First, I'd spend some time writing letters. I'd put the letters in a safe deposit box in San Francisco, then taking the time to settle on a farm in the Midwest.
After getting married and having kids, I'd start telling them stories about the letters, but I would stop telling them the stories once they became teenagers. Once I'm old and on my death bed, surrounded by my descendants, I'd tell them that hidden within my novels are the secret to finding the letters, along with the key to my fortune.
I'd make sure to leak the existence of the letters and my impending death to the media, causing my book sales to skyrocket and for the value of my estate to increase in value as well.
Then I'd die with a smile knowing that within those letters are nothing more than the words, "Now people will remember me."
Give me like a hundred thousand bucks, and after debt and moving, I'd put half into investment, and the other half right back into the Quinlan Circle, which is in desperate need of good website design, artwork, and an actual social media presence. And I'd pay a year's salary to myself and just go ham on writing, like a book every month or something, just to beef up the Quinlan Circle's library bigtime.
I've lived for a few months writing full-time before, in between jobs. I was actually making a plan of how to make a living from that when I got accepted into the JET Program unexpectedly and moved to Japan. But in those months, I really did write tens of thousands of words a week across several projects. It was sort of wonderful, but I didn't have any income or savings to support myself, so it wasn't going to last much longer if I didn't run into a windfall. If I ever get that chance again, I'd really like to take it. $100,000 sure sounds like the right number to do that for me.
Wow, the world really would be a mess if the crap I created got super popular.
I would pay off all my bills, get a medical and mental health check-up, then put the rest in savings. Every month or so I would donate some to charities I like, and leave 200% tips to really good waiters/waitresses. If I was really well off I may sell my current place after fixing it up, then move out of the US to some place more quiet. Like the woods or a field with no neighbors somewhere in Europe. Help fund indie projects, buy stuff at artist alleys, maybe even go back to school and not worry about being hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.
I say all this but in reality I would probably just give it all to my mom, we live together because I can't afford to be out on my own, and she has a lot of health issues. So her happiness is my happiness, if you know what I'm saying.
We're daydreaming right? After doing all the practical stuff, helping my family and subscribing to all the Patreons I wish I could support, I'd spend a crapton of money on a ridiculous mansion with an enormous library and beautiful office for me to work in. My closet will be full of pajamas so fancy no one can tell if they're not just really eccentric clothes. Of course I'd need my house staffed like maybe with a personal assistant, cleaner, gardener, personal chef... Maybe a trainer? My cats can eat salmon and steak every day. I'll take a theater, ice skating rink, and pool on the grounds of my estate. Maybe a squash court too, why not? And throw parties (I'm thinking masked balls) and host board gaming events if I'm feeling social.
Rich author = famous author (this can also applies to anonymous authors out there!)
Have a lifetime guarantee of ensuring you and your own family's maximum security to prevent any unhealthy disruptions towards personal life. This includes I.P. theft, plagiarism, rogue hackers, terrorists, thieves, unwanted paparazzis, and insignificant others. For fans and enthusiasts, please line up and communicate in an orderly fashion. The renowned best-selling author remains open to any questions.
Security should not be a hindrance towards you and your fans but is a way of taking care of each other from the possible threats against well-built relationships.
First of all I'd deal with current finacial issues, like my student loans and the student loans of my siblings.
Then I'd...
- Buy a house. Something not too small, not too big but with a lovely yard. Hopefully somewhere near a forest or a lake, where it would be calm and peaceful.
- Buy the Ball Chair by Eero Aarnio1. I just really want that chair. This is my extravagant dream I actually plan to achieve one day.
- I'd start a retirement home for old homeless cats. It would be a safe place where unadopted cats could grow old in a warm and comfortable environment.
- I'd order a whole bunch of commissions from artists and give them all ridiculous tips.
- Of course, charities would be important. Besides them I'd also like to invest in things that could bring something good to the world, such as renewable energy sources.
In general I would just try to be generous with the wealth because sharing is caring.
build a house with a lot of secret passages so If my wife has people over and I don't wanna say hi but I want a snack I can just use the secret pasaage to the kitchen. Also have a pool that connects to a hot tub in my bedroom trough an underwater tunel...though there's a posibility that I might get trapped in the tunnel and drown
Maybe take a trip to Disney World and stay at the Polynesian resort. I would also like to visit the Northern Marianas. I would also like to take an animation class, one that actually teaches animation (unlike the ones at the college I attended). I would also give some money to my family.
