8 / 19
Dec 2021

Alright everyone, it's officially December which means it's that time of year again. Art Summaries! (Why do I do these so early? So you guys have them on your minds and because I have an entire month of 6 day 12 hour shifts for xmas, I have no time in December).

You guys know the rules by now, but if you do, it's simple: pick your favourite piece of art from each month, throw them in a summary template (you can build one yourself or just search for art summary templates to find ones free to use) and throw them up for us all to see. As always I use my fanart rather than my original art (because that's why my followers on social media want to see)

You can find the template I use HERE4 and, as always, a link to last years thread to see how far we've come this year.

  • created

    Dec '21
  • last reply

    Jan '22
  • 18


  • 1.5k


  • 14


  • 62


  • 2


So fast! :smile:

Though i'm lazy at drawing art other than my comic series, but this year I've been keeping a goal of making at least 1 color artpiece every month. So i'll revisit this thread soon~

Haha basically i have no time in December so whatever I finish past 00.01 on Dec 1st is my Dec piece.

Little bump for you guys, we're getting into December now. How's everyone doing?

I make the art summary when it is like 31 December or something XD

14 days later

Nearly Christmas. How's everyone doing with their art for the year?

Nearly 2022. Was 2021 so awful barely wants to look back at it?

I have wayyy too much art I did this year to do a summary. As it is every year with me. It's not that I want to forget 2021, I just don't have time to look through my archives of art lol

This was a very busy and eventful year for me, and there were multiple months when I did no, or very little, art. But somehow i still managed to make some art i'm rather proud of :cry_swag: I hope in 2022 I will have more energy and more time to draw...

Ah, final art piece's done just in time.

As promised last year: All color pieces each month. That's really all for this year-- with a few other pieces not included here. I don't call myself artist i just don't have that mindset wanting to make different illustrations. I only want to draw my story, references and maybe some extras.

I will loosen up coloring on 2022-- to draw more linearts for concepts pieces/ sketches.

2022 art sumary goal: i can draw b&w/color art pieces, but will have to draw at least 2 of them each month.

1 month later

closed Jan 31, '22

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