I'm in my late 20s now but I originally started working on Zenchav when I was in high school. The main character then was a super old ageless character and that's more or less the norm for the story now, lol! I did use more teenager aged characters as subsidiary characters then compared to now since the main story was centered around a school. The school is still in the story (which is a large part of my second comic Zenchav Out of Order) but I think the way in which it is used reflects that I'm older since I focus more on the teachers and parental characters than the younger ones. I do still enjoy writing teenagers though and I feel pretty comfortable making them protagonists still, as I have in other stories of mine.
I'm 19, and my main comic protags are 10-11 years old, with one 14 year old. anyone older than that is a side character.
most stories i've written in the past featured characters younger than 13, mostly because i've always enjoyed writing child protagonists and the only books that interested me when i was little were about kids my age. you can have them facing danger or being introspective, and their lack of experience/autonomy can affect how they view the setting or the plot's events. i'm still hesitant about writing in-depth adult characters as protagonists, since i dont have the life experience myself.
but i do write short stories about teenagers around my age, and my more recent characters having been getting older; some of the stories i want to write in the future aren't well-suited to be led by children. .... plus it's probably socially unacceptable for an adult like me to be so invested in making fictional children as miserable as possible. :B
I'm nearing my 20s, and like everyone mentioned here, people usually write characters with similar ages or at least near their own age range. Personally , I like writing characters near my age group because I feel like I can make them more fleshed out since I'd be more or less aware of the kind of issues and troubles they may or may not deal with.
I used to like making teenage characters for my comics , but then given the setting of a lot of my stories, having a bunch of teens as the central characters sometimes makes it feel implausible.
My character's ages are :
Laine : 23
Altair: 28
Mira: 27
Heike: 36
They're pretty much around their early 20s to early 40s. With the main character perhaps being the youngest in the cast. Oddly enough, my characters are waaaaaaaayyyyy older than I am. orz
I'm 26 years old here all the main characters ages. I tend to write protagonists from the mid teens to mid twenties because that is generally my target audience. I started making comics when I 17 years old however, my art was horrendous until I was 22.
Seishin Patona1 (action, adventure, fantasy) Zethero is 19, Aureen is 18, Zamel is 25, Kaligus is 30
In The Midst (drama, romance, slice of life) Sikaru is 16 going on 17(has a birthday in the story) Amilia is 15 going on 16 (also has a birthday coming up) Elvos is 17
I'm a youngster, 19 years old.
When I first got serious about writing my own stories (right around age 11), all my 11-year-old friends were writing stories about 16 and 18 year olds. I read their stories and thought, "well gosh, these characters don't act like any 18 year olds I know", so I made a rule that my characters could only be my age or max three years older. I finally dissolved the rule a few years later, but I would bet you money that well over half of my characters are in between the ages of 12 and 15. Even 16 and 17 year old characters are kind of few and far between for me, ha.
That said, in my practice comic the main cast consists of people aged 15, 27, 33, 35, 53, and 58. That's probably the most diverse age group in any of my stories, ha. I have another couple of comics on the stove, most of which have casts in the 12-16 or 16-20 age range.
I'm 30 and my characters in Silversong are:
Tebetha - 18
Garfric - 62 ... (Erren years 27ish)
Bowen - 21
Sebastian - 23
Socha - ???
There are a lot of other characters to that greatly stretch this age gap too, like Teb's folks Silvie is ??? and Torrian is 53, not to mention a folk turning up on chapter 3 thats roughly 70
I'm 24 and my characters in Cosmic Fish have ages that vary really, especially since none of them are human, but the comic still focuses on the aspect of growing up and how society or your own perception can change you for better or worse, so most are young adults (or late teens)
Acantha - starts off around 18 or so.
Krazzle - he's 53, although in his species years it's a little less in our perception, a little over a decade? -waving motion-
Gallo - He's about 24 too
Characters for later
Bavel - She's 23
Hessa - 12
Ramus - 16
Schnell - 72
For the guardians it doesn't really count and it's not because they're immortal but mostly because once they die, they're reset. So age doesn't matter to them but i guess I'll say Bells is about 60 since the last reset, more or less. The other guardians: Syias (48), Meynia (89), Fanud (135), Ciante (41), Dehra (114)
(They die a lot, people just don't notice)
The Vapors is set in college so all of the characters are college-age; the main characters are freshmen so they're both 18.
At the moment I don't plan to bring parents or teachers or siblings or anyone outside of college-age into the story; I kind of like the idea of the college setting as this weirdly insular little community of young people that exists separately from the "real world".
Edit: Also, I'm 27
Most of my characters in my comic Life of an Aspie1 are teenagers in their first year of high school putting them all in the 15-16 age range. The main protagonist's grandma who works at the school she attends is part of the Baby Boomer Generation putting her age in about the mid 60's.
I totally relate to this as well because when I was like 15-18 years old my character line up ages from 11-16 then when I got into college my character lineup was like 20-21. I'm currently 24 and my main character, The Angel with Black Wings is around 27 and Silver is around 29 (in terms of looks though. Their real age is way older than what they physically look like.) Ray on the other hand, is 15 because it's required in the story.
I think over the course of time my preferences change. Back then I was really fond of school life and would like to create a detailed story about highschool and love stories but when I got older I prefer more serious stories that deals about emotional and real life struggles.
Hey! I'm 20 years old, but I started my romance comic Alone when I was a few months shy of my 19th birthday. As for my two main characters, Sarah is 32 and Jack is 37.
Ah, never thought about the connection until now! There was another thread asking creator/readers age, which was great seeing who is participating here. Reading others responses on this thread, I see that creators tend to write within their age group (stick to what you know)-- to an extent. As we go through life -- observing and living-- our first hand experience tends to shape our characters.
I'm 33. Started thinking about these characters when I was 31.
The Pale1 (drama, crime, supernatural)
Some of the main Characters in Issue/Chapter 1 are:
Sheriff Logan 40, Agent Ink 33, Dawn 26, Eddie 25, Harold is in his 40's, Luca 27
Creating the age ranges is a different story, but certain life events and time had to pass by to get to a particular age for Agent Ink... it just happened to place him at my age.
Very fun thread!
We're both recently 22 years old! Our characters:
Prince Deryn is 8 years old, Esther is 10 years old, and Poppy is 6 years old!
I think statistically most characters tend to be aged at 15-30ish years. People usually find this the "ripe most relate-able storytelling age". Not that you can't write characters beyond those ages, but that's the "safe zone" for most writers.
I guess it's only natural to make most characters similar to our own age because that is the age we are most familiar with, can relate to, and can represent the best.
However, since In Our Shadow features characters who are evolved animals with far shorter lifespans than humans, my characters range between two and four years old... with one exception of a 46 year old ^^
Generally speaking though, I have twenty-something characters because those I can relate to, and can be the most versatile in situations XD