60 / 111
Mar 2021

I'll only be reading the top one. I'll do the rest if I have time after doing everyone else.

The narration seems kinda distant from the main character. Kind of like a bedtime story style of storytelling. This makes me assume that the one who tells the story (which is the author by default) is the narrator.

I like the world you are illustrating through your words. I'm imagining an Ori and the blind forest kind of aesthetic. However, you kind of got carried away with all your fantastical terminology.

For example, can you tell me how to imagine this sentence?

For me, I'm interpreting it as Zamani the MC stands on a rodent on top of a tall creature called a nhola facing the city of castles named Zhereen (I'm assuming the city is built by humans and thus uses the human standard of how large a city should be).

The latter half makes sense, but the former half requires some mental gymnastics for me to imagine it. It's pretty common to get carried away with your fantastical terms just remember that we readers don't know anything about what they really mean until you inform us.

Overall opinions:
+ Interesting World
+ A unique ecosystem of fantastical creatures
+ Vivid and efficient word choices

-- Fantastical Terms are not explained
-- A few formatting hiccups

Thank you for participating and I wish you the best of luck in your creative journey.

I'm curious why so many people do not merge their pages together to form one cohesive comic episode. If you have any insight you'd like to give me. I greatly appreciate it.

The one word I'd like to offer you is consistency.

Panel flow can get incredibly rough on some pages and I have absolutely no idea what I'm looking at.
I get what you're going for with the different coloured speech bubbles and stuff. But at least maintain the same amount of contrast with your text. Also, On one of your pages, most of the speech bubbles were cut off.

Ultimately, I looked through the whole comic that you've made so far and I have absolutely no idea what's going on. Sudden switches of character. No closure. Actually, I can't really grasp the plot either. It's kinda ironic that a story about stick figures is so complicated to figure out.

Overall Opinions:
+ Has its charm

-- Panel Flow is hard to follow at times
-- Low Contrast or Cutoff speech bubbles
-- Lack of plot direction
-- Surface level characters

I'm sure you've seen this already. But Animator vs Animation is a great series that uses non-verbal storytelling to great effect to characterize their stick figures.

Anyways, I hope that my feedback can help you improve your work in the future. Best of luck in your creative endeavours.

The cut-off speech bubbles were a stylistic choice to show that he's aware of her words but not listening. I probably should fix that since it's so poorly conveyed. You're the third person I've had to explain it to.

I think the plot confusion is caused by a big mistake I made when writing. I originally had a narration monologue from Otaka explain the plot at the start but I decided that was cliche because a random youtube video advised against this type of thing. I'm dumb.

The narration went like this if it helps:

"For generations, the chosen one and the dark lord were chosen by destiny and fought for the fate of the world.
But one day, a new dark lord came into power, but the chosen one never came, so the dark lord conquered all, bringing ruin and rot wherever he went. And everyone just let him, believing that a hero would come. But I know the truth. He isn't coming.

I will stop the dark lord myself.

I have a long-distance friendship with Heiroe and Superblonde Valiant. I'm traveling with them. At least I will be when we meet up."

Does this help?

If comics are fine, can you do mine?

Thank you, Sorin_Gran.

You make a good point. Actually, the nhola forest is comprised of very tall tree-like mushrooms called nholas. The voal is the flat spongy top of the nhola, at the center of which is a depression in which the dew rises once each day. This all comes out in the reading, but you are right. The inclination toward instant gratification hangs like an albatross from the necks of the average reader. I should not give them so much credit for creative interaction.

Thanks for this thread. If you could also review the first episode of Arbiter's Wake, I'd really appreciate it.

here's mine , if you're okay with comics too
and thank you for this thread :smiley:

Hey! Sure I'll review your first episode.

Here's a link to my novel:

Greetings! I'll make my best to read your novel as soon as I can! If you want to give it a try, I'll leave Menmar here for your appreciation:

I took a look at your comic, now I want someone to answer a question I kept on having. Why one page per episode? Is it difficult to merge multiple pages together? The art is flat and simplistic so it may resonate with the people who like that art-style. However, I'm not a fan of the dialogue and the one-dimensional character writing. I looked at one of your later chapters and your art definitely improved and the writing is more tolerable. I'm glad to know that you have grown quite a bit since you started.

Overall Opinions:

  • Noticeable improvement in your later works (That's what growing as a creator is truly about)
  • Simplistic art style that appeals to certain audiences

-- The writing leaves a lot to be desired.
-- Strange text bubble design and colour choices (Why yellow fill?)

Thank you for participating and good luck on your creative journey!

Hello, good day. Thank you for the opportunity to share. I love this thread. I will definitely check your work out as well.

I have noticed a trend of many views on my first episode and not many after that. I haven't received any comments or reviews before, so I don't know where the problems may lie. I would be grateful if you check out my new novel. All feedback is welcome. Hope you enjoy it regardless!

Here’s mine! and I will check out urs too, probably comment about urs in ur comment section.
So my prologue is too short, u might wanna review prologue + chapter 1, otherwise u can just do prologue.

I have read your story and I have to say, from the chapters I read it was interesting, it has a nice hook of a kid dealing with a supernatural entity that seems to want to just mess with him (or at least so far that is).
I like the way he and the old man casually chat, i live for those slice of lifeish moments in any story.

Here is JTA in case you're interested in reviewing ^^
Also, technically the 'first chapter' is the first four Acts in the story... I originally did not write for Tapas so i had to cut my script in acts to acommodate for the character limit. But I'd say if you can make it to the end of act one that's perfectly valid.
I will understand if you don't stick with it, as it's not everyone's cup of tea... But hey, maybe you end up liking it. ^^

Also... fair warning as later episodes have mature scenes, But that is only if you stick with it for that long... And it's not so violent or naughty that it might cause a severe reaction.

