WEBCOMIC? | MaddIndies Web Comic Review

@EmmyPax - Ha! So watercolor is one of those love or hate things, eh? Alas, I like the look but I think I am far too detail-oriented to make it work for me. I'm glad it works so nicely for you - it's clear you love it from your work! Ah, I've heard good things about W&N supplies in general. That's…

@EmmyPax - Ooh, watercolor! I really admire artists who use watercolor in comics, so cheers! (I have never figured it out and always wind up getting frustrated with it, haha.) Wow, what a process you've got there - but it's clear you've got a method that really works. Your setup of pre-drawing scro…

Hi there! What is your medium of choice? I’m using basic material, it’s part of the concept (efficiency=ambitious output / basic input) I’m working on, so ball pen, ink gel, ink brush, markers, Chinese ink, I even had episode using coffee powder or cigarette butt. Usually on white A4 printing pap…

1. What is your medium of choice? Color pencils on 9x12 bristol paper. 2. From thumbnails to final edits, describe your typical process for creating a page. How long does a page take from start to finish? Alright! - First I do the thumbnail on whatever scrap paper I have lying around, usually dood…

Hey there, traditional artists - I thought it would be fun to do a TA community meet-and-greet with some icebreaker questions. So, let's chat! What is your medium of choice? From thumbnails to final edits, describe your typical process for creating a page. How long does a page take from start…

Hi, everybody! I'm logging off for a bit, but will be back later to answer any new or missed questions. Thank you so much for your responses so far! :grin:

Bullet points are fine—I understand the struggle of chopping down a synopsis! And yes, if should definitely be more of a synopsis, so we know where the story's headed. Thanks! :blush: Happy to do it, especially if it means getting to read some excellent new novels!

I love a well done love triangle. They get a really bad name because of all the badly done overly dramatic ones. But a really good well written love web (because love is messy irl come on especially for teenagers) can be amazing.

I draw my comic with marker and some backgrounds with watercolors (although I combine them digitally). I feel like I'm much faster, drawing it with markers. My colors are very fibrant but I'm still learning, which colors fit best and so far I'm not that happy with them. I feel like, when everything …

Hello Tapas Talent, I just uploaded the first episodes of my new graphic novel 'Doomu' (link below) which is entirely hand painted, so I thought I'd try a thread about that and connect over hand painted comics. I love all the amazing techniques and digital art on show here, some incredible effec…

This is fantastic!!! Thank you, I will write these down and hit them all - I'm not the writer for the comic I illustrate but I think it's important to be informed about the writing aspect even if you're not the one responsible for it. And I'm glad you recommended some videos too so I can mix it up :grin:. …

Framed Ink has some excellent stuff for visual storytelling, one of my faves. :slight_smile:

[image] A selection of Riza faces, mostly from the visual novel reboot of the series but with one bonus from the original comic because I don't think I'll ever top it. 🤪

Well this was actually fun to do, I kinda liked going back into my comic and isolating expressions. [image]

This is such a fun idea. :smiley: My MC is a grumpy little thing, so not sure I could fill a whole chart with variations of :rolling_eyes: Today I'm feeling the FFS face though. :laughing: This is as close as I could find to that. Lol [image]

this is a fun idea!!!!!!!!!! drawing expressions is my favorite thing. Here are some selected expressions of Aaron, one of the MC from my comic. He Has The Range [image]

The not-so-dangerous villains are my favorite. The Team Rockets, Jack Spicer’s, and Dr. Doofenshmirtz’ etc.

[image] So my character Bear is based on a lady I saw in passing once. I vividly remember seeing her across a restaurant; bright blue shirt and purple leggings, hair up in big puffs and a sparkly hair clips. She was so bubbly and beautiful that she ended up being the sole inspiration for my charact…

There were these really nice comments on a topic I posted a couple days ago when I asked people to review my novel and tell me what I could do better, instead a lot of people told me that I was doing well and it motivated me to begin the next season of my story. [image]