73 / 75
Feb 2021

Same here. Back then my friends always came to me for quality underrated series/non mainstream gems. Then for years now i don’t want to have anything to do with it anymore. Now i’m kinda intrigued and will check out the recommended titles to see if they can spark something in me again lmao.

Yeah, believe it or not, I was actually gonna recommend more but I dialed it back lol from all of these, Attack on Titan was the hardest to recommend.. You kinda have to sit through season 1 and 2 before it gets better. It's hard for me to recommend it bc I know there's people that hate on Eren, but he gets significant character development in season 3 so.. It's a toss up of whether or not a person's gonna like him by the time they catch up lol

Ah, I also grew out of anime. I think it's part not having any time, and part these shows are for sure aimed at teenagers and I just don't relate to them anymore. I don't mind watching OVA's and films like Ghibli, but when I think of say, catching up to One Piece, it's just never going to happen! I prefer manga as I can just pick up a volume and read it for an hour and move on.
Basically what everyone else has already said, really!

I wouldn't say I completely "grew out" of anime, but I have a lot less patience for it. Gone are the days when I could watch anime for days on end, even mediocre stuff and still enjoy it. Nowadays I can watch 2-3 episodes of a good anime, and then my desire to watch is gone for a few days until I "recharge". And I agree with finding most of the protagonists just unlikable or unrelatable.

There IS anime out there for adults though, they're not all teens, and that feels good. I found a little gem recently called Hakumei and Mikochi about two little gnome women who like... live their lives and make soap to sell at the local market and sample wine with their friend the pub owner (the story handles their relationship in the old-fashioned "we never say the "L" word but everyone around them treats them like a married couple" way). There's no grandiose plot and no high stakes but the whole thing feels like a good cup of hot chocolate. ETA: Or, how could I forget Shirobako, about five 20-something women building their careers in the animation industry?

I'm at a point where I can read a manga and be done in an hour what an anime covers in six episodes. I consume a lot of manga, but I watch little to no anime unless it is something really special.

Nahhhhhhhh, if anything I keep finding more and more interesting anime to watch! For example, I just watched an OVA by the title of "Magnetic Rose" that was an amazing cyberpunk thriller. Think Blade Runner, but produced by the guy who directed and wrote Akira. And it wasn't like I was looking for it either, my friend just passed it along and I was like, NICE! Anime is a mysterious and huge thing to me, and I feel like every day I'm finding new fun stuff to like about it :heart:

When I was around your age, I sort of had a similar feeling towards manga/anime. In my late teens and early 20s, I used to consume a lot more of it and I used to binge read online manga and such. But I think my falling out of it had mostly to do with that most anime is targeted at teens. I think I was at a point in my life that I didn't really want to read about high schoolers going on adventures. I remember hearing similar issues from people who were older than me, I remember hearing someone say, "I want more animes like Trigun where the main character in an adult."

I think another thing that effected things were the shift is genres/styles over the years. I generally prefer anime from the 2000s over the stuff from 2010s. There has only been a few newer stuff I enjoyed, most of it I am usually disinterested in, even the super popular stuff that everyone likes.

Most defiantly I agree it just feels like the anime they are putting out sometimes feel the "same" or the characters they put in the story that is :unamused:

Its not that I don't hate anime I do like it its just somewhere on the line I've just gotten kind of "bored" of it sometimes it is with watching tv as well, I'll try to watch certain animes because I've seen it constantly but everything else is just a meh, If I find one that sparks my interest than I'll most defiantly would keep watching it with amusement .

Though it is a bit strange because what sparked my interest into drawing was actually watching people draw/ watching anime :sweat_smile:

I'm 30 and I still watch anime and read manga. I never grew out of it, but I'm losing free time and gotten pickier.

i don't think i've grown out of it but definitely agree with other folks in terms of either having less time or just being more pick and choosy with what i watch.

totally understand having issues with some of the more problematic tropes in anime and i know for a fact it's impacted what i consume along with actions of the creators of certain content. ppl can get pissy when folks call out their faves but if they've got an issue maybe they ought to be the ones to ignore it

but when it comes to watch habits i've honestly been trying to put more effort into catching up on old shows i never finished while adding any that caught my eye recently to a watch later list. The few I'm still hoping to watch in full are like SAO, Nichijou, Durarara, Cannon Busters and Aggretsuko. I think the only anime that i have been looking forward to (whenever they do release) would be Mekakucity Reload (the second kagerou project anime) and The Mighty Grand Piton

i think it's pretty normal tho for tastes and preferences in what you watch to change over time while some may not change at all just depends on the person

I still like anime, but not as much as when I was younger. As a kid I watched everything on kidsWB and 4Kids, as a teen I branched out of the kiddie stuff when people posted anime for older audiences on YouTube. I've been feeling the same about anime in terms of how homogeneous it gets, even the plots are copying each other (isekai especially). I can go back to the shows I grew up watching easily, but new stuff not so much.

