61 / 64
Apr 2020

When you say chapters, do you mean episodes, like just a page or a few pages? Or do you mean actual chapter chapters? like 12 pages per chapter? If so, damn , I want your speed!

I have a 5 page buffer, this is after I switch my update schedule later this month. I used to draw 2 to 3 pages per week but the last couple of months has really slowed me down.

I used 13 pages as a buffer... didn't last long
pro tip: buffer by time not page count, have enough pages for a certain time frame where you can replenish the buffer
like for example I have planned a 200 paged comic which will release 3 pages per week, that would take about 67 weeks to publish in its entirety and I can draw about 9 pages per 2 week, how big should the initial buffer be so that I can finish the comic with 0 hiatsu?

answer: about 31 pages in the initial release which gives me a 10 week buffer and would take me 7 weeks to replenish so I have a three week vacation before starting to draw again =')

of course this is crazy so I just choose to not do buffer and draw until it's finished and publish it weekly anyways XD

I don't think I could ever do that large of a buffer. I would be too tempted to either use it up or change something in the story or plot.

@teasidesketches - It's not as impressive as it sounds. It means everything I drew is from over a year ago so I spend a few hours updating the art and trying not to cry over it before I post the page that's been sitting in the buffer for months

@Iridescent_Bismuth - Not necessarily. The comic I create is a long form story so I only release a chapter when it is completely done and edited. Which means if I fall behind even a little bit, the buffer don't matter none, no new pages get released until that next chapter is done and that cane be anywhere between 50-90+ pages :sob:

I have two.

The 36 pages was for strawberry and banana

I currently have no buffer.

I had one of about 5 pages in Winter, but then the pandemic hit and I'm too tired to do anything after I finish work and I wanted to keep all the folks who are not working currently something to read every week. So, now I'm running behind and I don't know if next week's page is going to be done on time.

Anywhere from 0 to 1 most weeks. At this time, I don't have any buffers. Creating just 1 page usually takes up a good chunk of my time, so unless I'm not doing anything else for that week, it's not common for me accumulate a huge buffer.

I've got about a month and a half of buffer right now, though that's at one page per week. I'm trying to keep at least a month's worth of pages ready to go.

I usually just post them as I finish them. In the past I tried to make a buffer and I'll probably build one up again, but right now I think I've struck a balance of making pages as I want/need them.

Right now I have 12 (which will last me about 6 weeks). In the past I used to post 3 times a week but now I am doing twice a week. I'm trying to work at a good pace and not overload myself, make it feel like I have freedom to other stuff outside my free webcomic series. I dealt with feeling overwhelmed in the past tied to my series and I want to lessen that.


I used to have a buffer but then I got sick and used it up and I keep getting sick so I haven't had the opportunity to make a buffer again and pretty much release the pages as I've finished them.

I currently have a bit over thirty pages of buffer, which takes me up to August. Whether I can maintain that lead is a different matter entirely.

Not enough, unfortunately. I'll probably have to do a pause soon to build up more material and be able to provide a decent publishing pace.

My current publishing pace is not compatible with the free time I have to work on my Gods VS Dragons and I dont like to do random publish, or put just one page a week. It's a hard tradeoff.

I draft everything. But I refuse to let go of a good idea. If inspiration strikes I'm going for it. Also, on occasion I catch plot holes.

Just my style :sunglasses:
Who needs buffers when you can draw at your own pace and not get anxious about missing a date (those were dark times)

if you have an idea save it for another story, too many ideas and the story will be too bloated and slow, plot holes can be fixed but unless it breaks the whole story then just ignore it or magic handwave it

what's more important than ideas or plot consistency is the story and the characters, as long as those two are solid then everything will be alright