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Atelier Ryza 2 [:hohoho:] Not many turn based JRPGs out these days, so I'm getting pretty desperate lmao not my gameplay bc im at work but boyyyyyyy these camera angles are just chefs kiss [image]
MC's Pet I mean sure, if I wanted death. Real talk tho, I'd probably be the same as I am now.
Will be taking some time to learn Unreal Engine! I'm interested in using it for comic backgrounds~
First time I'm hearing this. Anyways, some of my friends have pretty large followings, them sharing my art with their followers did not do much (if anything) for me in the long run. I'll maybe get 2 or 3 new follows and a hundred likes aaaaand that's about it. You'd get better results from gamin…
Everyone has really good tastes omg
Discovered T+Pazolite through a remix of one of his tracks, was not disappointed by his OG work.
Aight so like I really hate it when somebody is singing and they just keep repeating the same phrase/word over and over again. It drives me crazy, like I actually get really angry when somebody does it. Not sure if it's because I'm neurodivergent or if everyone else hates it too but doesn't say so. …
yeah please don't do that. I hate it when people do this to me. I have blocked people for this. Doesn't matter how good the work is, I find it incredibly invasive and rude. Who even likes IRL door salesmen anyways?
best advice: draw with your whole arm, not the wrist worst advice: draw every day. You do not have to draw every day to get gud. Actually, drawing every day may even be harmful. Take rest days. Know your limits.
Maybe you just have a certain type? It could be that you were attracted to your ex because they're the type of person you like. A lot of my anime husbandos are similar to the type of men I date. Embarassing but... We all have a type [:blusht:]
I love the complexities of stories in seinen series, but I wish they had more varied art styles. I'm a little bored of every other seinen series having the same desaturated semi-realistic style. Like... yeah, it's a breath a fresh air from the typical colorful anime styles... but there's more than o…
Unpopular opinion: Final Fantasy Tactics is boring. Disgaea? Boring. Fire Emblem? Yawn. I hate that battle system with a passion. It's boring, slow, and convoluted. My ADHD brain can't fucking stand it!!!
Even if you're working in B&W, it'll do you a world of good to master shadows, lighting, and values. Studying coloring can help with that! Those skills can be honed painting in black & white, too tho. But if you really don't like working with colors, don't bother. It'll help to have foundational kno…
@Macarenaoftime wowwww!!! I'm in love with your improvement
really inspires me to work on lighting ////
I think my improvement this year is subtle since most of my drawing was for comics. Definitely did improve illustration & painting skills somewhat but when I compare it to 2018 & 2017 pieces i…
I'm a huge fan of stories that just go hecking balls to the walls insane. Trippy dream sequences, Kingdom Hearts level ridiculousness, obscure symbolism, the whole nine yards. I really want to do crazy stuff with story (and I have, to a small extent), but I tend to find myself really hesitating to…
It's the worst thankfully stimulant medication helps prevent me from hyperfixating on unproductive things, but when it does happen... well... hahahahaha ;;;;;
there's a certain video game I like that's set to come out soon, hoping that I don't get sucked in too much. Knowing my brain though... s…
Participated in a winter holiday collab, and then made my own new years artwork... honestly the new years one doesn't exactly scream "new years" just because there's a sprinkler lmao. might make a more proper new years art later. Loving all the holiday themed art people are posting of their OCs <3…
In my server, it's just me handing out spoilers like candy.
I'm pretty lazy with how I approach scripting. First I'll write a rough outline of the events I want to happen in the episode, then I'll write down each panel following the outline. With actions/scenes/things that aren't speech, I'll only write the bare minimum description just so that I can underst…
If those programs are too much for your PC to handle, I would suggest smartphone apps. If you're deadset on a PC program, try out MikuMikuDance! It isn't made for art reference, but it's an old program and lightweight. You'll have to find a model yourself, but it's not hard at all to find MMD man…
YES. I'm constantly switching between the two extremes of the Dunning-Kruger effect! No in-between! I've done a lot to stand out, and I know that I was successful in doing that, but I'm constantly worrying that I've failed in creating something of good quality. One day I feel like I'm a fraud that…
I aspire to achieve the level of meta in Dangan Ronpa V3. How the writer managed to shove that many pop culture references in a video game about kids killing each other is beyond me. Goals. I love love love love love when series do this stuff. I don't care how cheesy or annoying it is. [image] I…
[image] [image] and maybe the entirety of ClientsFromHell...
I realize I'm in a minority here, but I really love cute & sweet characters. When it comes to anime, I actually really dislike the girls who are tsundere, "cold and calculating", and aloof, even though they're the most popular lol I really really hate aloof characters. I've never gotten along with…
I really love being on the receiving end, but getting fanart comes with the expectation of giving that person a written response. Not a problem for most people. I personally have a hard time translating my feelings into words. I don't want to come across as ungrateful, but it's hard for me to ex…
OK this is gonna sound weird as FUCK but bare with me. As a person who experiences the monthly blood moon, I use all the hormonal imbalance from PMS to get all those negative feelings out of my system. Just go on a massive bitch rant on a private Twitter or journal or whatever. I was already goi…

I want them to die with me. Something about existing in other people's minds makes me feel highly unsettled [:blank:]
Drama/Mystery. I kinda feel like I don't "fit in" with the other mystery authors and haven't had much luck making friends with them [:cry_swag:]
I have an unhealthy love-hate relationship with Skip Beat haha Been following it on-off since middle school, only checking in because my inner 12 year old needs closure [:cry_02:] If I started reading it today, though, it would get dropped so fast.
Typically when the story "drags on". The plot isn't moving with the same excitement that it started out with, or the hero's goal is no longer tangible. I'll use Skip Beat as an example: The story started with the hero wanting to get into show biz with the goal of overtaking her ex in populari…
draw gud make brain make happy chemical (and maaaaaybe a little bit of sunk cost fallacy)