31 / 39
Sep 2022

Almost 5 chapters in and a fourth of the way through, and I've been working on it since 2018, so 4 years. I honestly would be farther but I went back and redrew my 1st chapter. In terms of pages it's only about 120 to maybe 140 pages done and about 70 episodes. I have a lot left to do, since the full story is supposed to be about 20 chapters.

I'm on my final season/ arc of my novel! :smiley: It's taken me... over a year (almost two years now) to get to this point :joy: I'm still writing, but with school and internships, I haven't found the time to work on it these days... Hopefully I'll be done by the end of this year?

On chapter 7 so more then half way through arc 1 which is the shortest arc so far. So prob only about 20% if even that much :sweat_smile:

It's coming onto the 5th year anniversary next year so we're excited to get to chapter 8 by then

Honestly I started this comic with full knowledge it's gonna be about 16 years 🥲 that's ok tho! The journey is the important part ~

I have writen 164 pages of my script and that's maybe 1/2 of my story? I don't know how long it'll be, it always get bigger as I write xD I've finished the 54th last week, it took me 2,5 years (accounting little hiatuses), yeah, I'm not the fastest.

I'm producing the 8th issue right now, so I'd say I'm about a quarter to a third of the way through Heaven Hunters so far, and have finished 176 comic pages as of today. Not including preproduction or concept art at all of course. I started releasing it in 2020, so I think I've been going for about 2 years now, but it really started in 2017 when I started writing it.

I'm like in the very very beginning and I'm almost at the inciting incident and I feel like it's taking foreverrrrr but it's only been 5 months :sob:

Finished one series and only just done with second part of my other series, working on the third/final part of it. Can't make any promises when it would be completed through.

Around 4 chapters, 3 COMPLETE STORY REVISIONS, and 5 years.
And I just thought of a new story that interests me 10x more. I might just leave this one in the "One Shot Limbo", for now.

I'm currently working on DoVM (Oct. 1810 to Nov. 1813) and I have to say that I'm currently working on February to March 1811. Otherwise, I finished four out of twenty-six chapters.

Meanwhile, I already finished writing DoVM (June 1809 to Sept. 1810) but the update progress is nine out of thirteen (if you exclude the miscellaneous episodes and the epilogue), but all of its chapters are 16.

Overall, twenty out of forty-one chapters are completed, or should I say 49% of it are done if I combined both 1809 to 1810 and 1810 to 1813.

The story I want to tell is big. Split into three trilogies. I'm around 1/3 of the first book of the first trilogy... give or take.

I'm still in the early phases of my novel despite having only 19 chapters which I started in May. I know that I have a long way to go.

TOB is about 70k words in. I estimated for it to be 90k words but I think it is going to be closer to 130k words. I would say just over half way done.

I'm about 300 comic pages in, with maybe... 3 chapters left? So maybe 70% done. It took me around 2.5-3 years to get here.

Of course... I didn't actually start with a set story, so part of that length is on me. But the purpose of the comic was to learn how to make comics, so I'm actually overall rather happy :smile:. It's the longest I've worked on any creative project. I'll count it as quite a success to finish and move on to my next one.

Congrats on the progress!

Since my comic is still so new and im still a new artist Im 6 episodes in, 8 if we include my hiatus update then q+a, and its taken me about 3 months to get this far

I've started to create my story almost 10 years ago, and I'm proud that no matter how complicated it looked and how frightening it seemed, I didn't gave up. I would remind myself each time why I do it, what I believe I have in my hands and if I can share it with the world, I will create truly what I wanted, I can change the world. I still have many obstacles to go through. Language barrier. Money/Financial support and transition from drawing into writing. But, I'll make it. I improve everyday.

It's only on it's first chapter and it's going to be a long and exciting run - https://tapas.io/series/The-Spirit-In-Me-/info1

Thank you very much!

I'm almost done book one of my series but I'm going back to fix up some stuff with my story before continuing

30 chapters, a clip over 20,000 words now. Quite a bit to go. So very roughly 500 or so published words per day (started publishing August 5th).

I'm 6 out of 22 for my new story~
It took me 2 months since I updated every 10 days. The storyline is completed, though. I just need to make them into a comic. :sob:

1 month later

closed Oct 22, '22

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