@Sketchylinez seconded this! I'm suck and my novel is getting nowhere... So I don't have confidence joining one Good luck on your project!
@stnmaren I see, good luck for next year! That's nice stategy
As for me, I was really looking forward to participating in Camp because it makes me work on my writing skills, but also because I can get more readers that way than when camp isn't ongoing. Last camp I got a quite a few who always left me great comments on my entry, and that never happens for me, even if I've heard that my story is good. People just don't like to comment which I understand. I don't really comment as much either, but because fellow writers know what that feels like, they are all very encouraging. Camp is also fun (if you plan your story ahead of time lmao). I've never done Nanowrimo before and I don't really know if I would enter if I was free, but my creative writing class is already keeping me stressed out this semester, not to mention I'm preparing to fill out college applications to hopefully transfer schools next fall. I'm writing, just not anything longer than scattered short 4-10 page stories.
Good luck to anyone who is entering! And if you aren't, let's all look forward to the next one
I plan on writing 50k this month, but not on a novel. No I want to scattered the words throughout a few works, that bridge some plot things from other stories. Connecting other works to much larger arcs of the universe and so on.
right now, I'm aiming for another 3k words on A Continuum of Night. it's about a primordial night deity and this god of the hunt from another universe that destroy's the primordial's love child for the sake of a weapon to destroy pantheons of their universe.
I just want to be creative is all. I don't have any ideas for any novel length works, even my novella is on the back burner for now while I work on more short stories. I would love to find some more authors to share my work with and get feedback, but for now, I just enjoy writing. I have tried hosting stories on this site before, and get like 5 views on them, so it doesn't seem like the site for me with my writings. but I host my comics here and they do well.
Well yes and no. I just feel like I don't have the time. I work/study 60 hour weeks and this is my most difficult year. I have done it before and it's amazing . . . but my fanbase I know will not accept lower quality work. I have been curating my content a bit more and it is paying off. nanowrimo/writerscamp is not something i have time to sit and edit . . . it's a glorified first draft . . . for me anyways.
Higher quality is more time. I think the bigger creators on here are such production powerhouses that I would like with the little hobby time I have just to focus on highest production value I can deliver. I'm never going to be biggest on here, but I want to create the best that I can for the people who support me.
I am only indirectly involved, so I would not call that participating. I decided that this month, I will be proofreading for novelists who are actually competing in the camp (or just writing their books or comics during November).
I have a little side project in which I will be writing some parodies of the books that I edit. It's very Mystery Science Theater 3000, and I only do it by request of the original author. Because I am using text by other writers, I would not be eligible to compete in either NaNoWriMo nor the 3rd Writers Camp anyway.
I am thinking about publishing my side-project as a Tapas novel-series and using the hashtag. I haven't decided yet. Opinions?
The month of November isn't really the best of times to shut off the world and become a hermit writer. Too much going on. Especially if you're in school or work in a school.
Also, that was another thing I really couldn't get on board with. The whole "ignore the rest of the world to write a novel" mentality that a lot of people have during NaNo. Again, not something I could really do since I have and always will have outside obligations.
Yeah school is something else, these months are usually when the assignments and exams intensifies Not to mention those can affect your mental health. I have been suffering from delays even in my main series.
Yes I totally agree! If people really can manage to do NaNoWriMo with their daily schedule, then good for them. If no just don't force it unless you think it's really worth it, your real life responsibilities and social life often worth more than internet yearly event which you have small chance to achieve something.
I definitely don't begrudge those who do do NaNo. In fact, the first time I ever tried it I thought it was probably the best thing I could've done for my writing at the time. I didn't win but I wrote 13k more words than I would've written had I not attempted it.
I think I would definitely tell a writer who was on the fence to try it, at least once. Then they can decide for themselves. You learn a lot from trying to write every single day. The practice is what was the most beneficial to me during NaNo.
(Is it implied that I do begrudge them? If so where?
I just said people shouldn't do what they can't because there's a thing more important. Context of words sometimes altered, I just want clarification )
Anyway I never take it because I have no time and energy to finish a thing without leaving another one unfinished. I actually have planned to join this year and have an idea of a story, but seeing possibilities of upcoming assignment is an eh no. Seems fun? Indeed. Wanna try it? not now
Also with my view of trying NaNo is just personal goal which will not intended for contest, just for the sake of trying it out. I won't competitively join a contest when I see little possibility of winning, better safe my effort.
It's not! I promise
I just know that a lot of writers trash talk NaNo for all the reasons that we've been talking about and I guess I just wanted to clarify that I'm not one of them. I don't hate NaNo.
I can definitely commiserate though with the upcoming projects and not having time for NaNo. I had a little better luck with Camp NaNo when I was in school but then I worked at Summer camp and... well you can probably figure out how well that went .
I think NaNo is very much a personal goal and it's kind of whatever goal you want to set for yourself.
Alright then
Really? I have never encountered it, so that's a thing? For what reasons they trash talk it?
I think the basic intention of monthly productivity program (Like MerMay, Inktober, NaNoWriMo) is always aimed at increasing creativity and productivity that it's good The only reason I am sad is the fact that I always never get to join them properly, while I have to bear with seeing people having fun and all the good things (petty AF)
- The quantity over quality
- The high daily word count
- Creating the sense that you need to shut out the world to succeed
- Falls during a chaotic and hectic time of the year
- A few prominent authors have denounced it
I wrote a blog post about it last November and found a lot of those kinds of critiques from other bloggers.