It's pretty easy to submit but it takes them several months to process and approve your first comic. After that first hurdle, the approval process is much faster for subsequent titles. Worthwhile? I dunno, I actually submit more for the publishing credit than anything related to sales or readersh…
I just found this gem about fascist hippies using water conservation to play batman and robin: Yep, it sounds crazy but you... you'll understand when you get there hah. I also just read your comic and I love your lewd sense of humor XD.
I like the overall design but you might want to shift that title down slightly or add some padding. It's likely to get cut off like in this thread:
Get a blog on (self hosted is slightly different) and make sure you tag your posts/categories with relevant keywords. If done right they show up in this thing called the wordpress reader which people use to search for content. If you spam too many tags you actually get penalized and yo…
PS for layout/roughs Clip Studio for final artwork Illustrator for letters If it needs to be in a book/PDF then I compile all the pages in InDesign Most of it can be done in clip but it's easier to break things up like this when working in a team. Sometimes I'll work in clip but export a file in …
I would say a self contained story around 8 comic pages scripted is enough to judge writing skill. It shows you are able to self-edit and write with economy to fit all the important parts in without cramming the pages with excessive panels. If you're looking for a long term collaborator, try cutting…
For something completely free I'd sign up at (note that this is quite different from The commenting system is built in with social media integration as well. The only issue is that the templates and customization are limited so your site could end up looking like…
Hey this is me @somnivision, nice to meet you! I work in print and support indie comics.
Welp, you always put a little warning: "ok guys the lettering on the next section will suck ass. So, go here to cop my new mixtape" then just link them over. Either way, they'll at least know you acknowledge the issue and want to save their eyes haha..
If the art was really shitty I would nope out pretty quick. I'd give you a free pass because of the art quality but would have much higher expectations in later pages. However, new readers are likely to have the wrong impression and just move on right away. Personally I think it's worth redoing…
I've used it previously for illustration on my desktop and I still use it for roughing comic pages and thumbs on an ipad mini when I'm mobile. However, I'd caution against working on larger files or many layers as the program will crash pretty easily on tablet hardware.
Anti aliasing option works on the brush. Bottom of brush panel-> more... button-> new panel opens with a switch that controls this setting. For existing lines, you can try is apply a gaussian blur to smooth the lines (it's in the layers panel). Then redraw the parts that are excessively blurry.…
I like the first sample as it seems the most polished out of all of them. I'd keep the outlines on the balloons as it matches your art style better. As you can see, the ones without are getting lost in the gutters so it can appear to be unfinished or sloppy.
@shazzbaa This is the exact one - I saw it on twitter first but I can't seem to find it. Thanks for drawing it up! @El_Psy_Congroo is the panel I was talking about, I believe it was French, Italian and Spanish all mixed in one conversation. Breakout text is anything that "breaks" the regular bal…
I've seen it handled once by keeping the dialogue in english but the name of the language in breakout text at the bottom of the bubble. There were 3 people in the panel speaking diff languages to each other but it was quick and easy to follow without having to scan the gutters, look back at the pane…
I'd like to say that this post is well done and your project plan seems pretty solid so far. Also, some basic questions that may benefit other potential applicants: how many pages do you need for the pitch? are you also in need of cover art or promotional artwork? (These are nice-to-haves fo…
... and thought to myself "I can make this shit" so I didn't buy it. Instead, I went home to get my art supplies...
Basically I use one main psd for the layout and a psd for each panel. They're all linked together in the layout so the number of actual layers seem excessively high but it makes reformatting and tweaking the page much easier. Conceptually it's more like 10 - 12 for roughs, lines, shading, effects, e…
When overwatch was hype, I drew dis for a request: [image] I don't even play this game but my inner weeb felt it was time to shine so, you know...
I took a risk on a collab for a short pitch knowing that it might not make it into the anthology. I brought some issues up with the writer to increase our chances of getting in but, they were shuffled aside. Still, I liked the script enough to complete the comic and it was submitted - well what do y…
Set up a live stream and get them to watch you draw and ask questions while you work. Kind of similar to the way you learned except more interactive. You can do exercises and demos from different art books and show them your own approach as well so they can see a variety of techniques. If anyth…
5:38 AM reviewing cover designs with the writer
[CAN] Is there a short list of indie print publishers worth looking at in 2016? More specifically for North America but I'd like to hear about UK publishers as well.
(I'm piggybacking off this question )
A good collab is really hard to find... As an illustrator I tend to look for writers that already have a clear pitch and a workable script. I feel these starting blocks need to be in place or we would just end up derping around in circles and never reach production. If I'm understanding your pos…
For the nth time It's barely noticeable but if I absolutely had to pick, I'd go with #4. The blue everywhere helps harmonize the palette but I'd check the entire page as well. Might end up looking really blue by comparison...
This is quite verbose but some artists may appreciate the open ended script format. Here are some industry examples that are more structured I feel most things are in place but to reach more artists, I'd suggest putting your story in a s…
If you want to help out with the production side of things, you could try learning lettering - which is low impact in most cases but at the same time, bad lettering can easily ruin a comic. Learning self-publishing tools like indesign, acrobat, etc. can also come in handy when it comes time to print…
Picarto has a little vid to help you get set up: Twitch also has a help page for OBS: (most decent streaming sites have detailed setup tutorials in their help section) You can stream to youtub…
Thanks for updating this but some of the newer links are messed up. (Yours included)
Hi there, I stream my art over at: I usually play music and chat with peeps while I work. Lately they've been about 4-8 hours especially when I multi over at Picarto: If you guys haven't tried streaming, I recommend it even if you thi…