7 / 19
Oct 2021

A simple question, but one I am curious about.

I've recently been having ideas for multiple stories aside from the one I'm working on now. I'm not sure if I would work on a couple of them at the same time (especially given the amount of time my current one is taking), but it's something to consider.

So, I ask if you have ever worked on more than one project at once, the process/experience doing so, and maybe some advice on how you were able to keep up. Doesn't matter what the projects were. It could be a comic, novel, etc.

I hope you're able to provide some good advice.

  • created

    Oct '21
  • last reply

    Oct '21
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Yes. Right now. And all the time... I don't manage myself well...

I feel that it's good to work on other stories and project when your burnout on your main one. I often multiple projects at once and most of the time, I feel like I'm bad at managing them. I should really make a schedule, but when deadlines and my personal motivation to work on a specific thing come into play, it really feels pointless to map out my week.

Yeah, years ago I had 3 comics going on all at once, each with weekly updates. I only managed it because of the following:

  1. I don't have a 9 to 5 job. So I could use most of my day to work on these comics. I portioned up my week and dedicated one or two days to complete an update for each comic. Work on Demon House was done on Mondays and Tuesdays, Heavy Horns was on Wednesdays, and my third comic would be on Thursdays.
  2. The scripts were all 70% ish complete before I started drawing any of them. It was much easier having the next update already scripted with an idea of how I wanted the page to look before I had to draw it.
  3. I was in my mid-twenties! I had energy to do all this!

It's something that's more manageable when you have the physical capacity to do it. My production got a wrench thrown into when I got sick and it compounded some burnout too. While I'm physically better, I'm still kind of burnt out from comics. I now know to slow down and give myself the care of just focusing on one or two projects at a time.

OH right now I'm working on a novel and comic at the same time. Only my comic is updating rn so I have it a little more lax schedule wise.

But the best thing to do in my opinion is to prioritize and plan. You cant put 100% on every project, so you really need figure out where you're gonna sink your time into. And make sure that you're really clear on that or write it down.

It's really easy to get overwhelmed or skimp off because you have no plan, so that's my number one recommendation.

You know, I did, but I found that it was too much to manage. So I've narrowed it down to which project I have the most inspiration with. Like, it flips flops sometimes, but I find that if I commit myself that things go well.

I generally have multiple ideas kicking around and slowly developing over time in my head, but as far as sitting down and actually progressing on projects... I barely have time to work on 0-1 at a time, let alone 2+ :sweat_smile:

There have been a few cases where I've started a new project while working on something at the same time. In each instance, though, the new projects were pretty short by design and instead of working both of them at the same time, I would just put my main project on hold while I finished the new one.

I'm always with a lot of projects, mainly because my mind never stops working. But here are some tips for you to maybe pull this out:
- Write down all ideas you have: Maybe you're in a random location and just get an awesome idea of dialogue/scenario/etc. Write it down on your phone so you don't forget. Cause trust me, you will end up forgetting it.
- Make a schedule: Try to form a very methodical schedule, so you can work on your projects without getting too overwhelmed. Try to work on one project at a day, never two on the same, or else you'll lose your will to do them. If you feel not in the mood for the project of the day, try to make an effort to do it anyway. You will feel better and you'll also establish your goal.
- Don't work too much: Take some time to eat, drink some water, or even breathe some air. Never work more than 3 hours in a row without taking at least a 10 minute break. It's not healthy at all and you'll lose the will to continue in the next days.
- Try to persevere, but if it's too much, slow it down: Try to keep the goal of like one hour per day you'll work on one of your projects. If you feel a little lazy or something, make an effort to do it anyway. If somehow this routine is too much for you even after trying very hard, drop it. Focus on only one project until you're ready to do multiple.

I hope I helped, if you have any more questions or want more tips, just dm me and I'll try to help.

I definitely know the feeling of having ideas for multiple stories. I've recently come up with at least 3 new story ideas in the last week! Currently, I'm working on 2 novels that update weekly. I do work a regular full-time job too. Admittedly, it is a little difficult, but I try to divide my time per story. For example, I'll take one or two nights to work strictly on TLG and a different night to focus just on Tempest. For me, the two stories have a different vibe, and I feel like I need to be in the right head space to give it my best work. I also take a separate day to do just promos and talking online, etc.

