53 / 63
Oct 2020

One eyebrow up is a fave too! You can use that one for confusion, annoyance, "Well hello there!"... "I am concerned about your sanity".

This is so old, I can't even remember drawing it. I'm imagining someone has insulted his frilly outfit, which will now result in a musketeer-type duel to the death. :joy:

I like to draw pedant or arrogant expressions. Subtle one. It’s not that common in drawing, and yet so common in real life...the slight sense of unabashed superiority... like:

(@Legendofgenii => I love that eyebrow!)


I'm really biased for the more extreme cartoony styles due to it helping my animations and dynamics OWO

Yes i can relate. Draw extreme closeup with details is also hard.

Big sucker for exaggerated expressions especially to add to drama or for comedic effect

i think some of my most common expressions fall under one of these three, those being:


big cheeky grin

and "the blep"

facial expressions are probably my favorite to draw and one of the big things i focus on when i'm doodling so if i'm reading something and the faces or body language read well (along with the story) it'll at least have me hooked there

I have a few favorite expressions that I draw

One great one is "Failing to hide that you're excited/happy"

It's super fun to draw and a fun character moment a lot of the time

I'm Also a HUGE fan of the "Oh, you know what i'm talking about!" smile+eye contact, I love non-verbal communication, and this one's particularly fun when said characters are mid-mischief

But as far as "just plain fun to draw" goes, I have to say I love drawing angry characters, Just plain fun to draw, even if it's relatively simple