Red Lenai
Argentina redlenai.tumblr.com/CommissionsInfo
Freelance webcomic artistAbout me
Commission Info
it's my personal opinion your art hasn't reached the level where you will find much success. This is a good start, but you still have a lot of technical areas you could improve. There's no shading, no light source, your line width isn't varied, no color, and your anatomy is off That's not to say y…
@tacticalglasses I don't really see much hostility or ridicule in this forum here. If you speak so much of understanding this whole ordeal with generative AI, then you must have an understanding of the frustration, disappointment, anger, and sadness that creatives are feeling at this time. It doe…
Okay, but...you do realize you're not talking to your friends right now, right?? You're talking to people who don't know you, and you're taking on this smarmy attitude with the inherent assumption that we won't listen, won't care, and have already decided to attack you (which isn't happening, as f…
The 300x300 dimensions are for thumbnails. They aren't meant to feature a full piece of artwork.
Hi there! I'm a fledgling writer here on Tapas. I've mainly written stories for myself and devoured books on my own, but am now looking to post my story here on Tapas. The chances of success are quite slim, but nevertheless, I want to give my best go at it. Since I'm a writer and (unfortunately) …
Thanks for all the great and fun links! Here is another few useful ones that I like to use: * https://gethexcolor.com/ - Hex color generator. * https://myimgs.org/ - Free image hosting site.
I love the artists that replied to this post, but I must reach 100 subscribers before I choose. I will also decide which story will get the publishing rights. Thanks for replying.
I am planning to publish another story when I reach 100 subscribers, but I need an illustrator for the black and white illustrations and the cover of the story along with the banner art. I would like to get quotes, so I know how much money I must save to make this possible. Please help a fellow writ…
I can't find my oldest drawing's, but there were so many changes. First of all, my mc Kura was a boy, had some huge as weapons I wish she still had but would be way too hard to draw consistently, and her hair was really short. My character Kumoto had two different colored eyes, a lot of scars, and b…
Tell me about it. I ain’t complaining about low engagement. What is the deal with this guy?
The OP suggests you don't want any fanfics, regardless of their quality or themes because, in your words, they overshadow your novel. But let's say Tapas decides to curate content to allow only works where "effort" has been put. How would they judge this? You're saying AU's require effort, but if yo…
While I feel like tapas and webtoon are for original works and it’s not ideal to have fanfic on it, the author also worked hard on it. It can be disappointing, but just because the characters aren’t original doesn’t mean making a comic/novel is easy or that they’re “stealing” readers from original c…
If you just completely ignore the hours of drawing, writing, editing, figuring out uploading schedules, yeah. Crazy how low effort something can look when you decide 80% of the effort doesn’t count, isn’t it!
Used to write fanfics and still read them from time to time and I don't really mind it at all that they're on Tapas, so long as they're not being monetized. I would disagree with the idea that fanfic writers don't put the same amount of work into their stories. Effort is relative and you'll find ori…
Again, though, that's relative. You might put a lot of effort into your books, but others might not, and some fanfic writers put a lot of work into their own stories. Not all fanfics follow the plot of the media they are based on, many take place in AU's, some even set in historical settings. Others…
This is exactly the reason I do not respond to his posts anymore. I am AuDHD (autistic and adhd), and I try to be empathetic. My heart goes out to anyone else that is learning about ADHD and autism, but I have reached my limit. And that takes alot. It is not like we have not tried at the start to …
I’m confused. You constantly say you don’t have any motivation or are stumped when it comes to your creative writing. YET you wrote a large wall of text in response to RedLenai. Maybe instead of being self deprecating, you apply your skills to your own work instead of the forums.
Don't forget sliding into peoples' dms to bug them even after they've been told they don't want to talk anymore as well....
This Sort of thing comes down to realistic expectations. There is no secret way to guarantee success of these kinds of projects. For most of us it’s a labor of love, and financial success is considered an unlikely but hopeful bonus. The point where patreon becomes useful is likely when you’re clo…
it's a harsher phrasing but you're not owed an answer but also sometimes folks wont see it, wont know how to respond, or feel that an answer already exists. but you cannot and will not ever be able to control people's response, and that's just a fact of life my method is exploration writing. doing…
At risk of sounding like an asshole: Because people are likely tired of your bullshit and don't feel like wasting their time and effort on you anymore. We've all been through this song and dance with you before. You come here seeking specific help, that help is then given to you. But that just tur…
We all have our own lives and we only have so much energy to help strangers on the internet. Plus the active users on this Forum is pretty small. That is why post tend to have the same 10 or 20 people popping up. I feel like we already answered this question. It's hard to give a good answer because…
How do I get better at drawing? You practice. How do I practice? You pick up a pencil and draw something. How do I draw something? On a piece of paper. Where do I get paper? Seriously? How do I seriously? FFS... Okay. I'll try to take all of your advice and improve. [image] …
@RedLenai Pretty much covered it. It takes money to make money. That said, we could probably offer more ideas on how to generate the kind of cash you need if we knew how much it costs (ballpark) to sustain your project at its ideal pace. It has to be said, and no disrespect, but even if money w…
I think if the reason to get off social media is "I am constantly doomscrolling/seeing upsetting discourse/having a bad time on social media but I can't stop" then having a physical thing to do is really helpful. Engaging in a local community, going on walks, working on a painting or renovating furn…
No. Don't use AI as a writer as you support the theft of artists all over the world. There are free, moral ways to picture a character or background.
You're more likely to be accused of your art being AI if you're semi-pro/pro tbh. Beginners make mistakes that are age-appropriate, experience level appropriate and human. Young kids won't do the correct amount of fingers, most adult beginners will. Your proportions will be off, but there will sti…
This is the only legit way to properly reward a creative online, @riasrijana. Revenue sharing from every platform on the internet amounts to a pittance for all but the hugest players. The online 0.01%. Mr. Beast, for example, is an exception and far from the norm. Same goes for Rachel Smythe and S…
99% of the time why a series gets axed is because the story simply isn't good. And that means low ratings and low book sales, which means little revenue for the publisher. Even if the premise and some of the concepts may be interesting, if the execution sucks then the cool stuff can't save it. A…