7 / 13
Apr 2022

The art looks very very nice, polished and quite dynamic. My only gripe with it is the ears and some of the fur (I assume) of the character covering the title. Other than that, I believe it's a pretty solid and eye-catchy cover: I'd gladly give this a read!

EDIT: My suggestion would be to put the title above the character and not below it. That way, the title would cover a part of the drawing that is not crucial and would stand out more.

Couple things. If you have very delicate font for the title I wouldn't cover any of it up. It's not bold enough to read at a glance. The art structure is fine but the coloring is all the same hue. Nothing is really dark or really light. Without some dark shadows, everything feels on one plane. Example is the right arm of the character on the right. It should be very dark as not only is it under the character on the lefts body, it has a light source of the "magic" bolt. (guessing its magic). And while you do have shadows, they seem to be just a little darker of the base color. Because of this the picture isn't dynamic or have depth which doesn't do your artwork justice.

The title doesn't command as much as attention as it wants to, especially because it's "behind" the drawing. Also, the stroke on the title makes it hard to read. I would play around with it or get rid of it entirely. Good job overall though.

Hope you don't mind a little paintover! I just had a couple suggestions, I think it looks really cool!

  • I think the font choice is too detailed for an outline. An outline might work if it were a chunkier font, but ultimately I think it reads better as just a plain red. Possibly the same idea for the text at the bottom.

  • I think the big red blood splatter/energy blast/action burst gets in the way of the action. You can't really tell where the limbs are and what's happening. I would shrink it or get rid of it. You could also fade it out. Idk, just something so you can see where their arms are placed. I think someone else also mentioned cast shadows, that would also help separate the limbs.

@BoomerZ thanks for the feedback! i think im gonna test putting the title in front of the characters to help with legibility :+1: and good note about the lack of contrast on the shadows, i totally missed that!

@sunshineyon hey thanks! yeah i think folks are having a hard time reading the title since its behind, im gonna change it and see how it looks!

@artamazon good point about the font being too delicate for an outline, i hadnt thought about that before! im gonna test out maybe thickening the font or just using the red and see what looks best! same with the font at the bottom, i think that’ll really help

thank you guys for taking time to give me some great feedback! :smile:

hey, just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone on this thread for all your great feedback! i’ve been chipping away at improving my cover page and i think a lot of your comments really helped!!!
this is where it’s at right now

im going to keep refining it while finishing up my comic. thanks again folks :3

Still thing you push it more. Adding more darks and highlights.

dang, i can totally see your point! dude, thanks so much for taking ur time to help me out, seeing ur edit really helps me picture how i can make it better!

1 month later

closed May 30, '22

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