I feel like my waning interest stems from getting old. Lots of shows are about high school and teens. It's hard to relate to them and awkward when it starts to get sexual. Although this can happen in shows with younger characters unfortunately (Made in Abyss and Dragon Maid). I rather have an older cast (like Golden Time, NetJuu no Susume, Cells at Work, One Punch Man etc) and settings outside of high school that aren't JRPG fantasy land (too many of those). As of now I'm watching Attack on Titan series finale and Cowboy Bebop and enjoying both.

I'd say I'm not so much grew out of it, I just got too fed up with the cliches. Nowadays I find manga being much more interesting than anime, and with a better plot usually.

Well, the detail that you have to be glued to the screen to understand what's going on. I nowadays watch the shows while simultaneously doing something else to both save time and not being bored while working. Anime is virtually impossible to watch that way because subtitles.

But I do noticed that after roughly 2010 it became "one interesting show in several years" rather than "a couple of interesting shows per year".

You monster, 90% of the good stuff considered classic came out before 2000! You dare deprive your brother of Cowboy Beebop, Akira, GITS, and other works that are the sole justification for the existence of the medium?!

I'm still currently watching it, as I used to watch less back in the day, so let's say I'm still discovering the field. However I did grow out of many things in these 5 years of highschool. Having less time, I wasn't able to play any games whatsoever so now, whenever I turn on one of my consoles I feel bored and shut them off shortly after. Even games I once used to like are now just... boring.
Unfortunately this can happen with everything. I just hope I'll never grow out of animation though, as it is my passion.

I never liked anime, not even as a kid. I just tolerated it. I can count on my hand the anime I actually liked and even then I didn't like most due to the creepy nature of it. I don't know why weebs argue until they're red in the face anime isn't full of perverted otaku bait... it all is.


Quarantine has let me reflect a lot and I ended up realizing how far apart me and anime grew. And I have to say there is part of me that is genuinely DISTRAUGHT at the fact that 20ish year old me doesn’t love anime the same way 10 year old me did. Anime was the thing that showed me that animation and comics could be more than funny colorful, distractions. If I hadn’t fallen in love with Sailor Moon when I was a kid I wonder if I would’ve still decided to be an artist. I literally owe my career choices to anime, and the fact that I just can’t get into as much anymore has been harder to swallow than I expected.

I suppose it’s not a complete loss. I think one of the reasons I began lamenting my loss of anime-love was that I’ve found myself reading a lot of those Korean shoujo scroll webtoons. The colors and characters remind me of all those 2000s shoujo anime I used to love (that seem to have practically dried up :sweat:), while not have as many of the cliches that I remember drove me away from it (sheepish female lead, a-hole male lead). And I have to agree with @Kaydreamer that I have been watching a lot more western cartoons recently like She RA and Steven Universe. The people who make those show are around my age so I know they were watching the same shows I was as a kid and it really shows. That’s probably why 2010s-2020s cartoons have felt more like 90s-2000s anime. Even now the only anime I’m giving a try is “Sk8 the Infinity” and the only reason I’m watching that is because it reminds me of a (really BAD) show from the 2000s called Air Gear that I was obsessed with. THAT is how stuck in the past I am. :sweat_smile:

Huh, I went from anime and manga to western cartoons and Korean comics? More of a literal move than an up and down motion. :sweat_smile: Either way, while I don’t think I’m that less of a fan girl or an “artsy weirdo”, I definitely have moved on to different albeit similar things. I think I know too much to enjoy anime the way I used to. It’s like looking-back on “happy” childhood memories and realizing things were way more messed up than your adolescent brain could’ve proceeded at the time. I still can’t ignore what it meant to me even if things are different now.

I seem enjoy those more many Japanese isekai harem manga. They feel more like fairy tales with puffy costumes and with palaces that only Ludwig II of Bavaria can only dream of. Plus the women characters seem to be a bit more proactive about doing something about the bad lots in life they find themselves in.

I was in a hard anime phase middle school to early high school, and then pretty much dropped completely for the last few years. I think it's totally natural. When you get older your taste is going to mature, and sadly a lot of anime doesn't hold up when you start watching stuff expecting there to be like, plot and compelling characters. Same as how I used to love YA books and now I have no desire to read much of anything from that genre, even though I still read a lot.

I think anime particularly has a weird image, as in people think it's one homogenous genre. So yeah the average high school romance anime won't have much of interest for an adult. That doesn't mean an adult also won't get anything from like, a Ghibli movie. But for some reason being considered an 'anime fan' means watching many different types of shows rather than just ones that interest you, if that makes sense? So the fact that I watch maybe one anime a year that I find artistically appealing means that to most people I'm not an anime fan.

And having time to watch, like a lot of people said. A big reason I stopped watching anime is that the main time I watch anything is while I draw or work, which obviously doesn't work well for subtitled anime.

I used to be super into anime back in high school but now that I'm in my late 20s I feel it's harder for me to find an anime that will grab my attention. I still enjoy the art style and my style is heavily inspired by it.