116 / 119
May 2023

Yeah I’m just gonna say it. That guy is my type! 🤣

Move over Chuck! Move over Scrooge! Another dilf is in the court!

I never thought I’d have a thing for silver foxes.

11 days later

My character, Evander. He is sexy AF. Coincidentally, he made his debut in today's episode of my story, Finding Daecon's Way.

My story is about Shape Shifters. Evander's alternate forms are an Osprey and a Cheetah. His colours are not the same as the wild animals though. One of the traits of my Shape Shifters is that their animal colours usually match their human colours.

Here he is as a cheetah:

...and Osprey:

Picture I did months back of Mister Mimic from my story CALM. \o7o/ A couple people told me they read my comic soley because they find him hot so, it counts lol.

12 days later

Most attractive character from my first story, Wild Nights, Hot and Crazy Days would have to have been Darryl:

Darryl's hair was burgundy. Naturally. It was the most beautiful hair I had ever seen. The rest of him was equally impressive.

Darryl was a real person, a guy that I briefly dated and ended up becoming good friends with. His alcoholism prevented our dating from going any further. But it was fun while it lasted, especially the night of the Leather and Feather incident, when this happened:

I had just dropped Darryl off at his house after we had witnessed his boyfriend making out with another guy at the local gay bar's "Leather and Feather" night. As I was turning to leave Darryl pulled me close and started kissing me. I had not even realized that he was interested in me. Those stars around my head indicate my shock. I was stunned.

We did not stop at that kiss.

The full story and much more can be found here:

I'd probably have to say Aide is my most charming character, she's the one who's so far gotten the most explicit "she's so pretty" reaction.

I'm glad people like her :3

I did attempt to draw my characters as "sexy merfolk" for MerMay but IDK if they actually look sexy or not.