31 / 38
Jan 2021

Sometimes I think that I re-read fav books even more than read any new book :thinking:

YES!!! I re-read novels quite often actually.

The Iron Fey Series I read as a middle school / Highschool student and I re read them as an adult. The second time I read it was much like the first actually. I understood and appreciated it the same.

A more complex series I re-read constantly is Throne of Glass by Sara J Maas. That one, every time I re-read it I notice more foreshadowing that I missed, or another connection in the plot that I did not notice the first time around.

I get periods were I just want to re-read books I've already read because I miss the characters or the story or just the general vibe of the series.
Howl's Moving Castle is my favourite novel, and I've read it probably at least five times. I also enjoy re-reading Rick Riordan's books.

That is my go to book for when I feel like crying! The ending devastates me every time and that vivid imagery the author used during the scene in the middle with the neighbor kid and the axe has stuck in my mind from the moment I first read the book!

I reread The Magicians Trilogy a couple times. I'll probably reread the entire Stormlight Archive at some point.

Rarely, but when I do I am always amazed at all those little clever details that hint for the upcoming twist that I would have never noticed in my first read

I have lots of weird reading quirks, but obsessively re-reading my favs is a big one. I'm glad I'm not the only one that does it! They're typically really easy reads (young adult fantasy is my bread and butter), but once I start at one, it turns into a re-reading domino effect. XD

I don't know why certain books are more pleasurable to reread than others, but it is weirdly satisfying and comforting to re-read particular books/series. It also can get in the way of finishing or starting other things, tho, which is annoying.

I re-read The Annotated Mona Lisa a few times! It was for studying purposes, but it's a great book all the same.

I love rereading!! There’s the comfort and familiarity of it (apparently that’s something our minds desire when we’re extra stressed – knowing how a story is going to end, even if we’ve forgotten a lot of the specifics) but I almost always pick up on various things I hadn’t caught the first time around. There’s foreshadowing that clicks easier. There’s lines that resonate differently depending on what’s going on in life. And characters sit with you differently as you grow and change. Some that may have seemed unlikeable the first read through might actually make sense the second time through or vice-versa.

So, I guess I like seeing all the things I’ve forgotten, catching new things, and kind of seeing how I’ve grown from rereading.

I reread Small Gods by Terry Pratchett every year or so. Some other Discworld books too. It's just kind of comforting to go back to a story you already know and enjoy.

Calculus :cry:
Such a literary masterpiece for portraying so much dread and terror in human mind.

Oh yeah I reread books a lot, especially as a kid. I can't tell you how many times I re-read books by Road Dhal (loved Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) and re-read the Catwings series--shoutouts to Catwings. And then, once Harry Potter came out, I re-read that series so much I still remember exactly where in what book certain lines are from. Terry Pratchett is another author I re-read several times a year, because he had so many books it's kind of impossible to memorize them. Same with Douglas Addams--Hitchhiker's guide had several different versions, and so you can pick and choose which you want to read. Agatha Christie books are a good read to have in your bag, too (even when you know the murderer, I love Hercule Poirot)

I re-read classics a lot, too, like Shakespeare, the Odyssey, stuff that I feel like I'm starting to forget. I like to revisit Jane Austen quite often because Persuasion is the best. Also, the last book I re-read was Hunchback of Notre Dame, which is my favorite book so I like coming back to that one. Just a master of words.

I feel like when I read through them again, it helps me analyze the way they formed stories and the way they used words--it's really helpful in wanting to be a better writer.

I have re read Miss Peregrines home for peculiar children. It's nice to experience the same enjoyment. It's also pretty hard to start a new book.

Italo Calvino's "Nonexistent Knight" is the book I had re-read 6 times in two days, without never stopping, and I loved it so much I also watched the old movie based on it.
Also "Human" by Tommaso Percivale was one I re-read 3 times in different occasions.

I re-read books all the time! I've read good omens about 10 times at this point...

When i was young, yes, constantly. Nowadays, no, I have so much reading on my plate that I just can't

I don't reread fiction. I do reread comics sometimes though.

If I liked the book, I reread it some times later. I think it gives me some sort of "the knowing one" reading experience. And I recognice things I missed in the first read.

Harry Potter though... The first book I reread, no joke! 11 times! But back then I had to wait reeealy long for the new books to arrive so everytime a new one appeared, I basically did go through everything again ^^'