33 / 55
May 2017

I truly never thought about the names issue. I write and compose the comic as it was meant to print (because I do print it), so I make sure I name them often enough throught one episode, but still. Reading online is weird.

I often feel useless when commenting. I don't have anything particular, or witty, or interesting to say, so I just like my stuff and that's it. I felt the same towards forums. Now that I'm a creator and I'm trying to build an audience or at least some light relationship with readers and other creators I'm learning to comment more often - even if the comment is still very short ._. I guess I'm too introverted, but I can improve

Like a lot of you have said, my main reason for commenting is not knowing what to say. I get shy and worry that I'll say something weird, but I try to force myself to think of something to say if I genuinely like the comic, because I want the artist to know that and I'd want someone else to do the same for my comic. Even if a comic already has a ton of comments, it can't hurt to leave one more to let the creator know that another person enjoys their work!

As a creator though, I can say that comments generally aren't annoying, and you shouldn't worry about saying something someone else has already said. If two people say they like something about a page, that makes me twice as happy! Same if the same commenter says they like multiple pages. As a creator, it's so easy to forget that there are people reading your comic who don't leave comments, so even just a "nice!" or even an emoji can be a nice reminder that someone is enjoying your work.

For me a like is more than enough, also I am lazy. In my case I like it when people just like a page because I feel that they took the time to check out my comic :slight_smile:.
I only comment when is something that really caught my attention.

Sometimes I dont comment because english is not my first language and Im a little lazy to look for the exact words in english, or the correct way of saying what I want to say...
my reasons is that im lazy XD
sorry dear writers unu

yes I feel the same haha

Haha, I get that too! Usually I just say polietly that "x" is typically a boy/girl name, or a correction with, "no worries, it doesn't impact the story either way." :slight_smile:

A lot of the time I think about telling jokes in the comments section but most of them--all of them are bad jokes which heavily rely on tone. It is nearly impossible to convey tone through a simple piece of text so I just write nothing and laugh at the joke in my head. HA HA AH HA HA AA AAHAHHHA...aaa.aaaa....ha...ha.

If you want to comment , do it , if you don't ,don't, i think it's that simple .What i realy appreciate in cooments is when the reader shows his love to the spesific story and that may give a boost to the creator when he is down , a little push to keep going when you feel down , as a creator myself i have experienced that. Tapa's community is awesome!

i wrote a comments if i have something to say. and it's quite rare.
most of the comments re "ehy what a stunning sequance" or "i rotfled so much, lol"
nothing else.
oh yeha: i avoid to write if there re already 9849198 comments that say what i think already.

in this era where everything must be "soscial" where if u havent any comments... "u sux"....... it become "a must" get them as many as possibile. like pokemons. look like there re creators needy of comments, who spend most of the time worrying about comments than thinking about what they create.
a community's ethical fail -_-"

not having anything to say is the reason for commenting
there are a few occasion when I read something and something immediately pops in my head to wanna say something about it
but if not, that means the chapter is just doesnt encourage me to say anything about it
or the reaction I got was just a giggle and doesnt leave me a huge impression that I want to comment on it

the 'like' button makes it easy for people and sometimes it makes them think that it is enough

Yeah, this sometimes mystifies me a bit too. People will subscribe but not comment, even when I ask specific questions like: what kind of monsters would you like to see? But as they're subscribing I'm presuming they like the content? Answers on a postcard please...

  1. I look stupid when I talk =)

  2. I got nothing constructive to say because I can't think of a comment better that 'i like this' 'cool'

  3. I am so into the story I completely forget.

I'm a lazy but. o n o;

Mostly I don't know what to say. I try to comment when I can, I want to do it more.

I usually don't leave comments because I am really really shy. Plus I am not good at small talk.

@dannyrichardwriter Personally, when creators ask specific questions like that, sometimes I just don't know how to answer. I think that's the main reason people will subscribe because they enjoy the content, but they won't necessarily answer your questions or even see your questions sometimes.

I tend to leave one liners or maybe some short speculation, but a majority of the time I don't comment simply because I have nothing to say or there's 500 comments already.
I do like commenting on smaller comics more often, but even then... I don't like leaving the typical, 'wow so good.' on every page (unless it's a very interesting arc going on).

I find its Tapas format that keeps me from commenting.

With a single to 3 page uplaod a week style, there isn't much to say about the pages on there own, unless one in particular stands out. I'd feel more comfortable with commenting like at the end of a chapter after I've had the chance to go through a full plot of a chapter and take everything in. I think I'd perfer for people to comment once a chapter has gone through, and tell me their thoughts on a chapter to chapter basis, or cover page to cover page.

I watch a good couple of manga reviews, its chapter by chapter, which I'd feel more comfortable commenting about. If I just want to overall comment that "I like your art style" or liking the comic in a general way, I'd be more likely to comment on the feed than the pages.

@animesock52 Honestly, good point. It's hard to find something to say for one page, but it'd be a lot easier to comment on a whole chapter.

I comment if I'm relatively early to the party. If there's like 30+ I don't usually bother unless I know the artist or know they like to interact with me. Otherwise, it's like I'm just trying to shout "good job" or "Lelwut" in a crowd of people doing the same thing, fruitlessly.