75 / 76
Jan 2021

March 2021 UPDATE: Valheim.

There's no multiplayer game on the market right now that lands between casual and hardcore, non battle royale that I can enjoy with my recently turned gamer friends.

There was Killing Floor2 but we played that to death. The game is considered dead by the dev for 2021.
There's WoW but the time time commitment isn't appealing for someone in their thirties.

If you like top down shooters i recommend you Brawl stars.

Matches are short and the game is easy to learn.

The app is free and while one can pay real money to gain stuff it's not a "pay to win" because skill is always more relevant.


I'd never actually played a Final Fantasy game before and decided to give this one a go (which was the newest one at the time).
All the exposition just going on about Fal'Cie, L'Cie, Cie'th... ugh. Just S'top.

I guess my unpopular opinion is that Tales of Graces F was pretty fun for me.

That and that I play Tales games lol

The never should have made Zelda the incarnation of Hylia.

To add to that, I really don't see the point of her being Link's ultimate girlfriend my god. Besties? Sure. Nothing romantic though.

I generally dislike open world games. XD They are filled with way too many pointless side quests and I don't appreciate that the campaign is usually pathetically short but that if you do the sidequests, they are LONGER than the campaign. WTF? LOL. Gimmee Baten Kaitos or Xenogears any day over that! Super long campaigns and only a few sidequests!

Let's see... I actually REALLY liked Skward Sword--it's one of m favorites hides from critical eyes and I think Breath of the Wild was pretty dang overrated. Definitely not a game for me, haha.

Oh, I also love most of the games put out by Sonic Team, and I honestly kind of enjoyed Sonic Generations more than Mario Galaxy. Hot damn, I kinda loved the story book games a lot.

Skyward Sword gets no love fr everybody bags on it for being awful with the motion controls and the linearity, but I never had an issue with either

And Breath of the Wild makes it way too easy to kill the difficulty of the game and relies too heavily on Korok seeds to fill the play time. Those side quests give you nothing but junk and pocket change tbh the only quest worth doing is Tarrey Town and that's it lmao

13 days later

Late to the party, but got here through the link in the music thread lol. I have a number:

  • I'm team "Zelda Breath of the Wild was overrated". I didn't dislike it, certainly, but it's middling on my list of favorite zelda games overall, and towards the bottom if you just include 3D entries. I thought the exploration was really fun, but I absolutely hated everything about the combat. From the fragile weapons to the (initially) limited inventory space that I didn't realize you could expand for like 50 hours because the game encourages exploration
inv expansion location spoiler

And the forest to expand your inventory is on the opposite side of the map from where you start

I prefer longer full dungeons to the several broken up shrines and small buzzlebox dungeons, etc. Again not a bad game or anything and I am looking forward to seeing what they do with the sequel but ugh.

  • Conversely, this is somewhat nostalgia driven but Majora's Mask is still my favorite Zelda game.

  • I didn't mind Pokemon Sword/Shield as much as a lot of peopled seemed to. The streamlined lighter story I felt was in-line with what I expect from pokemon (since their "plot' writing is rarely strong anyways), and as someone who plays Pokemon PvP I appreciated many of the QoL features added for training new pokemon easier at the like. Some things were definitely frustrating, like the removal of the battle replay recorder and butchering of the PvP match timer... but I digress. It's still the most played game on my Switch behind only Splatoon 2 because I started to get into the official tournaments right before COVID started. That was a lot of fun~

  • I think these are both relatively unpopular opinions within the series, but Tales of Xillia and Tales of Hearts are some of my favorite entries because they have my favorite combat. Conversely, while I liked Graces' story, I very much did not like its combat which seems to be a fan-favorite.

  • Disgaea series, 3 is still my favorite. Most folks I talk to that enjoy the series seem to put 3 towards the bottom lol. Love the school setting, hero flavoring, and main character cast. 1 is close behind, then 4, 2, and 5.

  • Despite how ridiculous the story has become, I'm still a pretty strong kingdom hearts fan. I know a lot of people hopped off the train at or around 2, but I'm still going strong lol. Birth By Sleep is my favorite entry, with 2 following close behind probably. Unlike a lot of folks, I quite enjoyed Chain of Memories' card battle system.

  • Of the 3 modern Persona games, 4 is my least favorite. Similarly to the mario ranking in the OP, that's not at all to say that I dislike it- quite the contrary, great game. But my ordering of preference is 3 > 5 > 4.

Persona rant essay that you probably don't care about

I like 3's story and characters the best, and also think that it landed on the most balanced gameplay loop (where it encourages you to do school -> social link -> dungeon crawling -> get tired and call it a night most days). The shift that 4 and 5 made where the dungeon crawling takes up the after school time slot distorts the balance of the game somewhat imo.

Now in order to still give yourself plenty of time for social links, it's beneficial to try and rush the dungeons and complete them in as few days as possible because most social links happen in the same time slot, so if you take your time completing the dungeon you miss out on a bunch of those. I found that, as a result I would do large chunks of dungeon crawling followed by large chunks of social stuff instead of having a more even balance of all of the elements.

I'm also not a fan of the "deadline to complete the dungeon by". It means that the story pacing can get really wonky if you complete the dungeon too early on because things just freeze until the deadline passes. I preferred 3 where you knew that something would happen on the full moon day, but otherwise it had more liberty to sprinkle minor events throughout where it wanted them.

Lastly, now that all of the party members have a social link, I found that in 4 and 5 a lot of each character's development was hidden away inside of them rather than being woven into the main story, and as such they're optional which means that the story can't refer to them. Each character has development within their "focus arc" and then kind of stagnate throughout the rest of the game. Not completely, of course, but you miss out on a lot of the larger developments they have throughout their social link and none of that reflects in the story which is a shame.

