I said "experience" but what I mean more literally is "write from empathy when possible". There are a lot of things I haven't lived, some thankfully, some less so, but from what I have lived I've got some experience of the thing. I don't know what it's like to flee your country because of war, w…
I'd say first: work out what you're actually scared of. Like you've felt this nebulous scared feeling but you've probably never sought to interrogate it, because it's way easier to realise you're just working yourself up over nothing when you actually think about it. Like, some common examples: "…
The text is very difficult to read. I would recommend putting a gradient so that the white texts does not blend into the highlights. And also line your title with a darker drop shadow. Here's an example of a cover that does that [image]

I don't know, it just feels like the 2024's buzzword for "Political correctness". All and all, I'm in my 30s and I am exhausted. I am sick of online discourse, drama, and social media outrage. I have gotten to a point where I just want to consume a piece of media and just be removed from all of …
I feel like the vertical text is a little hard to read, but horizontal it doesn’t fit very well and leaves a lot of empty space. I think it might be best to go with vertical, but the letters need to be centered in a way that leaves a space around it. In all of the vertical examples the letters are m…
It's definitely an excuse for me! Sure I'm in a happy committed relationship, but it's just super fun to write out things beyond that, especially if there are supernatural or fantastical elements that just don't happen in real life.
Unfortunately art wasn't appreciated even before AI came into play. As someone who's been online in the art world since 2006-ish, there were plenty of art thieves in the time that claimed an artists work as their own because they wanted the credit without doing the work. I feel AI does the sam…
If you mean what size your drawing space should be, the traditional rule is 3x bigger than your final display size. But your issue is composition. You need to treat your word balloons as if they're another character in the shot. Or you can do the webtoon trick of not having them in the panel at…
No, unless the guy has superpowers or something. Beating a hundred of anything is nearly impossible, imagine 100 rats attacking you at once, you’ll lose. Even though you are way stronger than a rat. And the strength difference between you and and a rat is most likely bigger than the difference betwe…
Enshittfication. The act of companies intentionally making their services increasingly worse in the belief it will motivate users to pay a lot for a not shit version. Ex- YouTube. Any airline.
I feel like anime currently has been the most main stream than it ever was. Or at least compared to 15 years ago. There are tons of anime merch and clothes at the store. I remember when I was a teen, it was much harder to find that stuff unless you went to a import shop or a comic book store. Whe…
Honestly I'm kinda tired off the constant stream of sequels, reboots and remakes. Seems that these days all the big studios are interested in, is milking all of their old IP's dry. Hell, Warner Brothers even said Harry Potter and LotR are "underused" properties. Give me new shit please, or adapt…
Noooo not the mean comments but yes, you can’t make everyone happy (and some are not happy, no matter what you do). I would say 99.9999% it’s financially related with the teeny outlier. Very teeny. Non existent. They don’t matter.
I will keep that in mind for myself
I agree. There's a manga I read not too long ago where I enjoyed the sketches after each chapter. It gets me excited to read the next because I was excited to see the next one. The story wasn't great but I like the drawings.

Good Omens is more friends to lovers, they're at most vaguely antagonistic to eachother for a bit. Very much not ennemies.
That's cool backstory, but I wanted to know if they're characters in a comic, and if they are, what they do in the story. Like, who's the protagonist? Who's a villain or a friend or a rival? What role do these characters play in the story? If they're not for a story or a comic or anything, they …
These questions are getting wilder and wilder.
Or if it's a temporary art shift to emphasize a point in a longer comic that usually has more 'normal'-looking art Like, if it's artsy the whole way though for that long, it kind of loses its impact I feel
It is drawn by not the same artist who is drawing the actual comic. It's the worst act of deceiving, so here I stand.
I've heard it said that Luck is the intersection of Preparation and Opportunity (or something like that). Meaning that if the golden opportunity of the Right Person (or algorithm or trend or whatever) actually happens to you, but you're not ready for it in the moment... the magic might not happ…
It's complicated, and I think the problem is this... There IS an element of luck in success in comics. For example, if you'd had the idea to make a gaming comic say 15 years ago, it might have been a hit, but if you made one now, it probably wouldn't be, but there's always a chance that somebody m…
after working on comics for 2 years now, I find any cheats and shortcuts I can lol. I reuse background, trace over my old poses, and straight up copy and paste my panels all day.
there's so many of these new sites popping up that i can't really be bothered to care especially with how little background there is for some of them but the fact that it's not in the EU does sound sus since some of these folks genuinely do not bother with adhering to privacy laws i like how this …
need to hear this sentence to remind myself of my priority. Yeah I mostly do lineart right away but if it’s more than two characters I still need a rough sketch to get the composition right. Thanks a lot
@hakei that looks so gooooood like whoa but it looks not empty because the background doesn…
Honestly, I think some of those things is just... time. I did a lot of competitive team stuff when I was younger, and one of the things you do to improve is watch recordings of your own play, to find mistakes. The problem is - especially when you have less experience - that if you watch the recordin…
Omg. You saved me friend. I didn't know of any of this at all. Thank you so much
Reading this, I got the sense that this guy had an inflated ego and sense of self-worth. Because honestly, he's probably not doing it "alone". Historically, the men who "claim" to do it all by themselves with whatever their field is often live with their parents or with their partner's family since …
Hey! Just wanted to give a tip to creators here on Tapas. Please make sure you include a way for people to contact you. As someone who interviews comic creators on a daily basis it's SUPER important to have an easy way for people to contact you. Some Tips: Leave Twitter DMs Open Provide an Emai…
super duper normal to experience posting anxiety. it's one of those weird things that comes n goes on matter the amount of experience under your belt or how long you've been at something but over time you find ways to adapt and adjust and get better at managing it my solution is basically the same…