Dec 17, '15
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Mar 9, '19
May 21, '20
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Saw this post late. Glad so many people chime in and you probably feel better now right? but quite honestly, you shouldn't have felt bad in the first place because if you say you're an atheist, you don't believe in religion right? Then why should you fear or worry about people saying you're going …

(1) yes Kickstarter or self-published. If with other publishers there's a period before you can do so and contract varies. (2) yes, no (3) yes

I'm interested, how long does it take your friend yo finish?

Hey girlbenji! I didn't know you were featured as well. I should probably pm you for advice since mine just started. I think I know who your editor is, I'm hoping she recovers soon. Now I'll also like to chip in on the topic. There isn't a hard and fast rule to getting "Featured". Like girlbenji…

We have both been walking the same tough journey!!! You're so right on resilient and adaptability. And yes, cons are super duper expensive and every show is always a risk because you never know if it'll be a good show or a down year!

Hi! I should have been more clear about the webtoons comments on people turning down offers. You're right! Everyone's situation is always different. I used to see others get tryouts on marvel scripts or get offers and gigs and then think "I would work so hard." But never did for so many years. And…

Your icon looks so familiar! It's always great to see fellow artist who has finally made it! I was at NYCC this year, we would have crossed path! Maybe in the future I'll see you at a show. The update became too long and so I did an entire new topic. Making Comics Year 3

DISCLAIMER: I hope this real life experience is useful to some of you. Everyone's story is different and as someone who has struggled before (and still is actually), I just wanted to share as much honest stuff as I can because you don't hear about most of this stuff, the details. I hope this will he…

Just wanted to add in to the conversation. The featured artist Raul, has a comic, Live Forever. It's in black and white with a tint of red every here and there. The story and art is stunning. So yea, it can work for sure.

I am back!!! Wohoooo! I left Tapastic for a year and the account was closed. The Dev's just got it back for me!!! It's almost 2 years since I set out my journey. Would anyone be interested on an update? LOL. (p.s: And how is everyone? It's good to be back.)

That sounds great! Well I'm from Singapore!

Hi! I'm just happy to share about my journey. I have previous con experience but last year was the first time I was tabling as a comic creator. Previously I have just been doing shows as an artist mainly doing commissions. It is tough and you have to sell yourself but at the same time, not over sell…

I'm glad you like the post! I know how tough it is to work on a day job and do comic. Last year, one of my best buddy did the same and she finally got a break and is releasing a new comic this year via Image with a pro writer. It is very very very tough and I would always hear about her struggle to …

Happy New Year Everyone! It's been more than half a year since I last visit Tapastic. So much things have changed for me and I definitely am looking forward to 2017!!! I debated whether to post this because I feel like it might set some of you down the wrong path but in the end, I feel like if I wer…

@aspiderjonny hey buddy! just managed to login. this migration ligin error is killing me. im at table 721. we're very close! also, anyone whos going east coast comjc con, please do srop by and say hi!!!

@agentfink hahah I wish I'm in CA. Nope, I'm in NJ. Went once to SDCC. really like it, as a fan to see so much stuff. But it's kinda sad when it comes to the comic section. [image]

@aspiderjonny YES!!! That sounds great! March is here and hopefully we get the table numbers. Once I get mine I'll let you know where I am, likewise let me know yours too! @jdthomaswriter That sounds wonderful! I'm tabling with someone else so as soon as I get the number from her I'll let you know…

Are you doing these in copic markers? The pages look amazing! [image]

I laughed so hard. @RewindLabs welcome! Hope to see your work soon on Tapastic! [image]

Hi @donathinfrye, I think this is amazing. I know this is work in progress still but lots of the stuff already looks promising.(It almost looks like the magenta kind of platform.) I'm using wordpress so this migration would be much more difficult for me personally. I like wordpress simply because …

i see the banner as just another space for you to get the first time readers "hooked". Its like a bigger ad space/campaign to make someone stop and perhaps start reading. So to answer the question "is it bad to not have a cover banner?" i say NO. its bad to not have a cover banner only when you r…

Wow, thanks for sharing Silent. The art is really amazing! I just finish reading it. Such a beauty. [image]

Well I think a creator should ask him/herself why they are doing the webcomic in the first place. THAT IS A QUESTION NO ONE CAN HELP YOU ANSWER. If you're doing it for self-fulfillment, (I've know of some who doesn't care if anyone read) then I guess having readers or not doesn't matter. The rest is…

@1800flame The way you advertise your webcomic already makes it sounds super fun and interesting! @AffectedMind I like your drawing! And of course, ahhahah how would a romance be without a female protagonist right? @Tindabox Its great to read webcomics that comes from personal experiences as it…

amazing strip and writeup! i think its always good to go for a retreat and reflect on the things that happen every year and then set new goals. That was what i learned when i was in the finance industry. I learned a lot too in 2015 especially in Nov and Dec which is when i started posting my webco…

I've done several Kickstarter years ago. (When Kickstarter is 2 years old if I remember correct) The first one was a comic anthology and I think we got $7k+. The next one I did an art book and got $3k+. There are other numerous kickstarter I was in and it all got funded. It is a full time job in its…

This is amazing, I think the black and whites are very good. I'm noto sure if its my screen (probably is) the washes and blacks is making everything very dark on the painted piece. It could also be the fact that the image is being resized so small on the post. I really like your inks as a standalne …

Thank you everyone for posting here! The amount of things I've learn from this thread is amazing. I did another post on another forum and will be collecting the data together for archiving. I've responded to all of you via PM cos I didn't wanna take up space here. To @ToonDoctor thanks for droppi…

Hi guys, I know lots of people been asking for tips and tricks on how to get more viewers or subscribers and there's already multiple topics about that. I personally am more interested in stories and experiences from those who has been doing this from 6 months to 1 year, especially creators that hav…

Wow how do you attached a youtube link? I tried and didn't know how. Great speed drawing!