@Aspie_Gamer Last i checked you have 1 update on Sep and another one came out on Nov, unless you have deleted the previous chapters that you said you were posting consistently on there? 2 months gap is a lot for any readers to give you a try. Webtoon readers can be a lot harsher on you for your art…

Webtoon active user here. I use both Tapastic and Webtoon and adore both place, but if I have to pick one, I probably would pick Webtoon. So far most people have probably listed enough the general pros and cons for you to get a grab of the two different sites. But I just wanna say a few things about…

AYYY I actually think we have a lot to talk about and was gonna reply to your update thread but got mega sidetracked with work. But we're going through the same publishers and I thought it was super interesting how similar our paths our going!

Thanks for sharing! This is very insightful and pretty much reflected my own journey too. I started around 2016, and I've been going at it for almost 3 years. CHEERS! I am not a comic artist more of a webcomic manager and writer. Being online helped a lot to build my audience, but nothing can beat…

Thank you for the inspiring story, I'm not a webcomic maker but I guess some things apply the same. :slight_smile: I won't share my journey, because it hasn't started yet. I seriously can relate with peoole turning down chances that we would kill for, it is normal that we feel that's unfair. Also I really under…

It doesnt matter as long as they are all enjoyable..!

Hi! I’ve been working in comics full time for a couple years now and our stories are pretty similar. I started self publishing and doing small local zine shows and comics shows and the first comic I self published made its way to one of the publishers I work with now. Conventions are the reaso…

Haha I do like a fan event every few months, or when I hit a notable milestone in subscribers. I've done Q&As, Character Polls, Music Recommendations, Like Events, you name it. I think the only things I haven't done are a fanart contest or a raffle. My most popular (and requested) fan events are …

Thank you so much for sharing this! I'm happy hearing that you're doing well! I learned things from your story. My first year doing cons which is last year is fine but it's not as inspiring as yours. I realized that you really have to be gutsy and approach others which I had difficulty of doing beca…

I work a non-art job that I would LOVE to leave if the comics thing became VERY lucrative...but at least with a reg gig, I can pay my bills, eat, and have some small entertainment joy(video games/DVD/Blu-ray movies/Going to the movies/buying comics & art stuffs/internet). I do work hard on my comics…

I think this is a very inspiring story. A true story of someone who has hustle, didn't make excuses, and got it done. Honestly, you are showing that one can make a living making comics and you can break into the professional world if you work hard enough. I work a (non-art) day job that I really l…

@nickysoh I've been going to SDCC for a number of years now, it's changed a lot in the past 10! Mostly it's an excuse to visit family in the area (I'm up in Los Angeles) So it's a yearly thing to see the in-laws etc... and maybe find a few treasures smile Are you in CA?

Making ANYTHING and posting it on the internet can feel like shouting at the top of your lungs into an empty room. But shout long enough and loud enough, and people will find you. Getting no response at all can feel discouraging, but in those situations, the only way out is through. Keep worki…

Hi. No need to apologize. Your survey is fine. I'm very supportive of anyone trying t introduce the practice to others.

1. How long have you been making a webcomic? Grassblades went live in early March, 2015. So 10 months. I have been posting stuff on the internet before that, and it's not my first webcomic - but my first webcomic was terrible, and we shall not speak its name. 2. How long did it take for your webc…

@AffectedMind @nickysoh i just posted the link and it showed up as a video

@nickysoh Thank you very much for the kind words and I'm glad you like what I have so far! And yeah updating 2x a week is a bear. I had to take a break from it for a little while in order to get a good buffer going. I'm also really impatient and just want to get out as much as I can haha!

I agree! Adding female characters doesn't automatically make a better story and sometimes it's not necessary. But it still grates me easily (not always and I do love multiple stories with this kind of balance) if there's 5 men in a main party and 1 woman. But the thing is, male character is o…

Talk about 1 thing that you've done comic-wise that you are PROUD of, 1 thing that you are THANKFUL for, and 1 thing that you hope to IMPROVE in 2016. You can mention more than 1 thing if you'd like! But you have to mention at least 1 of each. For Heart of Keol: I'm proud that I've kept it g…

Really? You want people to tell you how to start a story? When you're making a comic, no matter what genre or subject, there's one thing you can always be certain of. There will be failures. That's the how you learn. You fall flat on your arse, then get up, see what you did wrong and keep going plod…

Hey Y'all, Patreon marketing dude here. Firstly, wow, Riko, you seem to be really in touch with your motivations and fears. Most people don't even know why they're not starting or make all sorts of other excuses about it. I agree with most of the sentiment about "just get started" but that is on…

I chose a protagonist with the lady parts cause I love drawing long hair and even longer legs. Just kidding, it was for the shoes.

Firstly, awesome website! Secondly Awesome topic! I am a dude and have created a female protagonist [well I've MANY but only one of them has a webcomic about her for now. Franqui 'n' Friends The reason is one that I always ponder on myself frequently.What I seem to land on the most are two thing…

Hey! I bumped into you on WU and CF. Good to see you here too! I wish I could follow your comic on Tapastic so I would get notifications for updates, but I understand mirroring can be a hassle.

I wouldn't sayI have that many subscribers, compared to many others here I am quite the small fish. But I started my patreon officially about a week ago I think. I did not do any advertising yet, other than mentioning it two times. So I still need to get around doing that. My own website is simply…