Super slow-paced BL... hasn't even really reached the BL part lol

Here is mine I would really like feedback for :slight_smile:
I will check yours out as well!

Genre: romance, fantasy, drama

I believe that you genuinely have a worthwhile story to tell but the dialogue does not do it justice. I think there is some charm that can be found in your artwork even though I find the line art to be a bit too rigid and messy and the colouring to be flat. However, I love seeing that your art and your writing has grown when looking at one of your later chapters. Your growth as a creator is worth more than any accolades some website has given you. Ultimately, you are heading in the right direction, just keep learning from your mistake and grow your craft.

Overall Opinions:
+ Growth as a creator is noticeable
+ Art has its charm
+ Story has potential

-- Speech bubbles are weirdly designed.
-- Some text is off-center
-- Garish green speech bubbles. rip night mode readers.
-- Cringeworthy dialogue

Damn, I did not expect my post to grow this much. I will do some more tomorrow and thank you for participating! I wish you the best of luck in your creative journey.

Oh, thanks mate!
Yeah, art, bubbles and dialogues was extremely messy. XD
I am really glad that you took some time to review my comic. ^^
Again, thank you!

Hello, here's mine if you ever have time. Thank you! đź–¤


Hi, I read your first episode and I liked it enough to subscribe. It was well paced although there were a few grammatical errors that were a bit disconcerting. Here's mine. Feel free to tear it apart!

Here ! I just started a couple month ago.
I would not mind a third party's view on my episodes.

droppin' in if you're still doing this

Hey, I read your prologue. As an Aquarius, I am obligated to dislike your work due to our poor compatibility with Scorpius. Kidding aside, I really empathize with your life story. I feel a similar way myself regarding my reasons why I want to write stories and begin my journey as a creator. Your art and colouring really stand out due to the use of vivid colours. I really liked how the scorpius constellation was designed. Since this is a comic, I can't really say much about the writing since there is so little. I'd say the text that is there is pretty good and the bubbles are well designed.

However, I can't really say that it is worth waiting one week for 3 new pages. Especially since there are plenty of comics that publish weekly and yet drops out more than 20 pages. But its not like I do not understand. You don't have the staff those people do. However, it does not change how abrupt an episode just ends and how insufficient 3 pages are for a whole week of wait. Because in the end, the reader will prefer consuming stories that gives them more content for their time.

Overall Opinions:
+ Good Art
+ Great Coloring
+ Charming Character Design

-- 3 pages for a whole week of wait.

Thank you for participating and have a good day. I wish you the best of luck in your creative journey.

Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. There isn't a lot of content in the first episode but feel free to give your honest thoughts and opinion.

Is this real? cool if it is

I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Thank you for this opportunity to take a read-through :smile:

I've taken a read through the first episode and I must say it's a good start! I can imagine some people probably saying that the Thomas talks is a bit too much for age (I was inclined to do the same but then I remembered how snarky my own 10-year-old brother is haha)

I really like the gritty imagery you drew up for the reader; which works well for how you seem to be setting it up towards. Another thing I really like is the exposition; it shows enough for the reader to be informed and hides enough to keep the reader interested in discovering more about the world.

Good luck with your series!

I hope you would be willing to enlighten me. Besides the time it takes to draw the art. Is there other reasons one would do one page per episode? I'm asking because whether you like it or not. In this platform, you are competing against many accomplished works that consistently provides 20+ pages per week. Even for the readers who want to find those under-the-radar works, the one page per episode format may throw them off.

Anyways, im just going to assume that is out of your control and ill just talk about the content of your work instead. Personally speaking, im not a big fan of the green coloring. Id much prefer if it was just black instead. Your panel flow is adequate and I never got lost following the action. Your writing is juvenile but then again it is intentional so... eh. The only thing I can say for sure is that I'm definitely not part of the target audience. As a kid, I could imagine myself watching this animated but not in comic form.

Overall Opinions:

  • Dialogue is tolerable
  • Artstyle has charm and may feel nostalgic for some

-- No hook (1 page per ep doesnt help)
-- Coloring in green does not work for me

Sorry if im being too harsh. It happens when I'm just not the target audience. Dont get discouraged. Just keep persisting and you'll gather a following that likes your work for what it is. Thank you for participating and best of luck on your creative journey.

Hi! I Have some subscriptors and likes, but I think that I need some critic just to have more opinions about my work. Be harsh, but fair!

I haven't gotten it reviewed before...

If you'd like to, here is my work.

I have to be honest. Halfway through the first chapter, I basically forgot I was reading this to review it. I just started having fun! I don't believe that novels and comics are about artistic and literary perfection. As long as the readers are having fun, that's enough for me. Your art was nice to look at. Even though it looked a bit amateurish, it added to the charm for me. You set a nice pace. When I finish a chapter, I'm inclined to view your next one. I subscribed, you earned it.

Overall Opinions:
+ Good Art
+ Good Writing
+ Fun to Read

-- Generic but I don't care
-- Looks Amateurish but you'll improve over time.

I look forward to the development of your story. Thank you for participating and best of luck on your creative journey.

thank you so much :slight_smile:
with the Amateurish point: yeah I'm not the best artist by now, but I will get better with time. Before my webtoon I just draw girls and no complex backgrounds. So I never even tried to draw boys before. Even now it's pretty hard for my to draw them, but I get more comfortable with it by now. In the newer chapters the art looks a lot better :smiley: I also worked hard on my backgrounds. The first chapter s looks a bit amateurisher because these are reuploads + some changes :slight_smile: