98 / 98
Oct 2020

I FOUND THE FORUMS. I had to go through the mobile version and found a link in the drop down menu.

Did they announce they were gutting the forums or is it just than no one can find them?

They said they were shutting them down but I guess they just removed the buttons for posting basically and people were able to find ways around it so they can still post. lol

But also, people decided to not "take advantage" of it so one of the mods made one last post there and encouraged others to not post.

Unless they decided to reopen them or something? I don't know, I don't go to the site anymore except to read one or two comics.

I think it was going to be out this month? Not sure.

From my side, I don't care, it's gonna lack all the comics marked as mature content.

Seriously? Well, damn. I don't know how my comic is marked but it's definitely mature, so it would be out of the app sooner or later...

Ugh. Well, I guess it's not their choice. Probably an app store/google play policy, right?

Probably, I mean, we all agree that SJ would not loose the possibility of making the money of having a +18 section, if the stores weren't making a come back to the Middle Age.

8 months later
13 days later

Yeah, found it too about a week ago, checked on twitter but couldn't find anything specific about it too. It's even weirder if it doesn't work even with VPN o-o"

Really curious about this o.o

You would think being bought out by a Japanese company would make the site better.

I would have to dig up the stuff that explains it because it's been a while, but the new site breaks security laws that are shared in a lot of countries so you are going to have to VPN from a country that doesn't have them.

Oh, great =-="

I had already cut the posting there long ago, but I left the account and never came around to delete it. Heck!

Thank you for the info, but it feels so weird that I can't find anything searching about it o-o

A friend told me it is indeed a non-clompiance with security laws. Also got a vpn and deleted the account already. Thank you for the help, @borzoiteeth ^-^

How does that work? Are people not allowed to have any VPN installed even if they are deactivated?

Euhm? o-o No, there's no problem with having VPNs, I just didn't have one so I had to get it first :joy:

I don't remember too much how that place used to be, but now it looks like a weird hybrid of Webtoons/tapas with way less audience.

I'm clicking on the comics on the front page, and there's barely any comments or likes,and that are supposed to be their originals, i would not post in a place that looks that deserted.

Make me remember that my comic's on the front page rn, first one under Spotlight.

Been there since December, and I've probably gotten like, one comment since then lol.

Looking at my October stats I got a grand total of 0 likes, 0 comments, 0 subs and 40 views for the whole month. You're totally right about it being a complete ghost town