
I'm a smartass who talks too much. My first webcomic is Singmire Haze, a story with forest-razing corporate elves, a scatterbrained elf engineer and his peculiar assistant, set in a sci-fantasy world. I currently work on Consuming Darkness, a bdsm story with gay elves, about a blind priest trying to prevent a young dude from becoming a vilain in the future.

Hey I was thinking about it and something I would love to see implemented, and there may be a reason it is not done this way, but a "completed/read" section would be really useful. A lot of times, when someone subscribes to a series, once they have finished reading the comic or novel (and it is co…

I had to admit. The sidebar is a great tool to give extra information about the series and the creator and stuff. But the comments do not belong there. It belongs under each episode. Also to avoid spoilers. It is not good to click on a new episode to read and the first thing you see in the sideb…

I wanna start off by bringing something positive to the table and say I love that you are finally uniting the brand! This will cause for less confusion between the app and the desktop site, and will make tapastic easier to push on the market, which can benefit everyone on the site! Big creators as w…

wow i think that's the most disheartened thing I've ever seen you guys post here. Whoof. Never thought I'd see the day. in other news, i keep instinctively touching the spot where the "forums" button used to be, and keep clicking on "creators" instead hoo boy the muscle memory is real tho

Before today we felt like 2nd class, behind the BLs and the gag-a-days, now we're 3rd class behind "the premium" and "the favored". And Daron mentions in the Medium article that the premium stuff is professional . . . so does that make the rest of us unprofessional? This update is a sour surpris…

Okay, so more technical details. - global.footer height is 246 - The padding on the footer for global-footer-link, global-footer-company and especially global-footer-icon could be considerably reduced for the sake of making the footer smaller. (Just my thoughts on it, not trying to tell you you're w…

For me it's difficult to bite the hand that feeds as my readership on Tap trumps my tumblr mirrors. I'm not opposed to trying out other sites but at this point in time I don't really want to start afresh again. Having my own site sounds nice too, however I really don't have the time to maintain a do…

This sounds brutal but i think many of us need to emotionally walk away from the platform. Countless of dodgy updates have shown were not a priority here, were they're feeder comics as Plume put it, were doing their marketing. That's why since they're company statement didn't match my own i stopped …

For now, yes, I think that people would calm down, but honestly, this reaction from creators seems to be a symptom of a much deeper problem I agree with @devika s response that even before the app was created, creators seemed to still have a fair amount of difficulty promoting their comic o…

i hope you don't mind me chiming in instead of making a new thread of my own. I actually couldn't be bothered with the new font, i can live with that. But i find the new front page to be: 1) Way too cluttered. 2) Top 10 will always be Top 10, so i personally feel it's very unfair to push Trending …

Yes, staff could make these adjustments and it would help, but the most disconcerting part of this whole update matter is that staff actually believed that the new format in its current condition was good enough to push out live. Why? It's not like they promised creators something on 4/17/17…

I asked Michael about this too recently. The response I got was that it's in the works. Notifications and push notifications are a bit tricky w/ iOS in particular and they're still seeing what is and isn't allowed. They're still trying to find that healthy balance between immediate feedback and coll…

I would like that, definitely. My gripe was that only premium stuff is shown, free comics pushed away, and a simple rearrangement would fix that. That being said, I get the feeling that this update kind of "confirmed suspicions" a lot of creators have had about tapas ditching free comics in favo…

A lot better, tbh. Just pushing the popular/trending/new back up top, and for the love of god, adding the link to the forum to the header bar, would do a lot. There are a few smaller things - like the colours of different notifications, etc. - but re-arraging some elements on the front page wou…

It's hard enough as a creator to get any kind of attention with the current trending genres, but now that they are even further down, it forces the more obscure comics/not popular yet comics into obscurity even more. Not really a big fan of the new layout either. I know Taptastic is all about the…

I'd like to actually address this seeing as how my post was used in this reply. I highly doubt Michael or any of the staff are out to "get" the creators who aren't contracted. The harsh reality of it is that they're obviously going to advertise the creators that are contracted because these are t…

I'm working on a more comprehensive review of the new layout rn, but so far, I think my biggest points for feedback are: The appearance. Right now it feels like it's just the "view desktop version" version of the app, and parts of it really doesn't work. Two biggest examples are the front page a…

My main problem is the fact that the homepage is very very busy now. There are way too much categories for me, I guess it's OK on the app because it's on a tiny screen, but here I feel lost and I feel like I have to scroll endlessly to get to the popular/trending/staff pick categories. I get that yo…

The message board must be accessible to the mobile site. (It takes a longer time for me to load the desktop version, so please, this feature must be included to mobile users)

Ahhh the new style is so "bubbly" it's doing a number on my eyes, gonna have to get used to that o.o

As a subscriber and supporter of many comics on Tapas(tic) I must say that the new "In Library" referring to a comic you are subscribed to feels very impersonal. This platform is amazing at establishing connections between creators and their followers. None of the other comic sites have this. The mo…

We've been discussing some of the changes here. Biggest problem seems to be with the readability of the font, the lack of accessibility to 'trending' and 'fresh' sections, and the forums' link moving to the bottom.

The link to the forum can be found at the bottom. Which is not an ideal place.

I think better targeting is something that's desperately needed - to me, it feels like all (except for casino stuff) ads are directed at an audience younger than 18, and you have to be 18 to use the app. I think the choice of ad material (ie, exclusively phone games) is too narrow. If you're not i…

I don't get why they would take the app and make that the whole site? You don't design an app the same way you do a website. I thought the old site looked better. Something about the new homepage feels off.

Alright so... they pushed the popular and trending section down, like... ouch, that hurts enough. I mean, from a business standpoint, I understand that they have to advertise their premiums in order to earn money, of course. But now they splashed the premium comics all over the front page, and to a…

Emphasis by us. Tonight we're trying to get an update done for Wednesday but its really hard to concentrate on creating free content for Tapas after what they decided to do today, without soliciting any feedback first. Staff's sudden unilateral "monetization first" emphasis makes us feel so una…

Okay, a lot has already been said. so I will only focus on so far undiscussed issues with the font: <3 and :3 don't look so good anymore. The cat smiley :3 is something I personally like to use often, but the <3 is something I see very often here on tapastic (because this is such a lovely community <…

I personally have no issue with the font-choice, but I can def. see how it would be troublesome for people with visual impairment or dyslexia. My main issue is with the layout of the front-page. I've already emailed Tapastic about it personally, because I couldn't find the link to the forums (why…

My issue with that is that you actually CANNOT READ the first 4 or 5 rows of advertised content on the website, after you get past the first 3 teaser episodes it tell you to download the ap (because you can't buy or use keys on the website). Do not promote shit on a platform you can't read it on a…