

Currently working on MASSTEOR

Oct 24, '19
Last Post
Mar 6, '20
Jun 9, '20
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I kinda liked the old design too, it was much easier for me just look up designs of my previous characters by scrolling through the chapters when i didn't know exactly what chapter i introduced the character. Not really what you asked for, but anyway now it's TIME TO ADVERTISE MY COMIC. Mobile vers…

What I meant is you say it in the creators comment that way your readers know. But also keep it running there and posting your website in comments or have an extra page with website info

Can't you just create a website and have ads there and tell your readers you would really appreciate if they would visit your website instead, because webtoons doesn't take you into their ad program

I think ads are hard sell for comics, unless it so highly targeted that you reach intended audience. But even then you are probably competing with comic ads by major publishers and they will have higher reach and spend more money on it.

[image] Did a new thumbnail for my comic

there's audience for anything, you just have to find it. if you look at the books there are people who do very niche specific things and make a nice living out of it. most people just assume you need a lot of people to like your thing, but in truth some of these people like it because it touches s…

It depends, if it falls on the floor and i know my floors are clean i have no problem picking it up, because the same bacteria theoretically could be on your table as well and you put food from there to your mouth without second thought. on the other hand places people walk with their shoes on and a…

statistics are located on your dashboard a little up where your series name is next to series category there are lkike three butttons the middle one is stats. can't remember about patreon, but go to your account and scroll down a little there should be something like link your patreon and you just…

Can one person really make something trend? I would assume it's not so simple otherwise everyone can create a second account and spam his her own work

I actually get this ear blood thing all the time, i always have had problems with water, it always gets inside my ear easily. and when using q tips right after a bath my ear is so warm and smooth and the q tip just goes too far. and then i'm fucked. also i think the blood may not be from going too f…

There's soo much you could do: analyse stories, look at other peoples art and see if there's something you can put into your own, study composition, of course doodling helps, you can do anatomy practices etc.

I started drawing when i was couple of months away from 26, not having drawn before(only in school art classes) currently couple of months away from 30. I mean it's a struggle, but if you feel this is something you were made for then the only choice is to do it.

I think the only reason you should consider having multiple patreon accounts is if one of your series is for +18 audience, because then you need to check adult checkbox and it will apply to your full patreon page. Oh forgot to mention, not sure if patron still has this, but there are options you c…

I have an ending in my mind, mostly because then i know what i can and can't do in my comic, but that doesn't mean it's my final ending. Maybe along the line a better idea comes and then i'll change it.

I use webtoons dimensions to post everywhere, so i don't have to export images in different size to post on tapas

Nah I didn't mean you or anyone else in the thread i just meant it as a joke

Is this secret promote your own comic thread? If it is -then... I don't know who this lacoticus fellow is, but his comic Massassage is pretty good.

Last thing I drew was the last page of my comic, if you don't count the rough stage i'm currently working on the next chapter [image]

I think your problem is that you think there is somekind of magical tag that will give you followers, but there isn't. First I doubt there are many people who use the tag system in twitter to see what's new. I assume most people who use tags to search on twitter only look for what's hot and what's …

I'll just leave this here, it's long time agoi saw it so can't remember if he does pencils there too, but based on title i think so

It's not only that. some people have lot of followers on twitter instagram etc, but haven't drawn webcomics before and when they start the comic they can bring their fans to here too

What my story will become, is what keeps bringing me back. I have thought many times about quitting and i'm only 7 chapters in, it's quite time consuming to draw comics, but i know what i want to achieve with my story so i must continue.

Probably uniqueness, mostly because first chapters usually tend to be boring. it's when characters get into conflict, the story starts to matter

I'm nearing my thirties hope I can post in this thread. Will be 30 in march. Started drawing comics because felt i couldn't draw without a purpose anymore

Oh sorry didn't read the title correctly, deleted it

Are you really sure you want one? I tried standing desk for drawing and did not like it all for drawing