Art Amazon
Bay Area twitter.com/ArtAmazon
Hello! I am a comic artist from Sacramento, currently working in the video game industry. “Space Bitch” is my main comic - https://tapas.io/series/SpaceBitch/info
Global Comix - https://globalcomix.com/c/space-bitch
World Anvil - https://www.worldanvil.com/w/space-bitch-naastika
The majority of these incels and femcels are good looking enough that they should be up to their ears in ass. They're lonely because they're shitty people with shitty beliefs. Nothing more. My point is: Incel is a consequence for bad behavior, not a facial feature.
I don't think it's very kind to call these features incel. Incel isn't a compliment, and not every short or physically weak person is an incel
On the left is my art style I had in the 80s. It was influenced by various euro cartoons and comics. Everyone had a giant nose like in Asterix comics. My OC didn´t have eyebrows and didn´t have a chin, the thing on top of his eye is part of his hair. I never sketched anything because I didn´t kn…
In theory I don't have an issue with ML-assisted creation, assuming the whole thing is based on the work of people who consented to having their work used that way. Mostly because ML image generation is pretty much just using software that traced billions of images and then used the data generated f…
I honestly don't think you can "find" your style. It's something you already have. It's the influences and shortcuts you use to portray a certain thing. It changes and evolves as your skill and understanding evolves and grows.
The pressure to get a girlfriend has nothing to do with girls being around or not, it's way more about what kind of friend group you're in and cultural norms. I've seen way more groups of guy friends give eachother crap or marinate in self-deprecation because they feel they're "missing out" on girlf…

[image] like i havent got the spoons to pull up the people i follow but i feel like we're playing in the faces of actual dark skinned folks to say you cant have tones of a certain shade even in simple styles because the same lighting, shade, color excuses being made to ligh…

I think some other people have mentioned it, but references will be very helpful here as theres many ways artist have drawn similar characters over the years. let me know if these match the vibe you're going for, I tried to find artist with similar flats styles [image][image]from nymria on tumblr an…
Im actually interested on what Type of artstyle you feel is underated also... Update: New Freshmen, means more busy than ever, hence why Ive been gone for a while, I cant a sure if comics next week but I asure thell be coming soon Also New Sticky ● Notes COMICS out now on Tapas [image] Art by Bruce …
Lauren Child, best know for her illustrations and inspiring the art style of the show Charlie and Lola. Her style has a very flat paper doll aesthetic with photos and scrap paper being added for detail. [image] Sometimes even pushing the patterns to an extreme. [image] I often feel like newer arti…
How can I draw a lot when I don’t have money for more storage in my tablet Paper! Amazing stuff. You can build whole religions with it. I want to draw something but I’m scared that people will hate my art? People will hate your art even if you're at the top of your game. It's part of the packag…
You will get better with practice. Trust the process. Draw a lot of pages. Learn theory but don´t overload your brain because it leads to overthinking. I restarted at 40, I´m a slow learner, my art looked super embarassing. I didn´t know what a sketch is or anything about the human body, perspec…
I would LOVE fanfics. I would love to see readers interpret characters in their own way, and they'd probably fix a few mistakes I didn't even notice. Anyway, I welcome that stuff.
Anime Storm [image] No, just Storm in general. [image]
Sad if true, but I wouldn't take that tweet to heart completely. No big time artists ever have to talk like that to get traction, I doubt it's true across the board. If I could put a positive spin on this, I'm willing to bet the cause is the opposite of what we think. Maybe the reason Knic's Zeld…
The best thing you can do as an artist is to quit twitter and stop trying to play the nebulous algorithm.
Sorry guys. It is indeed a legitimate project. It certainly isnt intended to cause suspicions or ill-intent. We really are creating a new platform that will be launch in the coming months. We're just contacting active creators right now to offer them some help and get everything ready before we laun…
I like the second one. it's easier to read and I feel like the logo in the first example is a bit distracting from the rest of the image. Nicely done!
I have two distinct styles. They're both very similar but one shifts a little more towards western comics. Main style is 80s and 90s Indie Comics fused with early Dragon Ball Akira Toriyama and a dash of Nordic funny animal comics. [image] The other one leans more into American comic strips lik…
I have quite a lot, but just out of the ones I've posted on IG so far. I think I was largely inspired by comic strips and cute little art doodles comic I've seen people make across the internet for the first. And for the second, old cartoons and probably a good dose of my own insanity. I'm a wei…
And here are some more covers I liked how they came out! This one's very jojo-ish. [image] I really liked how the colors came out on this one. [image] This one looks very relaxing and comfy [image] This one came out bretty cute! [image] And this one's just plain funny! [image] Don't be…
Do you have any interesting covers for your chapters, comics or novels, you wanna show off? Good covers are a treat on and by themselves! don't be shy and post your favorites, and comment on any ones you like! I'll post some of mine to start us off! This one's brand new! [image]
The more the better. Here's a few ideas to get you started. Don't have to do em all of course, just find what works for you. PLACES - Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Tiktok, Reddit, etc. - Belfry Webcomics Index, Wiki Webcomics Fandom, Random Webcomic Generator - Discord - Comic Fury Forum …
Humor is tough because it's so subjective, but also, a lot goes into making a joke or gag land. There has to be build up to the punchline--a set up that gives context. The joke has to be consistent with the character, unless the joke is that it's something out of character, and then you have to make…
I don't have any links but I have personal experience as this is my Forte. You need to paint a picture with what you write, for example, describe a place as if you were standing in it. But make it pretty make it dreary but make dreary be the most beautiful thing in the world to your character. It …
Art is about using your talents and limitations to try and communicate an idea to an audience. A lot of creation occurs in a part of a brain that is non-verbal. The intricacy - and the appeal - is to see how a creator is able to translate that soup of primordial thoughts into a physical creation. "…
This is a troubling post. So much important context is missing from the post that from my perspective it almost seems a troll post, though I can see it coming from a different culture by someone with limited exposure to the broader world and perhaps a younger mind than mine. Abandonment of the CC…
Bro have you seen The Boys? That's not a children's show or comic, they're both even rated for an adult audience. Not every comic has to be for kids, adults like them too, and we should be allowed to have content for our age group. It's the parent's responsibility to regulate what media their chil…
Everyone's already made some great points; I just wanted to point out that trying to jail/punish people for writing/showing/OWNING certain kinds of content just because... ...is already a thing that happens; it's not a hypothetical situation. Book banning is getting popular again in the US righ…
Superhero and any other genre could attract kids, the stuff is allowed in comics because those comics are meant for a specific audience, now, is not the author's responsability if the parents go around leaving stuff in their children's hands without checking the Rating or just leaving their childr…