Ecuador tapas.io/frodobolzon
Do You like cop stories?, Check Out UNDERCOPPER, You don't? well hit me up on my wall
Venezuelan, Graphic Designer, comic artist and scriptwritter, Animator for hobbie, Life has thrown me a lot of shit, and I keep on, that's the only way to survive this world.
Soo just broke with GF so to cope and get some catharsis I'm listening a bit of Melodic Death Metal
Aparently it is, but plese don't post, I might make a new edition in the future.
Oh, I don't do Subs for Subs son, I do coments for coments, only Sub if the comic sparks a light to me xd neither I expect people to sub if my comic isn't their thing. have a nice day and keep up the good work.
Oh shiet, I totally forgot I had this thing open, shamesly I abandoned that comic quite some time ago, I'm sharping my skills before I Jump into it again, But I apreciate your time! I'll read yours for sure!
ppl thanks a lot for your time, excuse me if seems I got a little bit defensive it's like a reaction but take for sure those critiques has been very well received, sparked few questions and made realizations, thanks a lot!
It breaks my heart the poses looked stiff :,C I've been practice like crazy gesture to avoid exactly this same thing. For the shading I've used a dark red in most of the colored illustrations and then change the blending mode to multiply. concerning to faces I'm glad to hear that :DDD, I think t…
I agree with everything you say, and actually I apply the Grisaille in my illustrations (except on that one with the blonde) also I do watch speed paints for exactly that purpose, but I focus more on the painting technique rather than in the colour palettes. Thanks a lot for your time :DDD very a…
[image] HERE! DRAWING!!
well I managed to do the 100 with fair ease, and I would go pencil sketchy all the way too. also... Drawing clothing for me feels Like hanging out with that crush, like ahhhhh, DO WANT umm, this would be really interesting too, but from what source would you take references? or build them …
This one is interesting for sure, nevertheless would be more a creative exccercise than a basics excercise, since would be creating a concept art taking a reference, this one would be very time consuming Both sounds awesome, and wouldn't add scenery since would be focusing in the cars. I actua…
Hola amigacho, Nite aqui, tambien formaba parte de la difunta "Subcultura" te dejo aqui el enlace a undercopper, aunque lo subo solo en ingles xDDD
Hahah, you're right, actually to try to achieve stilization I took the brusshes and ink and did few quck portraits And recomendations/resources and advice on the composition subject are verywelcome, of course one differente from Framed Ink, cause I already got that one xD Went to an art acade…
I do, but my sketches are done in pencil, since I lack the gear to deliver traditional art on the web platform(let's say scanner) wouldn't be an option, to do that, but for practice purpose actually sounds very appealing Very good advice, just today saw a video were they give exactly this same…
Already on that, do little sesions of gesture drawing everyday. Dropped anatomy a while ago cause felt overwhelmed, you can see even thou anatomy and proportions are sloppy there can be sense of notion.
[image] [image] My final goal is to achieve such skills as Davide Gianfelice has, but theres still a lot of practice to do to achieve that!! the issues is, dunno were to start, a thing is to practice a lot, other is to practice smart.
Wow How I dared to forgot Novels, FEEL FREE MY MAN!!! Novels must receive this kind of tough love too!!
Man you making me Blush. Don't have to subscribe xD only do it if you enjoy my stuff. That's my condition to subscribe to a comic if it clicks with me it clicks! I'm checking your stuff RITE NOW! xd
A cop here, a cop there, you'll find cops everywhere!!
I can confirm this, worth reading <3 !
I believe when something is Meta is when a coment or a reaction it's selfaware of the sistem to wich it belongs.
I have Ink locked But I don't care You're such a sweet cinammon roll, too good for this world, we don't deserve you, I wish I was able to meet you in real life And make you feel as special as you actually are!!! Happy brithday bruh/sis/orwhatereveryouidentifyyourselfas.
YOur thing is so facking cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeee, If I was diabetic I would have died!!!, I really enjoyed it <3 I'd like to but not needed xDDm just coments are honestly fine <3, also, already read your thingy thing, pretty interesting ___________________________________________…
midnight flight orchestra is the name of the band, any song from them will do the trick
And read it,very nice art that you have there !! Readed and reviewed little fella! Don't worry!, checked it out, It was kinda heavy to read honestly, even though I managed to read few chapters of the prequel and the other, a pity is not precisely my cup of tea. Keep working on it! and you…
Cause they don't want to die, oh my god such a good plot poitn!
Would be like "you age as long the post has no replies, once someone reply to you recover years from your life" neat
But that's necroposting xD! it's an evilform of witchcraft that's frown upon!
I dig it, I dig it. Be ready for some coments!!! Man you getting into this is a read for sure!! that's the deal, you read mine and I'll read yours. at least few pages. Let me look for the blood of my enemies to write this review then, xD. IMPORTANT ; want the review to be Public or priv…
Done my fella, Oh I forgot to add the only thing seemed a turn off for me, Cover art, the first one was really okay, but the second one wasn't that cool, seemed empty to me and didd not deliver a strong message, at least not to me, overall , great comic, one of the best I've read on tapas so far. …
Dreams are made out of this <3