ການາດາ tapastic.com/kurapikasuki
I write and do the draw thing.
I am honest, blunt and have little tolerance for BS, but I am a pretty friendly person that still likes to joke around regardless of that.
I am not as good at typing English as I am speaking English, so if you see a post of mine that has been edited about 5+ times that is because I read it over and saw I made mistakes that needed to be fixed after posting it.
Because the topic has been popping up a lot in discords since the ban? So having a thread in the tapas forums just seems like the best way to share the information without having to repeat it or with it getting lost in the chat. Honestly it's been pretty helpful for me for when I have to do novel …
Please do not take this thread personally. I'm pretty positive that no one here is trying to be negative or patronizing. These are questions that pop up very often when novelists reach out to artists for help in concerns to this topic, I see no reason not to compile the information so novelists …
I'm not very social on social media but here. https://twitter.com/KuraSuki
Yes, all the time. I have a lot of physical disabilities from chronic illness, and my meds (or changing of meds) constantly get in the way of comic work. I usually let the readers know if I have to take a break or if things are getting bad and effecting the updates in the episode description und…
High fantasy or scifi or battle series, with animal or anthro cast actually. Stuff like Warrior Cats, Usagi, Ninja Turtles, Redwall or Owls of Ga'hoole There's just... a HUGE lack in comics like this, and when you do find them you can only find them by digging through community comics, and most …
Actually I can probably use this thread to get recommendations for villainess stories that ACTUALLY HAVE VILLAINESS in them and not just click bait in the title. So if anyone have any they like I would appreciate it.
How does that make them a villainess though? Also a lot of the titles I'm thinking of they're really not doing anything like that... they are just isekaied and pretty much falling for the first or second guy they see x.x nothing very more complicated than that. Sorry for the confusion on my pa…
Base them only off your own personal kinks and fetishes. That's it. You're done.
For Drawing. Bikes. Cars and vehicles they're not that hard, and I can draw them fine, they're just not interesting and I hate it the whole time. Even more than that The INSIDE OF A VEHICAL I cannot stand having to draw the inside of a vehicle Weirdly though, boats and airplanes I don't hate dra…
Naw it was pretty funny, and yeah they did do a "oh, I see." kind of response after I replied. So thankfully it wasn't a fight with them and like you said, they were just looking out for me without realizing it was me lol
For art it's happened a lot (at least when I used to do fanart and more anthro art) at one point I got accused of stealing my own art as well, as I had someone calling me out for stealing my art from me x.x (I had posted in a forum some fan art that I did, and they called me out saying that I didn't…
I'm generally too busy making new content to worry about going back and fixing old content, this is a comic that free to read that I get paid pennies for making after all, and new episodes are what current readers want, as well bring in new readers via the sites algorithm. Updating old episodes does…
sits at home and does nothing but listen to music all day cause I am skipping school because fuk that noise
Third person, to the point I tend to refused to even read first person and keep putting it off. I really have to fight with myself to read first person.

My main character is bi/pan, many other cast members as well also fall under these terms ^^
Main character is bi and trying to navigate those feelings, many characters in the cast are also LGBTQ+ A dramady, slice of life, with mythological themes.
The learning curve is a nightmare but once I got more used to it I stopped using Sai and Photoshop to save both money and time (you waste a LOT of time jumping between programs, it really adds up) and CSP was the one that did the most that I needed in concerns to making comics. The only thing I mi…
Picked something from a more recent chapter because there are just far too many pages for me to go through to find the perfect one. [image]
Right now Andrew has a good relationship with his father, and though his mother died when he was younger he's got no issues with the woman who is soon to be his stepmother. Though it's implied in the story that in the future his relationship with his father is terrible, to the point he's cut himself…
The one on the left. Though I personally dislike covers that are just... like... mood photo? I'm sorry I'm not sure the word. Covers that are of a city, or house, area or whatever I wouldn't count as that, I mean just... close up of an object, like an apple, or a eye, or something like that. I don't…
Almost everything haha I feel like every day I learn something new. To do something more specific. Almost half the tools in CSP. That program can do so much, and I use a LOT of tools in it very smoothly and without issue, but there's also so much more I have not even touched yet and sometimes wh…
No one else was writing the stories I wanted to read, so I wrote them so I could read stories I wanted to read.
Both characters look like they would work fine, my biggest advice is going to be the same I give anyone working out their MC's design and it's "Do you want to draw this character well over 1000 times?" so go with which character you would prefer drawing over the other if you can't decide. As for a…
Yeah that's why I hate them too, they're not very well written at all and lot of the edgy and dark themes aren't woven into the story very well at all, and I kinda of just thrown in for the sake of being dark and edgy. Also, not every story needs to have a dark retelling x.x or even works for a …
This is true and I wanted to add this point, but my English wasn't working so I didn't know how to say it xD
Oh hey, that's another one, the dark and edgy retelling of things. Like Archie, Sabrina, Winx. Fairytails is def another, though it it's defence, usually the actual the source the material is a lot more darker than the modern versions.
Back in the day that was the most popular pitch I would get from 'aspiring manga writers looking for artists' every time one of those manga contests popped up like for Shonen Jump. "It's a dark retelling of Alice in Wonderland" Look man... I've already turned down 12 other writers with this 'uni…
This one for sure, but also I don't mind when it's lesser known gods instead of just the big names that get thrown all over the place. In general though, would def like to be seeing a hell of a lot of other mythologies. I mean, I'm sure I wouldn't mind them if other mythology retellings were als…
It's beautiful I could not ask for more