Jean Guillet
San Francisco Bay Area chateaugrief.com
Chateau Grief Comic. I love meeting new people, so by all means, say hello!
Codename Magic Short Story is Live too!
Seriously, I don't know about you,but basically every siingle day I get notifications about random Kakao comics... [image] They keep piling up amongst my works' notifications and when I'm able to see a comment or an ink gift, or anything, the person was buried under tons of princesses, villaines…
You know the worst part? It's really hard to abandon a comic with bigger numbers if it doesn't doing too great, it's hard to accept all those people don't read it. I have never did sub for sub, but my comic got a pretty big following on WT thanks to front page featuring. Except most of subscribers h…
It is a huge pain in the ass, so much so that I do it opposite style now--so I'm starting in scroll format, saving every single panel in a different file, and then putting them together after. Like it does mean I sacrifice a lot of the fun I could've had in page format, but like...I'm probably never…
things that I actually didnt expect to research for Die Instrumente Gottes: - Armenian Genocide (and Armenian history in general) - Stone Age agriculture (focusing on ploughs) - Kenites - Romani history and culture (got surprised for the ammount of caló I use in my colloquial Spanish and I didnt kn…
Aztec ritual sacrifices The stages of a body's decomposition A history of voodoo in the United States The psychology and behavior of a narcissist Undead creatures in various mythologies
My internet history is getting really weird
Finished my entry! Hope you like! [image]
The "dark" retelling angle kills me. There are too many "dark" retellings of fairtales out there.
Here're some of my arts from my webcomic: [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] [image] My series:

i'm so sorry :(( my favorite media is the type that features darker themes like that..... and I want more platforms to offer places for that!!! I was considering doing the censored thing for webtoons, but in the end I decided that the graphic stuff is essential to the story. And it's awful that webt…

Webtoon can be so soft lmaoo. One of my chapter was taken down cause of this: [image] I was just showing the new cover smh
My comic is long (700+ pages) and updates only twice a week, so it's easy for readers to forget something. I always point out important things (with links to relevant pages) in the author's comment below the comic page. My readers say it helps a lot. Also, it doesn't clutter the comic itself and doe…
I'm thinking the same! Working consistently on things I love (i.e. besides work) isn't something I'm good at. But thanks to this I've managed to stick to a more regular routine. Checking out everyone else's works was also fun and eye-opening! Thanks again for hosting this challenge @gabriellabalag…
I also want to say thank you for this challenge! I hope you continue it! It's because of this challenge it gave me the courage to start my comic again. Thanks so much for this challenge. I really appreciated it.
You're so welcome! Yeah, it was kinda nice having a thread that helped developed a daily routine. If I ever do another challenge this year, I'll let you guys know. All the best in your endeavors.
@gabriellabalagna I want to thank you for making this thread, even though I had problems doing what I wanted to focus on here, it was still incredibly useful for me personally and interesting to check on other creators as well even if there won't be a thread like this anymore, I will try to go on a…
I got some script work for Chapter Two done yesterday, so my plan is to continue that today. I reeeeeally need to get that done.
[image] Worked on this today. Not for my comic but for practice. Also added line weight version. [image]
Day 31, the final day of the July Comics Challenge! Thank you guys for doing this challenge with me. ️Everyone is so kind here and I loved following what you worked on all month. Congrats to everyone who participated!
August is too busy for me to continue the challenge, but you are all welcome to…
[image] Changed the flames cause one person told me it looks like hell.
[image] New Banner for my comic Open Flame. Characters to be revealed as the story goes on!
Woah, it's already near the end! Time really flies!!
Spending the last days of July to finish the last episode of this season and add the finishing touches to this month's short animation
There're still a few things left undone, but we managed to hit most of our key targets this month. Next mon…
Hey, no parting ways just yet. Still one more day; July has 31 days!
Yeah, I understand those feels, especially when the most common answer to "what I'm doing isn't working" is to "work harder" when it's like...this is my limit, I am at my limit. The landscape of having to rely on followers and notes completely for work is just a nightmare. I personally don't use my …
Been working on page 54 in the last few days -On July 28th, I did all the backgrounds. Yep, all of them
(I'm still ridiculously proud of myself for that :'D) -Yesterday, I did the character lineart + flats. -Today, I kept working on the shading. There's still plenty of work to do, but I'm gettin…
Wow, it's day 30 of the challenge! Felt like it would never come, but suddenly the end of the challenge is almost here. [image] Today, I finished shading this drawing and threw in an easy background. No idea what I'm gonna do tomorrow though. lol [image]
Day 29 of the July Comics Challenge! I'm losing steam, but I won't let that stop me. Thought I could finish my drawing today, but I'm gonna do the shading tomorrow. (If I forgot to mention, heavily using a photo reference.) [image] [image]
Haven't posted an update in a couple of days cause I usually do it at night and I've been working late on my job and when I'm done I'm so tired I just wanna sleep. BUT I haven't stoped working on the comic at all, here are some more panels I have done: [image][image][image][image][image] The se…