11 / 22
Oct 2020

Generally speaking, yup! Interruptions like that don't break my artistic flow or anything, so taking breaks is fine and I work better when my belly isn't growling the whole time.

That said I've recently experienced a new situation that has me thinking more about trying to eat before getting started: I started up doing some art live streams lately and more than once I've ended up ending a little prematurely because I started getting hungry a little ways in lol. At that point I try to reach a decent stopping point first, but I'm like "man, if I just ate a decent meal beforehand I could have better control over when I want to end :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: "

i bring myself a full on meal. Like making pasta, ordering pizza, or if i'm too lazy, i'll get a bowl of chips. Along with a drink. Usually a big jug of water or a cold soda can.

Depends how hungry I am. If it's just a stomach grumble, I'll carry on until I finish a part, usually 5 to 15 min.
If it is flat out dizzy spell, hot flash, eat now or die, kind of hunger, I better go get food lol

Of course! If you're hungry or need to go to the bathroom, it's a must :smiley: I mean concentration-wise it can be really damaging, and also it can just get you out of your groove :smiley: snacks help though when you just need a bit of refuel, so you don't need to break your working streak :smiley:

I can't concentrate when I'm hungry, so I definitely get up to grab something to eat and/or drink. Gotta have that tea!

I'm only allowed to eat or take a break after I finished the current goal. Yes, I set myself work goals like, I have to clean up half of the panels of the page, or I need to lay down the basic colours on all the characters, etc.

See, I have this tendency of working and forgetting to take breaks. So, I set myself small goals, where I have to stop after completing it and take a 30 minutes break. I also set up a timer, so I don't go over.

Yeah, I openly refuse to eat when i work, or just have a small snack. I usually wake up and start working, which only lasts so long. But sometimes i have to take a break to eat because i get so hungry that i can't focus anymore.

It depends, for me. I’ll either stop for snacks every 30 minutes or so or else I’ll be in a flow state and forget the outside world exists for 4 hours and come out of it starving :joy: :see_no_evil:

Snacking is a good enough excuse to get up and take a break, which is why I only bring in food when I really need to get something done quick.

yes, but if I'm in the zone I totally forget that I'm hungry or thirsty. That doesn't happen as much as it did when I was young, though. I would go a whole day without eating sometimes.

Usually I'm so invested in drawing I don't notice when I'm hungry. :sweat_smile:

i let myself go hungry and suffer :supicious_stache:
jk! Mostly, I'll find something to snack on. If I'm really hungry, then I'll eat a meal. Though, while eating, I'll still be in front of my tasks so I can check it while I'm eating

Depends on how in the zone I am vs how hungry or thirsty I am

Sometimes? If I'm really into something I might not even stop for water since I tend to procrastinate.

It depends. Sometimes I don't eat the whole day because I've been so into drawing. I usually take a break and eat.

No, I don't remember to eat for many hours. I usually only realize I've been feeling hunger pangs after the hypoglycemia kicks in.

I always forget and never eat and usually only remember when someone else in the house asks me if I ate anything today and I realize "Oh yeah, I'm been awake for 12 hours and have not eaten yet."

I have fixed times for everything, breakfast at 7.30 lunch at 12 dinner at 5

only if i remember or if someone reminds me, otherwise I'm more likely to keep working until I get hunger pangs or my arms start aching. I've tried to get in the habit or standing and walking around the house for a couple minutes but it's tough when I'm hyper-focused on what I'm doing