You can see a lot of people here uncomfortable with your post. That is because everyone feels like you. BUT, we try not too. We know that the moment we say stuff out loud like that... it's over. It's a bad spot to be in. So all we do (if we really like doing comics) is to blindly keep going and say …

It's not that I hate making comics, it's that this industry feels toxic. It shouldn't be as bad as it is. There's rising table costs for conventions and more of a focus on pop culture instead of comics. Most people that go to conventions buy only fan art of whatever is popular or pay insane amounts …

Thanks for catching that! Padding's probably the smart way to go.

I am one of your subs that stumbled upon DOADB, and totally fell in love with it. I get what you're doing and I promote it whenever I get a chance. I try to promote everything I am reading actually! ^^^ I agree with this and being a reader to DOADB, I know what you intend to do with the characte…

I did not know this thank you for mentioning that.

I didn't say that. There are plenty of SAI-users who make great comics. It's just that I personally, when I make serious attempts at comics, use Manga Studio.

I've been mulling the question of promotion in the back of my mind a bit, and I think as we have this looseknit group with several different styles represented, it might be advantageous to create a promotional comic in a round robin format. Bear with me here. I was reading this thread, and I star…

I understand that Tapastic's demographics (authors/artists and readers) is pretty young, but I was wondering if there are adults and/or younger people (18+) who enjoy adult stories, too. By "adult" I don't mean porn: I'm talking about stories (like mine) aimed at adults. It'd be nice to create/join …

This, absolutely. When you get down to it, being passionate about your work isn't merit for people to flock to it. It helps a lot, yes, but it doesn't set you apart in a sea of passionate comic creators. The belief that a comic's popularity should be based on the artist's passion and drive is only…

I'm always amused when people figure out that readers are just that, readers. They are not artists, they are not part of a 'community', they don't care if you're passionate about your project and how life changing your art journey has been. People read comics to read comics. They don't come over to…

Yes, but promotion works best when it is delivered to a receptive audience. Over-promoting and spamming your comic has the reverse effect of people avoiding it because it's constantly shoved in their faces at unwanted times.

I agree with feeling uncomfortable making jokes at others' expense here, and I definitely agree with @elixiadragmire that laughing at people for misstepping isn't as harmless as it might've been intended. But at the same time, I feel like this general sentiment of "hey, people who want their comic…

Yeah, I agree that it's annoying and can come off as being desperate. It's good to put effort into promoting your work, but there's a time and a place for that kind of stuff. If you can work your comic into a discussion where it makes sense or contributes to the conversation (like, using it as an…

For me at least, it's one of the most off putting things in comic forums, the thinly veiled attempts at promoting comics. I'm cool when people come up and say 'Hey, I'm new here and this is my comic'. No problem there. I've even found some of my regular reads that way, but when it's 'casually' menti…

Mostly open topics in a thinly veiled attempt to promote our comics and answer topics in a thinly veiled attempt to promote our comics. Do that, and you'll fit right in!

As an older cartoonist who doesn't like seeing younger artists work for spec, I have an idea that might work out better for everyone than just blindly asking for sample pages. Would you be willing to look at samples of people's previous comic work and then move on to the sample page after you've dis…

dang I love ur stuff!! they are awesome!

Like I do with most font topics that pop up, I'm really going to have to recommend anything on Their licence for free fonts is ideal and works for webcomics If you are an independent/small press comic creator, you may use Blambot free fonts in your comic book project--eve…

Oh hell yeah i totes agree lol. I wish tapastic had the option of automatically redirecting the readers to the later pages like comicfury tbh xD

[image] A 95% done panel for next weeks page of Neon Rabbit. Worked on this page all day ^o^

Honestly, I don't know if anyone else feels the same, but I feel it's something that needs to be said, as I've seen your work many times in the past and it's not just a background that can make people not want to follow your work. Your drawings look a lot like stock photos. Like someone has previ…

Mmm. I see it like sexuality. Being creative was never a choice, but it was present before I was old enough to realise it. Now I'm just an adult trying to figure out how to be happy.

One of my professors answered this way: "Why do we create? ...because it hurts not to." I think that's my favourite answer.

@somvi =.= I don't know if you already use Medibang or if you took the trouble to look but thank you so much!

There are already sites for this So It's kinda pointless.

Hey, great questions. First, I figure the first 10-15 pages would be good for a pitch for a story of this length, and in order to introduce the principle characters. Second, I think I'm holding off on making decisions about cover art and promotion until later. Like you say, definitely important…

We agree 100%. Back before we entered the publishing business we shared an opinion similar to @TomSawyer. The thought was if not for an anime/manga series being available for free through unlicensed and illegal means, then there is no way for it to build a following. "It may be piracy but its …

Ahhhh rats, I've seen that panel too but I don't remember the name of the comic either.... the languages looked something like this though: [image] other thoughts-- I know @keii4ii uses different-coloured/styled balloons in Heart of Keol to represent different languages, which is a pretty in…

I’ve been developing a script for an urban/modern fantasy series and I’m looking for an artist. I’ve got someone available for inks and I might want to tap a colorist down the line, but for the purposes of this post I’m seeking (at the bare minimum) someone who is interested in doing pencilwork. Es…

This is a fantastic call for collaboration. Your writing seems solid, you're transparent about the project, you're willing to pay artists for their work. One thing that I think might help increase the number of eyeballs reaching this thread is to ask artists to reply to this thread with some samples…