I'm trying to be polite but seems like she/he is getting more and more annoying, imagine trying to collaborating with someone like this.
She/he can find another person in this forum yet she/he must bothering one person this much, I dont get it.
Already showing themselves as a very demanding, pushover and guilt tripping before even talking about any single concept, what the hell
If I had seen this earlier, I would be very interested. I probably have one that would fit what you were asking. Sadly, I only joined the community in late June.
Also, as a writer... 60-40 sounds like a very good deal for me imho. I mean even when I first offered my collaboration to other artist, I offered 70-30 or 80-20 because I know how much work is needed. But then again, that's probably because I just love writing so I don't mind the smaller cut at all.
Honestly, I have tried drawing. So, in my opinion, writing a story is actually quite easy compared to making a comic. I mean, a writer can produce a story, background, characters etc without any pressure of having to follow a set of guidelines but an artist who will adapt that story into a comic have to think of those whenever they work on it. You design a character, but if the author felt its not potraying the character enough, you'll have to redo it. At least, I would ask the artist to redo it. Maybe that's another reason why I'm willing to give a bigger cut, to compensate the artist for my willfullness
Anyway, just my 2cents. Take it with a grain of salt?
Haha lololol
No i'm thanking myself for not collaborating with you.
I never pushed you.
And i yelled because you yelled that writers aren't worth as much as they are.
And that's exactly what i did, found others who suit me instead of dealing with someone who don't appreciate writers like you.
Yes i said, "Trust The Artist".
I don't understand how it can be a problem.
And i even said that for your good, since you're just human, like me, like the others.
I've found myself in multiple endless acquaintes of people including myself who said they can do an incredible amount of panels in such super short time, both in illustrations and writings.
And it all failed.
So i'm saying that so that you won't waste your time and ended up feeling really sad when it all turn sour.
When, you can make a more positive and achievable goal, which you and other human/s can actually do, which end up in actually a finished result!
But i see i'm just wasting my time.
I shouln't have bothered and just let you weep in your failures.
I've done exactly that.
You also talked out of your ass with 0 understanding.
So i will say you have no right to complain when you're worse.
At least don't curse on people just because you feel like it.
And what did a thread being xxxx long have to do with it????????????????????????????????
If i don't reply, people like you are going to assumed i'm indeed in the wrong so i shut up.
But that's not case, so i can't let you think that way.
I never understand why that issue even came to this argument. Sigh.
I'm also an actual writer -_-
And i never ignored "every single one of their arguments", sigh. Aren't you serlously the one with 0 understanding????????
It's indeed not that hard.
And it's indeed part of their job!
Like seriously, what can a writer do when artist complain they can't draw
A writer can only be as hopeless.
I don't think so.
I'm the one who imagined myself collaborate with you would be such a hell @_@
I never bothered only you.
Better get your facts check.
I'm also trying to be polite but your dumbness start to tick me off.
I apllied to other collab posts.
I replied to other threads.
Sigh i don't even want to waste much more time more that i already was for the like of something like you.
I'd say those are exactly the description of you.
Thank you for not making me have to type that.
i guess people opinion really are different.
For me the norms have always been 50-50, and artists that i collaborate with agreed with it without being ticked weirdly like everyoene else here did.
Yeah, maybe because that you'd ask them to re-do it, if it's me i won't.
So another reason why 60-40 or lower is your desire, while 50-50 is mine.
I don't though? lololol
You shouldn't illusion your head lol.
Then again, people love to think what they are saying is right, even though proofs said otherwise.
I don't even know people still got unbelieveable laughs to tell the world about here. And i don't have any collaboration going that require me to use this service.
I even just log in because there's good collaboration proposal that i want to apply to.
It's seriously don't cross my mind why there's people like you in this world who got super full of their own self 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I...don't wanna collab with you, tho? I'd have no reason to.
Just...you waited a month to respond and it's like, you know by now, most people would've just moved on and not care to respond. Pretty sure the other people in this thread don't care anymore. So responding a month later after the fact is just...I'll be blunt, it's pointless.
But you do you!
Of course i don't as well.
What make you think i do???? O_O
Well, i don't read that, it got up high on my notifications.
And as i said, if i don't reply people like you will think that i've got no more to say, scared, etc22222.
And then bring it up in the future when i comment on other threads.
I've seen a lot of people like you.
So not replying is just not an option so that i'm staying away from troubles like you.
But that's exactly what all of you are doing.
I've log everyday and waited sometime last time.
And yet, all of you chose to reply when i decide to not use this service anymore.
Pretty funny
man if I had to sum up a good portion of this thread with an image:
@Glasgwyn just drop it dude, I mean just by looking at your activity I can see you waited quite a long time to respond here, you were online the day after the last response, which is to say June 9th, and you were online many days afterwords, if you had more to say about this, you should've said it back then m8
@ratique pretty sure this thread is deader than dead at this point, pretty sure the op got what they were looking for and already did what they wanted and all that so I'd close it if I were you
As i said, i've wait patiently on this argument for quite some time.
And last time i check there's no reply.
And i'm not sure whether my tapas webtoon online time got accounted on this.
You see, trying-to-be-smart online commenter, i don't get notif regarding forum activity on the webtoon account.
Ratique is on vacation . I'm just gonna @michaelson and @cain3 instead