It is definitely doable, but you just have to figure out how best to prioritize your time (and how much time you can give to your projects), and what you want that focus to be. For example, if you want to promo, plot out an idea/chapter, or write, you have to do what you feel is going to work best for you. I hope this was helpful, and good luck on your future projects! :blush:

I've often worked on at least 2 comics at once (right now, I work on 2 side by side with 2 visual novels and an audio project, glkdfhg it's a lot) BUT I do art full time so I don't think I'm always a great example of getting multiple projects done. I get my projects done, I just also have a shit ton of time for them compared to others.

But, what works for me is setting aside days each week for different projects. So, monday is break, tuesday is commissions, wends is comic 1 pages, thurs is game stuff, friday is a break, saturday is comic 2, and sunday is game stuff again. Kinda like that.

Or you could go bi-weekly or monthly etc etc, it's just about splitting up your time. I recommend setting goals for yourself each day or week and keeping a planner or scheduale since it's a lot to keep track of in your head. Good luck!

Having too many projects going on at once has been a serious problem of mine for my entire life. :stuck_out_tongue: I've been progressively working on cutting back, but it's a struggle, haha.

I guess for some general advice:

  1. Time management. Working on two projects at once means allotting time for both of them, whatever that might look like for you. (Setting deadlines, literally scheduling out equal amounts of time to work on Project A vs. Project B, etc.)

  2. Prioritize. For example, if you're close to finishing Project A (or finishing a chapter or whatever), it might be best to wrap that up before starting on Project B.

  3. Know your limits. Twice the projects means twice the work, especially if you want to stick to a regular update schedule for both of them. Don't set deadlines that you won't be able to meet—and if you do, it's okay to take a step back and reschedule.

  4. Similarly, be careful not to let yourself get caught up in too many overly ambitious projects. Maybe you can simplify that 50 chapter novel to a 10 chapter novel.

  5. You will probably not be equally passionate for both projects at all times. Sometimes you'll be working on Project A while constantly thinking about how much you want to be working on Project B. This is normal, but don't let it turn into burnout. There's no shame in taking a break from one project to focus on another if needed.

Never. I won’t work on any other projects until Nixvir is finished serialising. I do have some others in the pipeline though; one being a prequel and another being a sequel set millennia into the future.

I only write novels, but from experience, I don't do well working on two or more stories at once. I always end up abandoning one of them. What I've found to be more helpful is outlining those ideas for later when I've completed my current novel. Everyone works on their series differently though, so while I don't do well with working on multiple ones, you might do better. You could always give it a shot and write one of the multiple ideas you have and see if it goes anywhere.

Well, last year I worked on two webcomics simultaneously

  • One was my long term work, I draw for Scarlet Society by Addie French since 2018
  • The other was a short story that I did for Webtoon's Short Story Contest

Working on two things simulatenously and with thight deadlines is hard, I honestly don't like it despite I can do it. It was mostly having an extremely thight schedule, I had several alarms for waking up, eating, working, pauses, everthing extremely controlled and sleeping less than 4 hours.

And besides that, I also did commissions.

My advice would be to work on one or two things, but try not to do stuff that you aren't used to do. Don't overwork yourself and don't push more than needed.

All the time.

I prioritize by breaking them down into steps, and then by which of the steps need too be done by an earlier date.

Currently I’m working on two projects but to counter balance the work load I only write on one of them.

Rewrite I’m the sole writer and artist
And my second project which is a one shot fan comic of Blade Runner I solely focus on the script while the artist does the rest.

Couldn’t imagine being the sole writer and artist on both projects

All the time. I think it’s really helpful in learning how to follow your inspiration and creativity. Blocking myself in on a single project makes me feel almost claustrophobic, so I like having a couple projects on the back burner at all times.

However, it is important to prioritize. I have no intentions of publishing my current “background” stories, so I feel no pressure to finish them in any sort of time. I simply write when I have a little inspiration and don’t when I don’t. Whereas, for the story I’m currently posting, I’ll push myself to write, edit, post, etc.

It’s all about finding the right balance and schedule that works for you :coffee_love:

I tried. It didn't end so well for both projects. Despite my urge to work this idea I have for another novel. I'm trying to not do it. At best, I'll write the basic plot and characters but anything more are avoided for the sake of prioritizing the current project I'm writing.

Yeah, I used to do it all the time: whenever I'd get tired of a certain project, I'd go right to the next one, and then to the next one and then I would go back to the first one. The thing is... it didn't really help me in the making. Working on multiple series can be fun, but it doesn't always seem convenient.

I'm currently focusing and working full-time on just one series, though I tend to get burnt out easily. When I used to work on multiple ones, I'd get less burnt out, since I didn't really put too much effort in any of them.
Still, in the end you can work on as many series as you want at once: it just comes down to knowing how to properly manage your time and efforts!