258 / 488
Jun 2016

Granted but it's so hot that the ice cream melts instantly and falls to the ground.

I wish I had one delicious sandwich. (Gonna keep wishing for the same thing XD)

Granted, but that ONE sandwich was so delicious that after eating it your taste buds changed and no other kind of food could ever satisfy them anymore. Even your used to be favorite foods taste like dirt in your mouth.

I wish I can learn any other language in 1 night.

Granted. You learn Cthulhu speech, which drives you insane.

I wish I was a llama in a great big llama world.

granted you can run and be free as a lama......until hunting season!

I wish our planet had a better name Earth just sounds like mud!

You obtain cat after cat after cat, and then you become addicted to cat and catnip causing you to go to rehab and they are unable to fix you. You go insane and all your cats die.

I wish I could even.

13 days later

Granted, but now people are running around and cursing everyone.

I wish this thread would never die! >:D

You get Millions of replies every day and you never have any time to respond to them.

I wish pokemon sun and moon has pixelated sections.

Sure, they're one pixel. Just imagine it!

I wish there was less sand in my door mat....

There is no longer any sand in the world along with glass.

I wish I was immune to bleach

You become immune to bleach, but now common soap has the chemical effect on your body that bleach usually has.

I wish that I could kill bugs with just a glance.

granted ,but over use of your new power kills all the bugs and the first stage of the food chain resulting in the death of all life!

i wish for flying shoes

Your shoes start to fly but you have no control and they carry you away.

I wish for more GB

14 days later

Your senpai notices you, but she notices you when you are failing at sports and judges you immensely.

I wish prequel would update more.

Granted. Prequel updates everyday with instagram photos of what the creator ate for breakfast.

I wish I had a tiny dinosaur.

The tiny dinosaur slowly eats away at you bit by bit every second of your life, and you can't stop it.

I wish for a corrupted wish

Granted. The wish corrupts your hard drive

I wish I could stop sneezing so much.