Other than that, there isn’t really anything too fancy that appeals to me. I find a lot of super expensive things to be gaudy, ugly, and pointless. I do think mansions look cool but practically I would probably hate living in one.
i would pay my boyfriend's debt; he asked for it to open our clothing brand where I design, so I think this would be the best idea. Also independizing from my parents; this is hell here (and not a beautiful hell like the one I draw), I would like to have a beautiful wide flat all decorated on my own likes. I would also do a clothing collection based on my demons (with leather clothes, which are expensive!), and to invest in things related to my comic and fashion brand.
Of course I would also do some things to help others; subscrive to a lot of patreons (I'm only in one now), buy my friends' brands' clothes (and to other alternative indie brands), maybe some charity too, helping cats and other animals... etc
Now comes the extravagant part, If I was like REALLY rich I would build some of my demon princes' palaces and maybe make them work as hotels or residencies, or just a place to visit for the fans with some exhibitions and stuff, idk, but always in a good place and respecting the enviroment.
But first of all without a doubt paying my boyfriends' debt and running away from my actual home
I have a lot of ideas and needs so just give me the money, we are poor and need it
(As I cry, I will make some promo, I hope you don't mind)
oh but I would totally find the way to destroy capitalism before constructing any palace I guess. Eat the rich (idc if I eat myself), construct a decent socialist system with decent politicians and decent education. Constructing a system where everyone gets a free home, free food, free clothes and other things every human would have the right to have, then making everyone's salaries similar (x€ per hour), fix all the working schedules and condemn explolitation... but I guess that's really daydreaming, huh?
First, I'd give lots to charities and good causes, such as women's shelters, orphanages and LGBTQ+ support networks.
Then, I'd get a nice gothic house in the English countryside, with an art studio, a home cinema and a library with ladders on wheels. I'd live there with my boyfriend, and maybe some pet Axolotls in a big tank so they don't get bored or lonely.
Last but not least:Full​
Being filthy rich is one of the last things i want to experience. But if i'm talking about "poof suddenly you have 10 million+" (not through my work & fame & supporters) A lot of good things can be done!
Deal with my family's mortgage, also form a family emergency fund.
Take family to vacations (Few but memorable vacations)
This may be the most extravagant for me: have a private studio home of my own, at least 4 separate rooms. A digital workroom/music/gaming area, a large traditional art & DIY craft room(also a place to draw), book/storage/archive room to put all my old stuff i cherish, a fairly empty living room/exercise center with couches and magazines, no TV (not a TV person anymore) & small kitchen, 2 toilet/bathrooms (one with a nice big tub), another small storeroom for general storage, and yes a small comfy bedroom with no work stuff & devices. Also a balcony with little plants i can manage. (but dam I have to care about the housing loan too)
Keep some money for future funding my niche comic book print, that would be nice! 3,000 x3 copies.
- Save my frugal daily expenses ahead for 5 years.
- Store myself a 10K emergency funds.
If my work is finished i would want to do travelling by foot/bus for couple months, get more close to nature, get some inspirations for my future works.
The rest of money i'll just let my family members have it. Let them use or give to people who needs. Knowing myself that the more money i possess the more i will try making use all the available money. (it can turn bad) Honestly being frugal for so long the though of spending extravagantly scares me, it's just not who i am.
Pay off my debt. Pay my daughter's tuition until graduation and put more in a savings to give to her when she is old enough.
I would set up a charity foundation to support Animal Foster programs for pets that need adjustment time after a bad start before finding forever homes.
I actually own my dream car at the moment but my husband and I wanted to move into a small house from our two bedroom apartment. finally I could get a dog. I really want a Great Dane.
My life wouldn't change too much. I guess just HOW to invest my money?
I want to stay simple. I love my city where I live and the situation I live in now.
No part of me would ever want to be famous, but if I happened to remain anonymous and somehow still got massively rich, I'd pay off debt for my family and friends, put some aside for future medical bills, keep just enough to not have to work, travel the world, and give everything else away. Honestly, being comfortable and out of debt would be nice, and having the ability to actually do some good would be great, but being rich doesn't sound appealing.
First of all we all need to start say "When we get famous" not "If I ever get famous". lol
But yeah when I get famous I want my company Never Studios to have an actual teams working on comics, video games, animated and live-action movies and tv series, etc. I also hope that my podcast Geeking Around, where we review comics, anime, video games, movies/tv show, etc will get a website and maybe a magazine and it will be the next IGN.
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