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Jul 2023

Mark Zuckerberg released Thread. I'm hearing mixed things on it. Some people love it. Others don't. What's your take on it and is it good for webcomics?

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    Jul '23
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    Jul '23
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The fact it's not available in Europe but is elsewhere outside the US does not bode well for its privacy policy. Usually the reason social media apps and sites don't bother implanting in Europe is because they don't comply with privacy policy laws of the Union and/or laws surrounding the protection and advertising to minors. Facebook hasn't even attempted to get the app past Brussels yet, which is strange because Europe is a large market for american social media.

The biggest boon it has is that it's tied to Instagram so if you have that already you can auto-follow everyone you're already following on insta.

Other than that, right now it's lacking some crucial functions like sorting the timeline to just people you're following. And for now, the general timeline is all over the place, not sure if the algo will get better to tailor what's shown to your interests and activity.

And since it's tied to ig, I'm assuming any 18+ content needs to be censored. So I'm keeping twitter especially for that.

I've not used it at all, but I have had some friends tried it out, decided against it and have reported that they couldn't delete/deactivate their account without deleting their insta, so I'd be a bit wary before using.

This is an uneducated thought, but maybe the lack of UE its because the launch was hurried to exploit the last massive Twitter failure of the week? I mean, nobody in the general public new about this upcoming app until Elon managed once again to fail, and Zuckemberg seized the oportunitie to launch an aggresive campaign and launch the app, all in a week.

Now, about the app, I like it so far. I never had reached so many artist before. As it has been said before the app links with Instagram, so your feed is focused on that, and you will find a lot of that that you like in the beginning. I give it like 2 days until corporations start appearing in everyones feed, and start bringind the usual twitter hate for what that app is knowed for.

there's so many of these new sites popping up that i can't really be bothered to care especially with how little background there is for some of them but the fact that it's not in the EU does sound sus since some of these folks genuinely do not bother with adhering to privacy laws

i like how this thread3 laid things out

but honestly not interested in anything facebook/meta in general :sip:

This. Also, I follow mostly artists on Twitter and many can’t consider Meta platforms because nsfw content is completely banned.

The more I learn about it the more confused I am about all those people announcing them joining it

If you can read posts while logged out, I might check it out. I just don't want to get into another dumpster fire of a social media platform. Taking a break from the chaos of Twitter was quite refreshing.

I’m considering getting it sometime. Who knows? It could be good. But I think folks should give it a try at least.

It's mobile only, there isn't a tagging system, the homefeed is nothing but blue checkmarks telling you how they're so excited to use the app.
Even if you're okay with the fact that it's just a data farm, if you had no followers to start with on instagram you will likely not get more by joining threads as no one will even see your posts, to start. And the home feed is so clogged with people I could not care less about that I don't even see people worth following, or even things I actually am interested in or want to see.

I'll be willing to give it a try some other time, as it stands it's not exactly feature rich and not even entertaining, bare minimum.

Take with a pinch of salt because I've never had to certify an app with EU compliance, but from what I can gather submissions to the governing entity is somewhat public.

Even if the launch itself was rushed (which I feel you're right about especially as from what others have said some Key features seem to be missing, that or they wanted a blitz campaign because they thought it would be more effective) and even if they only started developing the app when they heard Musk was being forced into buying twitter after attempting to back out and saw the writing on the wall... If they had a decent privacy policy and wanted the european market, we should know that they've applied by now, even if it's not approved yet. The simplest way to make a worldwide app now would be to comply with EU privacy standards everywhere. They're not that restrictive, it's mainly "the app devs aren't allowed to freely access private messages unless there's a user report, and also you have to allow people to request you delete their data from your files and comply with that request". From the user pov it just means we can't see the stats on how many people share our posts in dms.

There's no financial reason I can see to not want the european market unless their app would have to go through substancial changes to comply with policy, as Instagram had to in 2016 and 2019 to not get banned.