53 / 66
Jan 2021

Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!
Zombi (If you like zombie movies! Kinda gory tho)
Dementia 13
Scooby-Doo & The Witch's Ghost
Scooby-Doo & The Ghoul School

Hmmm, that's it for now on my end!

"Damn prarie dogs" is big over here every time someone trips, lol. You should watch the third one as well - second is worth watching once, but I feel like the first and third are the best.

OMG yes Scooby-Doo!! I loved those movies growing up and would religiously watch the TV shows as well!

For the Doris Day lovers out there, I love Doris Day romcoms: Lover Come Back, Pillowtalk, Glassbottom Boat, Move Over Darling.

I always feel empowered by watching her take charge and "get even" with the men who try to belittle her. In one movie, she leaves her love interest buck naked on a beach because he was conning her and stealing her ideas. Loved it.

The fact that there's no monster films on here makes me sad.

King Kong (1933 I think)
Them (1952 I think)
Gojira (1954)
The beast from 20,000 fathoms

Not monster films but ...
Arsenic and Old Lace
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea Captain Nemo is one of my favorite characters of all time.
A Shot In The Dark
The Pink Panther Strikes Again

I'm probably forgetting some. I love older films.

Can't really say what counts as old these days, but I would recommend, without a shed of irony, the first Die Hard as it's one of the most psychotic action flicks ever made. (And Christmas movie, because it counts dammit!)

Others would include: Apocalypse Now, for being a unique adaptation of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.

Pulp Fiction, because Tarantino is always in season, and finally ...

Xtro: the best B-movie ever made. We're talking toy soldiers coming to life, extraterrestrial abductions, and a kid with telepathic abilities.

Oh man, thinking that some of these film recommendations are considered old now is making me break out in hives!
But some of my favourites are;
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (It's a cheesy musical, but some of the choreography was ground-breaking for that time, especially the barn raising scenes... which are exactly as they sound.)
The Thing
Rosemary's Baby
The Pagemaster
The Poseidon Adventure (Original, not remake)
Warrior King
Oldboy1 (Korean, NOT American)
Let The Right One In1 (The Swedish one NOT American... Also the book is pretty dope too.)

There's about a bazillion more, but I'd be here all day haha!

His Girl Friday was a remake of another older one that had apparently set a record for fast talking... and this movie set out with the sole intention of breaking that record. It's beautiful.

Good Girls Go To Paris (1939) is a great comedy! In that classic, old movie comedy way. A lot of the others I would have named are already here! :joy:

I know right?! My partner always makes fun of me for liking it because I'm not really a fan of musicals, but how can you not like such a classic??

I have watched many of the movies listed above, but I go way back. My absolute favorite movie of all genres is the original The Day The Earth Stood Still. ("Gort. Crack yer knuckles burrito.") My favorite comedy is Father Goose with Carry Grant -- and I must not forget Carry Grant, Katherine Hepburn, and the pet leopard. I always forget the name but there is a very old B&W British comedy about a rich family and their butler who are marooned on a deserted Island. He becomes the leader of the castaways.
I like anything done by Ray Harryhausen. I like THX1138. I watched that one 12 times. I watched Twister 12 times. I watched The Exorcist 12 times. Sorcerer with Roy Schieder was intense. I like all the original Planet of the Apes. Old Charly Heston was pretty cool. Liked him in Ben Hur. Well, I've seen so many I can't remember them all.

I had no idea Peter Falk had a glass eye. One of my favorite roles of his, he literally parodying himself (and Bogart) as a PI in "Murder by Death". Some of the jokes don't hold up but its a great parody of classic detective characters.