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Feb 2019

Over the past two years I've been writing in the same literary universe, Universe Alpha. The creation of it dates back to when I was in the 3rd grade arguing at the lunch table every day about whose hero was the strongest. When I close my eyes, especially when I'm sleepy, I can so perfectly immerse myself into my own creation. I can become anyone I want, do anything I want.

I've been an angel in my mind's junkyard of data, ravaging to survive.

I've been a space pirate battling cosmic overlords in age-old wars.

I've been the opposite gender, animals, in love over and over again, killed, resurrected, powerful, powerless. I've had every single super power that I've ever been able to think of.

When you close your eyes, what do you see?

  • created

    Feb '19
  • last reply

    Feb '19
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When I was a kid I imagined more like you did, I put myself as a princess in the Mario universe and interacted with different characters I loved. Nowadays I mostly brainstorm about my comic, so I put my characters in different scenarios, never myself anymore. It is very vivid when I do so though, I plan the best scenes late at night.

I've always played the part of the voyeur. Any characters I create in my head or that had plush or doll stand-ins were my actors in the scenarios I gave them.
Nowadays it remains much the same. When I close my eyes to sleep, I'll play through scenarios in my head with my characters and see which would work best that I eventually go with in their respective stories.

When I was a kiddo, I had this entire series mapped out with 6 siblings. Kinda self-inserts, kinda wish fulfilling, but I enjoyed it all the same. Admittedly, Jennette was my self-insert into that world because she was created as what I thought I wanted to be like growing up. They've appeared in a few of my stories here and there, and they'll have a story coming up in a series I'm developing.

But...these six siblings won't ever have a series, if that makes sense. Like...there are sometimes when you've created characters not for a story, but for yourself. And you keep them for yourself, sharing them only to others a few times in a while.

So when I close my eyes, I dream of them and their wacky adventures.Used to do it all the time as a kid, back when I had more lucid dreams. Still do as a young adult. Puts a smile to my face :blush:

Here's what they look like now, in my current design. They've been with me 10+ years:
(Gotta Click to Enlarge)

The backs of my eyelids

Seriously, though, I've always been an avid daydreamer (although I usually do that with my eyes open...). I work on comics constantly by daydreaming; my favorite way to start my day is to lie in bed and daydream for an extra hour or two. And at night, I fall asleep to daydreams (nightdreams?). ^^
When I was younger I had this whole "channel" of stories to watch in my daydreams, complete with eyecatches for commercial breaks. XD A few days ago, I made the decision to introduce my oldest and most precious channel idea to my dA audience, which went pretty well:

Fun fact: I can always tell when I'm falling asleep, because my daydreams start to morph into the most ridiculous, inappropriate, nonsensical garbage. XD It's at that point that I know my dream-brain is taking over...

When I close my eyes.... I see a buncha crazed loonatics, jigaboos, yellow-fever, crackers, whackers, drugs, smugs, canadians, mexicans, A Rapping Will Smith, Filthy Frank, the president of the united states on an eagle presenting his jingoist of jingoism with American Pride, leaves, trees, smackers, babes, backers, attackers, bongers, dongers, explosion, slapstick violence, swords, guns, erosions, nightmare-fuel, friends, dreams, bleems, emulators, wonder, whimsy, action, mimes, minstrel shows, puppets, muppets, the dutch, the french, God, Jesus, spirits, more drugs, epilepsy, flashing lights, hearts, my one-and-only girlfriend, worms, squirms, video games, scrap metal, junkies, hyperspace, star wars, Hellboy being held up by a bug with a pistol, Batman the Animated Series episodes, full episodes of Spongebob, sometimes the entire movie of any of the Toy Stories, Buzz Lightyear fighting a giant slime ball in a trash can, aliens on aliens fighting cowboys, the weird CGI from a Wrinkle in Time, Spy Kids 3-D, edgy jokes, and my cartoon characters acting like complete idiots. And SOMETIMES.... complete new stories and ideas that I sometimes flesh out later even when the idea is thrusting in my face NOW NOW NOW.

I see a lot when I close my eyes, and none of them in the order I listed.

Definitely in the daydreaming category and a pretty decent lucid dreamer. I don't really remember any dreams/daydreams from when i was little but more around the time i'd gotten into certain fandoms.

A LOT of my stories came from dreams or took root in dreams only for me to try and build on them. I'm lucky to be able to still remember them vividly but it helps that I've gotten in the habit of writing ones that stood out down. The ones that stand out most have often been the most jarring in the sense of what transpired but they're always filled with action.

Dreams to me are both incredibly strange but also wonderfully interesting and sometimes kind of amazing

I've never actually been able to see things in my head when I close my eyes - it's like there's this disconnect :confused: I also go through long stretches where I hardly ever dream ( or at least remember my dreams ).

I seem to be living in a dream land. Whether with my eyes closed or wide open, I am not really there with people around me. I just disconnect and plunge into a universe of ideas.

As someone mentioned above, I am a voyeur, following the lives of imaginary people, being inside their head, dissecting them. I imagine them in horrid struggles of life and death, in wonderful moments of passion and love. Imagining their dears, the words they speak. I only live in this world of mine when under coercion.

I guess I am too bored.

I thought this was literal at first, because sometimes when I close my eyes I can see weird geometric, almost pixelated shapes. I think its eyestrain lmao.

I like to picture places I've lived or went to school or spent a lot of time at and just walk through them. They're empty, no people, and perfectly unchanged from the time I remember them being, like a snapshot of a memory I can wander through. I don't have a perfect memory so theres a pretty small limit on these kind of places for me lol

I have really vivid dreams. Sometimes they're so vivid and believable I confuse them for real memories. Sometimes I'll have horrible nightmares and I'll have to call the person in it just to make sure they're okay, or to tell them to be careful about some nonsensical thing. Sometimes I wake up and I forget where I am because I was dreaming somewhere else. @_@ Dreams are weeeiiirrrdddddd