

ການາດາ tapastic.com/kurapikasuki

I write and do the draw thing.

I am honest, blunt and have little tolerance for BS, but I am a pretty friendly person that still likes to joke around regardless of that.

I am not as good at typing English as I am speaking English, so if you see a post of mine that has been edited about 5+ times that is because I read it over and saw I made mistakes that needed to be fixed after posting it.

I can't provide resources to help comic artists who use AI. If somebody is using AI to make a novel cover, it's usually because they're not trained or experienced in art, but need one decent image and probably aren't interested in learning the entirety of making visual art to do so. Obviously, som…

Tokoyami... Is that you? Are your the aforementioned child?

Cancel culture. It sickens me how especially non-black people have twisted that shit around to something it's entirely not.

"Decimated" - It doesn't mean "almost completely destroyed" it means 10% destroyed. The clue is in the freaking name! "Speed Paint" - For some reason people have started using this to mean "something I spent ages on making a fully detailed piece at a normal speed and then put the footage of it on …

The three main things to avoid would be: There's only one trans person in the story and it's the villain. Even if it's not the statement you're trying to make, the outcome will inevitably be the contrast of the bad trans person and the good and noble cishets fighting them. We know logically that …

I mean, if you wanted to stretch, it's potentially because Overlord but genderswapped and then otomed. And if you want to get really deep, it's worth noting the games these isekai-ed girls end up are often more likely to be based on otomes/dating sims the jrpgs/mmorpgs, and as we know when it comes …

LOL! Sorry, that's funny XD. But it's forgivable bc they're only being a vigilant fan looking out for you, lol. Did they realise that it was you in the end, though? If they continued to harass you after the fact, then I can see where that can be annoying and problematic.

I'm Cis, Male, Hetero and not even through half of my 20's, so I guess I can "fit well" for the public you are aiming for. After reading everything so far, and because I think my immature 14's self would have share some similar ideas, I'd like to give some honest advice: I'll play the devil's a…

You know I feel the same way about most of my work, so let me offer you a digital high five in solidarity. "High five"

150% agree. And in regard to Disney and their newer work, I think their aim is more for let's make $$ instead of a good story. Don't get me wrong, they have made some good movies in the last 20 years but a TV show allowing Aladinn and Jasmine to date and have adventures together gave child me a be…

I'm kinda tired of red riding hood adaptations honestly. There's a ton of fairy tales (even by the brothers Grimm still) that haven't been adapted into anything major, so I don't get why people insist upon covering the same ones over and over again.

Probably Romeo and Juliet. I just haven't seen any good retold versions.

not sure how much sense i'm makin (it's hot n i'm drowsy) BUT- greek and norse mythology, it's been done to death and there's other more interesting mythos to explore from other countries and regions dystopias and apocalypse stories, some are interesting but it feels like it's getting kinda old …

You make total sense! I think also with this is which myths from this region you pick. Most of the time, it's either Zeus and his plethora of children or Hades and Persephone. I love the Hades and Persephone story but it's super overdone. The dystopian subgenre started to loose its appeal f…

The "dark" retelling angle kills me. There are too many "dark" retellings of fairtales out there.

The thing for me with the "dark" fairytales is that they seem to throw worldbuilding out the window. They were written/translated hundreds of years ago so we don't know the standards or the cultural attachments. I have a problem when writers write about their characters being abused and stuff like t…

Yeah, but they’re usually dark retellings of the wholesome versions instead of retellings of the originals

No more Alice In Wonderland!!! Luckily I think the era when EVERYTHING was a reinterpretation of Alice is largely over, but it was a childhood favorite which has unfortunately been kind of tainted by all of the awful retellings of it.

too many limbs. not enough space. so I fixed it. maybe look into some dental work for blue boy. [image]

This is my first time writing a BL novel so, I have a ton of insecurities when writing my story. :sob: I know it's not any different from writing a het. romance story, but there's still a lot for me to learn about the LGBTQ+ community and the BL genre in general. Hence, my hesitation when it comes to wri…

This thread has literally made my day! :sob: I was really doubting my plans for my story since a quite a few of my friends were egging me on in adding explicit scenes... Which, frankly, I'm not good at or comfortable with. So, thank you so so much for everyone who told me to write something I want to... …

Hello everyone! Somehow, the year is already halfway over! If you’re interested in what’s up and coming in the world of Tapastry, here is a small update for Summer 2021! What’s been happening at Tapas HQ Short answer - a lot [:hype_01:]! We’re busier than ever. Our team has grown significantl…

Hating a female character, because she "get's in the way" somehow by merely existing is especially grinding my gears, because I used to know such BL fans personally. :no_mouth:

I make what I enjoy, and so should you. First and foremost, I've been doing this a decade (art on the internet in general. Webtoons/tapas specifically is pretty new for me), and I have experienced firsthand over the course of those years how difficult it is to truly internalize the 'numbers don't ma…

This especially! Like why's it gotta be dark elves/fae/insert other fantasy race here that are evil or at least not along the good row if we go DnD alignments? I really don't like how it can perpetuate negative stereotypes or at the very least: colorism. The worst is when these shallow structures…

Hahahahaha, I laughed too hard at this. I totally get what you mean about how some people skip the sex scenes because you can't feel any connection. Though I love sex scenes, if I feel nothing for the characters, I just scroll past it. I suppose I prefer the foreplay more so then the act of doing…

My time to shine. Ahem. Shadow The Hedgehog [image] I love this game. From the hyper-edgy attitude, to the gameplay, to the multiple endings. I owned it on 3 separate game systems at one point or another.

As a lesbian, my biggest issue with BL/GL is that most often, it's written by a straight person who fetishizes gay experiences. When I find actual BL written by a gay man or actual GL written by a lesbian, it usually ends up being a good story, but it's a rarity finding it. Women enjoying hot yaoi d…

Yeah, you have to watch for Nazi "whatevers" in any genre. The Nazi apologists at anime cons are definitely something else too. Hetalia brought a lot of them out. I feel like furries were just kicked so hard for so long by the rest of the internet that the whatever restraint the fandom had as a ba…

This is one of those things where only you can really say if you are one or not. there are people who like furry stuff and do not identify as furriers, there are people who have their furrydom as a full on fetish. Its really all you and how you want to identify yourself. I do furry art for p…