63 / 74
Aug 2021

Yes, but they weren’t asking about it, someone mentioned it and they said “Okay, that will turn it into a comedy :confused:
They weren’t trying to educate themself, and if you read their replies it becomes very clear they don’t even want to.

If someone's from a background where some queer identities and expressions are still seen as "funny" then that's the obvious thing to say. And it is also a normal reaction to act defensively when attacked, nothing strange here.

Cultural gaps are a strange thing. What you see as obvious may be something unconsidered for someone else.

That doesn't excuses bigotry, but if you wanna fight ignorance, you will do a better job by educating people instead of attacking them for breaking a rule they don't understand and they may not even know it exists......

Genderfluid and nonbinary people among others weren't common knowledge outside some LGBTQ+ circles until few years ago......and that's not even worldwide.

First paragraph is about how OP came off (stuck within genre, etc. without experience or ability to play outside these things - perhaps even a lack of willingness, who knows). My guess is they haven't been exposed to many options, if any, outside of mainstream media.

If they have no experience outside of the mainstream using queer identities for jokes and comedic situations, then suggesting other sources proving that these identities and situations can be taken seriously would help broaden their horizons. Them equating genderfluid as a comedy element could have been met with several examples of where it's taken seriously - as some people have already done. Show that it's not just used for jokes. Show that it can part of a compelling narrative.

Second paragraph is addressing the bad communication habit people have of immediately stating 'educate yourself.' As I said, many people stop asking because they'll just get yelled at anyway. And as @DiegoPalacios pointed out, there are plenty of situations where someone may not even know to ask. I have not gone through OP's previous postings, only this thread, so I do not know if this an ongoing issue with them, nor if anyone has addressed these issues prior to now.

I'm mexican and pretty much the only ones who care about LGBTQ+ issues here (whether to take it seriously or mock about them), are like less than 25% people from the upper classes and even less people from middle class, and let's say, that from those people who care, there is a majority of people (mostly above 30) that are against these ideas.

This without mentioning that most people don't even know there are such terms as "transexual" or "queer"; in fact, I didn't know about the TQ+ until 4 years ago, so in that regard it wouldn't surprise me if someone from Mexico (I dare say all Latino America) took this topic as something "funny" unlike people form the States or Europe, which I perceive, are more "educated" on this regard.

Just something I thought worth the talk when dealing with people form other countries on this topic.

Although from the comments of this guy, it didn't seem to be the case, and for the comments he received before saying the "comedy" thing, I don't think there's a real reason for him to answer like that besides being edgy.

I might be wrong though, but I didn't perceived it as such.

you have to take into account some of these places not only ban lgbt rights but even posting about them can get you sent to prison. It's clearly a massive difference from what people are used to.

Um, what? I may not be a guy, but most of my good friends are and all of them do not find the whole harem thing all that appealing...Even my husband and our roommate admitted that they do not care about harems all that much and just want good writing and or visuals. Harems to us are more of a joke if anything.

Now as a woman, I find the trope of having a female main character beating up sexist and arrogant men just for the point of "Look she's a strong woman!" is actually cringe and I'm tired of seeing it. There are so many great ways to write a strong female character but this isn't it. :sip: Plus adding in the GL bit to top it off is clearly just a fetish thing from what I can tell rather than actual LGBT rep which is likely just going to piss off lesbians and bisexual women. (And I think rightfully so)

Did we... did we actually defend the OP when they said that a ENBY main character would turn their story into a comedy?


K. :sip:

Back to the point: It's actually a fact that if you have a male MC then you're more likely to get a larger readership. But I think you should look back at what makes a good character a good character and a good story a good story.

As someone who also writes in the action genre (in multiple genders' POVs) I can say that those tropes you listed (harems and/or gl for the "manly" female lead) are played out. If you're not going to do something new with them, they'll be about as successful as the millions of other online versions of them: i.e. not successful at all. You can also consider having more than one MC since I don't think you could respectfully represent a NB main character anyhow.

was more like giving op the benefit of the doubt due to possible ignorance caused by possible cultural backgrounds to the point they may not even know the issue. (or even the fact that there's an issue)

That being said, no one here agreed with OP's statement about nonbinary protagonists turning the story into a comedy.....

Maybe the benefit of the doubt should be given to the NB creators that had to see that remark.

(But again, not the point here.)

I would just like to say that I REALLY like this design and I lowkey want to see a sci-fi comic with an enby character design like this?? Like if this was an option on the poll I would not hesitate to pick this lol.

My dude, I think you're projecting a lot of your limited understanding (or even your own preferences) onto other people and thinking your own opinions are The Truth. It's not.

You should branch out and read more diverse works by other people that are not, like, written for 5-year old boys.

Ehhehe :blusht: thank you~
I was actually genuinely trying to help the OP, but after that kind of reply he gave me, I don’t even want to say anything else ^^

I’m not gonna reply the negativity with negativity :sip:

P.S Yes, I think my version of non-binary character rocks ^^

Don't worry, I've never claimed that was my OC
I was simply try to help you by showing you a version of my idea

That's why I especially kept your watermark

It's pretty rude to imply that nonbinary people are having 'identity crisis'. There were a lot of people defending you but you don't seem at all interesting in educating yourself.

closed Aug 23, '21

unlisted Aug 23, '21