

You Will Fall For Me (BL)

Can I offer a meme in in this trying time[image]

First it was removing the ability to play music with your comic, then replacing the forum button to a discord link, now it's this garbage. At this point they should just remove the ability for us to upload comics entirely on the site, I've rarely seen a company be this disconnected from its users. …

Because they are in my basement; right now I am looking at them from my PC if they have logged in and like a chapter from their newly created burner account.

My mom recently found out what I do, I'm writing a BL novel and working on a commission to draw characters with horns and wings xD and the same thing happened to me as most of the comments. But this isn't what I do for a living, because I know it won't be easy - at least my chances are minuscule - …

My little brother never said anything nice about my work lol I would be excited to show him my new piece and the first thing he would say is criticism. Most of the time is him being mean not bothering to give actual constructive criticism. I stopped asking for his opinion to save my self esteem [:cr…

This is a great opportunity for folks to start thinking about their contract literacy. Contracts across the board regardless of the industry tend to be in language that can be difficult for a layman to understand. I think a major major thing people don’t understand and NEED to understand about co…

"That's why read the contract and never sell your IP out"—yes, duh. That's not the point. Good for you you don't fall for it, I don't care. I just want to know why Tapas has that kind of clause and from the wording sounds like they deliberately make it easy to make. I want to know the testimonies …

I just want to bring up this part again since it seems to have been missed. It would be nice to hear from someone at Tapas to ensure this is not part of a contract ever again.

Im saying that contract was preditory. Period. Honestly thou and honestly kinda why tapas and other webcomic sites trying trying to attract abd cultivate a younger and younger user and creator base disturbs me more than anything. Cus younger people will sign into that kind of contracts (or even …

Sounds like they're already done with tapas, so they don't care about it making it blow up online. But like as far as predatory contracts go: they're predatory. I'm of the mind that we need to put all of these predatory behaviors in the freakin past. Like sure DC or Marvel do it, too, but also they'…

i get that there's really only so much to be done since a contract was already signed even if it's clauses weren't noticed till later but i'm still miffed considering the person here is someone who's contributed a lot to tapas outside of their created works (the tapasfans search tool and the novel p…

I don't know how to articulate it but I feel we can definitely learn from traditional medium. In digital it's just so easy to obsess on cleanliness and a "finished" look as a digital portrait painter or maybe anime artists would do. While in analog tools, your results are limited based on the tools …

What on earth are you attempting to say

[image] Jk loll. I really prefer the new art. The roughness gives it more energy and textures. For me, its about the purpose of the work and time management. I know that I have a set schedule and I can only do so much if I want to publish on time and get the story out before I'm dead. I plan a…

I watched a LOT of anime so it's been sort of ingrained in my brain, and comes through a lot in my art style. Initially I was drawing things like this (~2006-ish for these two) [image] Because I thought that like, as an artist I HAD to draw normally-proportioned people, even though I really enj…

I think ALL kissing should be banned. And only then, everyone will pain [image]

It's because nobility allows freedom of movement and action. Specially in a medieval setting, the peasants were usually serfs, people tied to the land. Your life was bound to the land you worked. you have zero ability to move freely and little money to do so. Being noble allows you to adventure and …

Probably means You should upgrade your brains graphic card to increase the polygon count x)

see this exact apple [image] Spinning at a very high velocity Not sure what that means

Common sense old man answer: pay my rent for the month. Cool hip irrisposible guy answer: replace my dying laptop already Two wolves within me are crying

Oh, tbh I barely follow what's going on with any individual platform :'D I want my presence to be like kudzu; taking root anywhere and everywhere, and if one platform gets uprooted it's just gonna spread the seeds elsewhere :stuck_out_tongue:

Traditionally published author here. From personal experience, let me tell you: unless your comic is huge (and I mean HUGE, think Solo Leveling or Heartstopper levels), traditional publishers aren't probably going to care about your online presence at all [:sweat_02:] Edit to clarify: that is to say…

I need to discover any brave authors out there who still continue to write and draw even though they hardly have any views or recognition. Consistency like that is incredible!

I ended up reflecting further on this, and I think how I felt was basically "if I made a thing, and lots of people like the thing that I made, that would mean I'm really talented, and I feel happy when people think I'm really talented". The nature of the thing I made didn't really matter as much, as…

I am aware of that. I have been here for awhile. I feel like BL tends to get a lot of unnecessary hate. And I don’t like this idea of telling people not to write gay romance because other people write them. No one says that about straight romance or comedy. I think if a newbie wants to write those k…

The question is if it is necessary to be emotionally attached? I was never emotionally attached to TinTin but I read all the comics, I love the side characters and also the villaiins, the stories are exciting. I´m not only not emotionally attached to Mickey Mouse, I dislike him a little bit but I …

People who are not logged in can't see the episodes that are labeled as mature, so any reader who doesn't have an account or can't log in at the moment won't be able to read them, hence lower views.

Basket 2: 1) Gennii Legend of the God Stones - By Genii 2) Heavenfall by Wispysing 3) Guardian Hayden by Tethyka 4) Eternal mist by Nossumy 5) in this darkened land by GingerLoge 6) Forces of Nature by alliascompany/blackfoxross 7) Donnie the Fighting Psychopath by BLTX 8) AinoloniA - Return to…