Hello, I'm I'm_a_moron (yes, not a typo lmao) and I've been a webcomic creator on tapas since 2015.
This is mainly a discussion thread about a thing I've noticed and it both makes me feel catharsis but also a little uneasy. It's in regard to working on webcomics and my struggle as a webcomic artist (and with RSD (Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria)). I will come off as gloating or a little bit prideful, I just want to share my honest feelings about this. I'm generally a very humble person, and I've struggled with being too hard on myself sometimes. Like I was once even given advice to straight up listen to my gut if I know something I thought of is good.
Are we.... DOOMED (Ones)???
Have you ever worked so hard on a comic for so long, but your viewership just doesn't grow? Like you just kind of post into empty space, and maybe you'll get one or two comments that show reader engagement, but otherwise nothing. Like people aren't just interested?
Some episodes you upload will just have NO COMMENTS or maybe one like. Sure it gets views, or maybe readers are just silent, but it's still pretty discouraging as it doesn't show many signs of interest, especially if you put a lot of work into it.
I don't have an answer or solution for this, I just wanna shine a light on this and discuss it, because I actually don't wanna give up on my comic or make all this effort actually worth something. Maybe come up with a solution, because whatever I'm doing clearly isn't working.
I've been working on my comic, Doomed One(s)25 for 6+ years, and I've seriously tried making it the best comic I can make, but very few readers stick to it. I know some of it is due to my early pages (which I am redrawing as we speak) being not up to par or reflecting the actual tone or art style of my comic (as well as the hook for the comic by the premise alone, I KNOW there is an audience for a villain story, oh with all those villain playlists I've been getting on my yt recommendations).
Maybe it's just I don't have the chops when it comes to lore (well, my friends love the lore actually), or maybe I'm just not that good of a writer (Can't tell, maybe my writing style is just too confusing or something) or I'm not that good enough as an artist (idk, what do you think of these cover/screenshots from both published and current but unpublished art?)

(yes, this is me lowkey promoting my comic lmaooo)
Regardless, I'm still getting those occasional 1-2 likes per page at some point. I didn't intend to make Doomed One(s) to get big and make money off of comics. I was just a high school kid who wanted to make comics. I'm now in my mid-20s and it feels that although I have gone far in my art skills, after 6 freaking years, you would expect at least a dozen people to care right? I've tried everything and I'm still trying, redrew my comic (redrawing its first pages AGAIN), animated my comic, and I'm even been working on some music on the tapas side of things (well, before Tapas removed Soundcloud playback RIIIP). I've even paid for promotions and feedback from reviewers I like and trust.
The Drew that no one sew
This whole topic came up when I was watching Drew Gooden's video with my GF of him watching a Ninja Masterclass on becoming a twitch streamer1 and it was pretty funny, but what completely blew my mind was a segment in the video where Drew tries to make a twitch account and stream. The twist being, that he doesn't promote it at ALL, and he doesn't tell people about his alternative twitch account for a month or something like that, basically starting on the same playing field as everyone else.
And although Drew clearly has the humor and the experience to get recognized on twitch, heck, even the possible facial recognition because people might go "hey, that's Drew Gooden!"
NADDA! He tries by streaming for a total runtime of 40 hours across the month, and even a 24-hour stream, and he doesn't even take off. At most he has one active viewer who talks in chat, and like one visitor who was like in chat "Heh" and left.
He complains about despite how much effort he puts into trying to get his twitch account (although by tone, half of it is joking, but the other half is genuine), he gets nothing but cold water.
I know twitch is so different from Tapas or Webtoons, but I can't help but find it scary. What's scary to me, is how similar his experience is to mine, putting all this effort and passion into your work to the public and getting nothing, and the thing is, Drew Gooden very clearly has the chops and is literally like a youtube celeb, but NO ONE recognizes it because they didn't give his twitch stream a chance.
It's kind of cathartic to know, that maybe I'm just not bad at webcomics, but it's just THAT hard to grow an audience unless you have the skill, luck, AND connections. My viewership doesn't reflect the actual quality of my work, but I still can't help but feel like this kind of sucks, actually.
Like imagine having talent and the drive to actually get recognized, but don't.
This reminds me quite a bit of DC Showcase: Death and the story of the artist who never got recognized until his very last moments when he paints a piece that people actually notice because of its significance. I recommend looking it up on youtube, it's really interesting.
Hell if I know, honestly, are there ways to grow an audience or make connections that matter? How do you get people to actually care about your work and engage with it? I know there are promotions on Tapas forums, but they never really feel like they're that good of an impact. Do you also struggle with this sort of cold-water viewership? (Artists/Writers SUPPORT EACH OTHER!)
I'm currently dealing with burnout, and I have to try something else.
Also, read my comic lmao (feel free to post your comic link too after your reply, but I want a discussion, so please just don't your comic link without a response!)
Oct '22
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Dec '22
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