Jean Guillet
San Francisco Bay Area chateaugrief.com
Chateau Grief Comic. I love meeting new people, so by all means, say hello!
Codename Magic Short Story is Live too!
I’m sorry for the rant, but I think this is relevant to this whole discussion of getting your subs up so the algos recognize you. I’m AGAINST recommender algorithms that promote engagement as their primary success metric. I think it’s damaging to us as artists here, but in the broader sense it’s da…
I don't think I've gotten any promotion by staff on tapas. Here's the thing....for me I'm not convinced that promotion would do any good in the long run for my comic. The times I've been promoted on (tapas competitor) sure subs may go up initially, but then they start the endless bleed of people l…
[image] I had a fun update this week so I'm dropping it here. [:sip:] https://tapas.io/episode/2258889
[image] I painted Lake San Antonio near Bradley California this week.
For Xander his most admirable trait is the one that no one in the story believes he's got: restraint. [image] I mean, he does redecorate a little hardcore but that's just interior design.

Yeah I get censored all the time. It sucks. In my case it's always about blood. Webtoons is absurdly encouraging childish phobias about blood and I think that people would do better to be able to look at blood dispassionately if only because one day you might have to stop someone's bleeding until …
[image] I painted Onyx, California this week.
I second this. I have a text description of what went on in each episode in the author's comment under the episodes and it's been overwhelmingly popular among my readers. You'd think it would be redundant but I tried to stop doing it and they all voted it back in. I use it to point out environmen…
This enormous brush set from Adobe itself I've found to have just about everything you could want. It's got a great comic inkers, pencils, a full manga-creation set, landscape brushes for concept art, and special effects brushes. Great place to start and there's thousands of brushes to choose f…
I'm working on my final art redo today: [image] it's been a busy week with commissions and I recovered some books and made a knife handle and worked on putting two honda engines back together and drunk champagne and built up my next few 3d sets and finished my last comic and now I've got to get bac…

interesting... so I'm about average on number of panels and number of balloons, but I use only 1/3 the amount of words. I'm averaging about 6 words per text balloon. interesting.
Well I finished my next oil painting yesterday, which I'm really really happy with. I'm enjoying getting back into traditional media, it's just so intimidating to sit there with a brush in hand thinking 'I could totally ruin this right now by doing the wrong thing'. I ended up finishing it in four…
Restaurant? Restaurant? Mystical restaurant?!!!!!!! 100% I would love to dine at your mystical restaurant! What would be the chef’s recommended dish? (will it open in sequoia natl. park????) I worked on my 3d backgrounds today. Getting a couple things together for the upcoming sets, and fixi…
I made it! Skin of my teeth and posting at like 3 o'clock instead of noon or something but I made it! Finished my comic and my landscape. I posted CG 327 and the continuing drama which I won't link or anything because of ketchup issues. This is so cartoony though, there is no way anyone (tapas com…
[image] getting my flats and coloring done. no psychedelic stuff in this scene so it's going faster. still have to paint some place for this week. i'm thinking sequoia i haven't done those yet. also am making homemade bbq sauce today with habanero and apricot and smoke and will have ribs with i…
well I did do my thumbnails and I got my prelim sketch and backgrounds done but today was [:hype_01:]CABINETS DAY (no.2)[:hype_01:] and I spent all day knee deep in sawdust measuring twice and cutting once and now my kitchen cabinet doors are all painted and installed with hardware and nice hinges …
I've been painting cabinets and reformatting comics for mobile format. Then I've got to do my thumbnails for next few weeks, and that'll take some inspiration and deep thinking. Here's a snip from my mobile formatting from one of my banned episodes on (tapas competitor) [image] [image] now i'…
it's release day for me so here's my comic for the week: https://tapas.io/episode/2228849 [image] and I finished the comic I was supposed to just barely. And I painted my landscpae painting: Morro State Beach [image] and I did a couple reformatting of old comics too and i'm going to do more this…
I have one. I love it. I've been using it full time for 2 years now and it's been very durable. I especially love all the buttons, which I didn't think I'd need at first.
one thing that has helped me in inking is this: after I do my rough sketch, I'll add a second layer of more detailed, yet still messy sketch. As I'm going through and inking, if there's something that's not quite right, I'll switch back to messy sketching for a moment on the lower low opacity layer…
I still have the text to do on this weeks comic, but it's falling into place, then I've got to figure out a California location to paint for tomorrow. And then I have to agonize about having to censor on (tapas competitor) and how and what I'm going to do about all the bbq sauce that got spilled on…
your sneak peek colors are so gorgeous! Amazing warm and sunny, just gorgeous. I vote for you to win the contest. [:heart_03:]
well yesterday was 109F and wouldn't ya know, BOOM! Wildfire! My house doesn't look like it'll be affected, but you never know. The silver lining in the cloud is....the silver lining in the cloud of smoke and ash that's blocking out the sun and lowered the temp 10 degrees overnight. So I'm figuri…
Finished my art redo comic. got it distributed everywhere except the mobile sites. Now I've got to design something both psychedelic and sinister for the next comic on the main line. An evil act is/may be occurring and I've got to have visuals that allow for both something incredibly heartless but…
so yesterday I did relayouts on ep 47, and I started my PENULTIMATE art redraw (out of about a hundred and fifty I'm so so happy to finally be winding down on these) [image] so I have to finish lines on this and then color it today. That'll take most of the day. Yesterday I got to do more work on…
well lets see. Yesterday I finished the week's comic, and I painted my landscape painting: [image] and this morning I did some more re-layouts and pushed forward to episode 46 in mobile format. [image] and now I've got a redraw to do and probably some more re-layouts. Then it's back to the p…
[image] finished the art side of the very late at night comic for the week, mostly. still need to add the text balloons and work up some serious smashing special effects. ugh the special effects are not my thing....why do my characters break so much glass in this comic???? maybe I'll get in a re…
[image] Well I finished my inks, finished my flat colors, and was just getting started on grayscaling when I got distracted and did some oil painting for this or next week's landscape. Mr. Evil makes evil face. @gabriellabalagna. I try to keep my weekly episodes over 12 frames and under 24. …
This pair of bad news dudes [image] This is my fandom. This was the internet. This was the entire genius of a hundred years distilled into one hilarious package. I remain faithfully, a fan. with, you know, razor edges dipped in poison but that's an in joke.
[image] well today was mostly sanding cabinets but I did get to lay out next week's comic and sketch it. 16 frames. eh, that's pretty average for me. messy messy sketch 1 here.