All of that said, the gameplay definitely gets better as time goes on, 3 has the weakest dungeon by far and least QoL features... so that's why I put 5 above 4 on my list. There are elements of 4 that I preferred to 5, but 5 has much better gameplay so I prefer that one.


oh one more! I've never tried Minecraft purely because I can't stand its aesthetic (and don't really feel like trying to track down a bunch of mods to "fix it"). People always think it should be my favorite game since I work in the architecture design field but nahhh. I play Dragon Quest Builders instead :upside_down:

Oh I forgot the most unpopular opinion I have.

All Zelda games are overrated. They get so much praise that it makes me not want to play them. Yes yes I know there's some that people don't like, but I don't like any of them.

I am mostly uninterested in Pokemon as a franchise. The only game that I liked was from a spinoff called Rumble. But honestly, if the game switched Pokemon with generic zoo animals, I still would have played it. I like the Detective Pikachu film but then again, that’s a movie based off a spinoff.

I also wish people wouldn’t take my disinterest in the franchise as a personal attack. It is OK for people to not like Pokemon.

was that the one where one used pokemon toys and was action based?....i played a demo of it and it seemed promising.

that would be fun to watch....:grin:

Rumble is the one with the toys.

I have played Pokemon Blue but found it really repetitive and sort if broken from a game design perspective. I do like the retro gameboy graphics but I did not like the game play. I honestly enjoy reading up on the history and how broken the game is more so than actually playing the game.

I do know some about Pokemon due to being into the hype as a child. Most of my nostalgia for the franchise comes more from the show. However as an adult, it’s not really something I geek out over. I know there are a lot of people my age who go crazy over it. I remember when the app game came out and I just had zero interest in it.

  • I, honestly, not a big fan of Fantasy based games. I enjoy more modern-city type or futuristic type settings.
  • I don't like First Person game. Somehow, I feel so limited.

I also HATE online games... But because it automatically means that a) they have a nonexistent plot and no characters I can empathize with, because everybody's LOL'ing teens jumping around and teabagging dead enemies (Or, if it's an MMO, you need to sink literal hundreds of game hours to grinding levels and items to get anywhere and most of the plot will still consist out of primitive "go fetch" and "go kill" quests); b) I'm unable to play these games because you need lots of friends in order to play them. Of those I have, only one has a computer that can handle something more demanding than a flash game in a browser, and he's one of those kinds of players that glorify optimizing the fun out of the game as fast as possible.
So yeah usually for me the mention that this game isn't singleplayer is an instant sign for me that the game is boring, rubbish, and a great premise and setting ruined because you can't have any exploration of that in the cyclic round nature of online multiplayer where nothing should matter.

I recently bought 3D All Stars and found myself going back to Sunshine and Galaxy more. 64 just kept making me dizzy and the other 2 play better.
I really liked the setting in Sunshine. Sure, every level is the beach, but it's a different variation and each area feels lived in. There's citizens you can talk to and they have jobs and families and there's cool memorable set pieces. It's better than ice level, desert level, lava level, empty grassland with nameless goombas to kill, etc... If only the game had the same mission structure of the other 3D titles, it would've been perfect.

I liked Super Paper Mario. I thought the story was good and was fun to play through. I've never played the others, but I don't like RPGs. I don't like having to flip through menus of menus and having to waste time figuring out what to equip my party with and oops...you missed the hidden item in an area that you can't return to which would've made the final boss easier. The only exception is Chrono Trigger.

@HGohwell I never understood why people complain about video games having an easy mode. I understand if it's forced on the player, but if the option is there, I get what's the problem.

@rajillustration I always hated how difficult retro games are. People act like they're better for growing up with them, but the reason they're hard is to either steal your quarters or lengthen play time without running out of space.

Luigi's mansion 2 sucks, it suuuucks
No not because of the ghosts, the gameplay is just objectively inferior to the first and third entry
also that ice boss is a bitch to beat

I don't play games to "get" the story or know the backstories of NPCs, I play to kill and relax. Sometimes with other people.

I haven't been in tapas in a while but I've got some hot takes:

  1. I genuinely can't stand Skyrim

  2. Square's writing tends to be a bit...eh. Even back then though I suspect that this is at least partly due to localization. And I'm not sure why but the FF sequels tend to have worse writing.

  3. Dark souls 3 has the worst invasion system in the entire series including Bloodborne.

  4. Sunless Sea is a great game but the rougelike elements are genuinely not that great because it really only leads to repeating content you've already done (especially when the areas don't even shuffle much if at all)

  5. Halo 4s PvP was hilarious. Good? Probably not compared to other halo games but it had some of the funniest balancing decisions. Like how playing 2 on 2 in Ragnarok devolves into "who gets the mech first"

(bonus) 6. Breath of the wild's durability system is a problem but it also has major balancing issues. The armor upgrade system makes the entire game a joke if you use it normally and flurry rush activates when the enemy's attack is not even remotely close to you. And it kinda devolves into turning enemies into damage sponges especially for late game

Tales of Zestiria is the best tales game (though i haven't played some of the early ones bc they aren't available). MC is adorbs, party is fun, skits are fun, some amazing music, it's fun to play as anyone, and the plot and twists are better than what most tales games have. Plus even though most people hate the weapon system i love it because it gives me a reason replay the game multiple times if i want to create ultimate sets for my weapons.

Sad to see so much hate for this game :frowning: