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- Apr 16, '17
- Last Post
- May 30, '17
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- Feb 17, '20
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Yeah, I understand that. There are so many limitations when we have to publish at a slower pace.
Do you mean that it suddenly introduced new sci-fi characters, or do you mean that it suddenly introduced a new sci-fi element that didn't previously exist? Because if you take a story that has an established plot with no evidence of sci-fi and then bring SF in at random it's going to reasonably th…
It's really not bad. I wouldn't worry about it.
Huh, that's weird. They inexplicably got bigger when I reloaded the page. CONSPIRACY????
I agree that 20 pages a week is unrealistic. Doing eight pages a week used to be a stretch for us (read: near impossible) and that was spending about 60 hours a week on it.
Gotta go with three. I feel like it looks the cleanest? ETA: Did you make the images larger? I think it was easier to compare when they were smaller.
From PopChromatic. Jade: Softer than she looks. [image] Justice: Really, truly not gay. [image]
Okay, cool, thanks.
Hey, Staff, we're working on an illustrated light novel. Is there/will there ever be a way to upload an image as a part of a chapter? Also, can they be uploaded one chapter at a time, like comics?
Our comic PopChromatic is more of a manga as it relates to things like panel layouts and organization. The character designs are not strictly manga, though, and that's a lot more obvious in the early chapters. If it were coffee it would only be an Eastern/Western blend. [image]
Yes, quoted for eternal truth. I've been studying for years and years and the colloquialisms trip me up daily. Not to mention chunks of sentences that are always used, almost redundant, and never explained. Like "ii janai kana to...omoimasu." How many sentences end with this and when does it …
Are there really 30,000 comics that regularly update? That's amazing. I assumed a lot of them were dead.
I don't disagree. Xtra crcters
There's a lot that's true about what you said. But there's no harm in pointing out that the Popular section, and other sections like it, are a positive feedback loop.
It's good that you don't mind being a part of making the art if necessary. It's not uncommon for writers to show up around here basically hunting for slave labor.
Unfortunately I don't really do Skype or Discord. Again, I'm an old fogey. But the odds are that the person you'd be more interes…
Cute babies. I'm not even kidding. I don't even want a baby.
Well, right. It's useless.
Really? You don't have a picture of a ram under the "discover more" heading?
Nope! There is a fresh section at the very freaking bottom of the front page on the desktop. Much to my surprise!
I think you'd be great on a panel or as a curator. But it's true: the time demand would be enormous. I think it would have to be a paid position. I, for one, would become a premium subscriber to support something like that.
Absolutely. The "fresh" section is a tiny, easily-ignored square at the bottom of the page. I don't really understand why.
Hey, good luck to you in finding an artist. Truthfully, there was a time when I also thought it would be fun to try and get into Shonen Jump, but here's my two cents on that, which you didn't ask for
I've been studying Japanese for sixteen years, with a private tutor for the last four, and whi…
He listens to Future Funk. Like, too much.

Yeah, we catch our kids doing that stuff because we know how to get away with it. My parents weren't paying that much attention. Maybe they were more trustworthy people....

So, today I was swinging at a park and I did that thing where I jumped off while the swing was really high. When I landed, it was like extreme nuclear pain into both of my feet. That made me feel...erm, thirty-something. (Also, the Gs from swinging made me kind of dizzy.) The major thing that m…
Congratulations! I want to be there, too!
I guess I don't get ideas from some"where." I get a passion for something that I can't fully experience unless I write it out. That will be influenced by media and things that I'm taking in at the time, so there's that.
I want to say that there's one description of time travel that argues that you can't change the past because if you changed the past you would change the chain of events leading up to the choice you make to change the past. In broad terms, I can't go back to stop someone's death because stopping th…
I love your handwriting. Have you considered using a program to turn your handwriting into a font, such as FontForge? It's not that hard and well worth the time investment. That's what we did for our comic.
Subbing is a numbers game, just like sales. A small percentage of people who see your comic advertised will click it. Of those people, a small percentage will love it enough to sub. Of THOSE people, a percent will regularly read. Of THOSE people, a percent will ever support financially or buy me…